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Discover the “Unfair” Advantage of 5-Fold Counsel


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of life in terms of win-lose or win-win? Your economy is regarded as a zero sum game, and buyers and sellers negotiate over price. An advantage for one becomes a disadvantage for the other, and each one tries to gain every advantage for himself. Does this view of reality lead to an ideal situation for everyone? The economy of my Kingdom runs on a different principle. It is not a zero sum game. In fact, the solutions that are the best overall for everyone involved are the best for each individual involved. Does this seem impossible to you? If you ask me for the godly wisdom it requires I will give it to you. 

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brothers and sisters

Dale Cresap's picture

In some churches the members refer to each other as brother and sister. This reflects a spiritual reality, for the members of one body are also the members of one family. So more important than using these terms as titles is the conduct it calls for. How well did you get along with your brothers and sisters while you were growing up? This may not be something to emulate in your church. My word says it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. Whether you use the terms brother and sister in church or not, you should relate to them also as friends for whom you would lay down your life. 

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SPIRITUAL WARFARE (PART THREE)!! The 101 best ways to fight the dark enemy

Mark Holloway's picture

The 101 best ways to fight the dark enemy – listen to me, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen – and then 95 times more – listen to me. It’s the only way to win.

God you want to talk more about spiritual warfare don’t you?

I do.

Are you sure? It’s a bit of a morbid conversation God. Won’t people just get sick of this topic?

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever felt rejection from others? Who is not in a position to know firsthand how painful this is? In addition to the rejection you feel just from human existence you may experience rejection from people because you are faithful to me. Have you rejected other people? Is there anyone who would say you have? You have no control over the actions of others, and they are free to reject you, but you are not free to reject them in return. This may seem like an unfair burden, but I have called you to be the children of your Father in heaven, and he does not reject anyone, so you should not either. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I called some fishermen to come and follow me, promising that I would make them fishers of men. You understand that I was talking about evangelism and since this call applies to you as well you can learn from this illustration. Fishing requires patience. You must be diligent, but trying too hard can drive away what you are trying to attract. When you are fishing you care whether it is you or the person next to you who catches a fish, but this should not apply to evangelism. Don’t beat the water with your fishing pole or present the gospel in such a way that it ruins the waters for those around you. 

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spirit knowing

Dale Cresap's picture

My disciple who reclined with me at dinner later said that he once knew me by the flesh but now knew me by the spirit. There were witnesses to my life on earth and he was one of them. Have you ever wished that you had been too, or heard your fellow believers make this lament? Compare and contrast knowing by the flesh and knowing by the spirit. The apostle who experienced both would not hesitate to say that knowing by the spirit was better. Do not live with regret that you were not able to know me in the flesh, for the better part is as available to you as it was to John.

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prayer for leaders

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to pray for those in authority over you, particularly in the realm of government. Do you find the values of those in power to be different from your own? Remember that this passage was written in a time when there was no expectation at all that the leaders would be Christians or share the values of those who believed. Are you less likely to pray for an unbelieving president? By what logic? Shouldn’t this condition make you more willing to pray for a leader? My commandment applies in both cases and you can trust me to make your prayers effective regardless of the circumstances. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

You are a spiritual being and yet you experience this as a human. Touch is a basic human need and some feel it more acutely than others, but infants cannot survive without it. I invite you into relationship with me, yet I am a spirit and those who worship me do so in spirit and in truth, for I seek those who will. Does this leave you feeling detached? Yet you use the word ‘touch’ in a larger sense, as being touched by a performance or anything emotionally engaging. My followers refer to being touched by me as more than a figure of speech. Come taste and see that I am good and receive a touch from me. 

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One Baptism

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider your primary denominational affiliation to be the church in which you were baptized? This is fairly normal since baptism is a sacrament common to all Christians, and it is normally performed soon after salvation. Do you understand that you were not baptized into that church but rather into the Body of Christ as a whole? For my word teaches that there is one body and one faith and one baptism. If for any reason you should leave one church and join another, it isn’t necessary for you to be baptized again. Even though this event happens locally it is an expression of a global concept, and those who perform it should make this clear. 

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gifts of age

Dale Cresap's picture

You live in a culture of youth that admires the beauty and physical prowess of the young. Entire industries are built and millions spent to avoid even the appearance of advancing age. Yet nature will not be denied and this too is part of my design that I declared to be good from the very first. Do you associate wisdom with age? Acquiring wisdom as the years advance is not guaranteed, but it is possible. Do you think that wisdom is as highly valued as youth? No wise person wishes he was younger. You can’t turn back the clock, and it is an expression of wisdom to know that you shouldn’t want to. Learn to value the gifts of your current condition. It took a lifetime to acquire them.

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