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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you belong to my invisible Kingdom? For I taught that the Kingdom of God comes not with observation. You don’t have to chase down rumors of my appearance. For my Kingdom is within you. It is not visible to those outside it, but it surrounds everyone. So you and the person beside you can experience a different reality in the same situation. That which is visible is temporal and will pass away. That which is unseen is eternal and will endure forever. Yet it is not unseen for those in the Kingdom. I promised that if you seek you will find. If you seek those things which are above you will see them. 

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sins of others?

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that all unrighteousness is sin. If you think you have enough of your own to worry about you are right. If the evil of the day is sufficient thereof without worrying about tomorrow, then so is everyone’s own sin without worrying about the sins of others. Yet have you noticed that people have an insatiable desire for this? Sins of prominent people are called scandals and these are reported far and wide in great detail by reporters who know what their audiences want. On a more local level it is called gossip. I have called you to judge yourself with the promise and positive purpose that you should not be judged. What is the purpose for an interest in the sins of others?

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pray? Do you come to me when you need something, and come with a list of petitions to present? If you do so and you get what you want, then you say that your prayers have been answered. If it doesn’t happen, then do you patiently continue to pray, or assume that the answer is ‘no’ or ‘later’? But prayer can consist of more than petition. You can come and spend time with me even if you don’t ask for anything. This too is prayer. How will you know when it is answered? I will give you things you didn’t ask for, that you didn’t know you needed. I will reveal to you the mysteries of my Kingdom. I will transform you into my likeness. 

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zero sum?

Dale Cresap's picture

Most games are zero-sum games in which an advantage for one side is a disadvantage for the other side in exact proportion. This is to say that it all adds up to nothing. Do you see theology as a zero-sum game? For there are different schools of theology that appear to be in conflict. If one side makes a point to gain the advantage, does it come as a cost to the other side? This implies a conflict, a winner, and a loser. It doesn’t have to be this way. Both sides may have different perspectives of a greater unified truth. You can learn from those who disagree with you. Theology is not a game, and it doesn’t add up to nothing. 

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faith & knowledge

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that you are saved by grace through faith, and your conversion can occur in a moment of belief. You are not saved by works, but my word also teaches you that faith without works is dead. In like manner faith without knowledge is dead. You don’t have to pass a test to be saved, but when you have received salvation you should want to know more about the basis of your faith. I promised to send the Comforter who is the Spirit of Truth to teach you and lead you into all truth. This doesn’t happen in an instant. It takes time and curiosity on your part. But if you continue in my word you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. 

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What to do?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that you can predict the actions of other people? If you know someone really well, you may have a good guess as to how they would act in a given situation, but people are full of surprises. They may resent your overconfidence in predicting what they would do, especially if you are wrong. Have you heard believers pose the question, what would Jesus do? This is a good question since I have called you to follow me. How do you go about getting a good answer? This doesn’t need to be a mystery. If you inquire of me I will show you rather than leaving you to figure it out on your own. 

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When I presided over the last supper with my disciples I told them that whenever they should eat this bread or drink of this cup, to do it in remembrance of me. This has become a sacrament of the church that you refer to as communion or the Eucharist. It takes a variety of forms, but the common purpose behind them should be recognized as an observance of remembrance. You may not partake of this sacrament frequently, but you don’t need to limit your times of remembrance to it. Look for anything that puts you in remembrance of me and be eager to take part in these opportunities for they are beneficial for you. Do everything in remembrance of me.

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right reasons

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been corrected by someone who told you that you were better than that; you were not the sort of person to engage in that sin? This motivation may prompt you to better behavior, but beware of doing the right thing for the wrong reason. You should avoid sin, but this line of reasoning tells you to give up some sin in exchange for the greater sin of pride and conceit. Your adversary will always encourage you to make this trade, for pride is more subtle, deeply embedded, and damaging than other sins. If you do the right thing for the right reason, you will end up better off rather than worse. 

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Whose authority?

Dale Cresap's picture

You have an enormous amount of knowledge available to you. The vast majority of it you accept on authority rather than first-hand observation. This is a tremendous advantage in that you can learn about people you have not met, places you have not been, and subjects for which you did not do or duplicate the original investigation. This expands your knowledge nearly without limit, but it does raise an additional question. On whose authority? What is the quality of your sources? Be as wise as a serpent in considering the validity of the information you accept that changes your view of the world and the way you live. 

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