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sacred secrets

Dale Cresap's picture

You consider the Bible to be a sacred text and you are right. Is there any other sacred information? If someone approaches you for ministry or as a friend and confides in you their darkest secrets in confidence you should treat this as sacred information. Not in the same sense as scripture, but it would be a violation to share it freely. Even if you hold it in confidence it is possible to handle it badly. It is also a violation to treat it casually or with judgment or contempt. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. You can be an agent of healing and restoration if you treat people’s secrets with love, respect, and empathy

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behind the scenes

Dale Cresap's picture

You live in a world in which much can be accomplished by the push of a button or the flip of a switch. Modern gadgets are designed for ease of use. Yet there is much going on behind the scenes when you use a cell phone or a computer even if you are not aware of it, and it all has to work to function properly. You live in a material world, but also in a spiritual one. You can’t see the spiritual world but there is also much going on behind the scenes there that has a direct influence on your life. Your phone works whether you understand the operating principles or not, but you benefit from seeking discernment of the spiritual world you live in.

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experimental results?

Dale Cresap's picture

What are you discovering in your experiment of praying for people you encounter? Is it difficult to establish this as a new habit? Are you concerned that you don’t know the needs of the people you meet? I know what they need, and this is a case in which you can do no harm. Even if your prayer is off the mark it won’t hurt. Have you seen any results in the people you pray for? If you engage in this activity it will increase your awareness of those around you, and your awareness of me and how I am always present to intervene and pour out blessings on those who need them. Perhaps the first result you see will be in yourself. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I told Peter that Satan desired to sift him like wheat, but that I prayed for him that his faith would not fail. This sifting is a metaphor but it is not a process that anyone would desire or choose. Yet I did not tell Peter that I would prevent it from happening. This is a pertinent story because Peter was not the only one that Satan wanted to sift. He wants to sift you too. Have you ever felt it happen to you? I will pray for you as much as I did for Peter. This process brings forth beneficial changes so I told Peter that when he was converted to strengthen his brethren and you will be able to do the same thing.

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no compromise

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of compromise as an ugly word? It suggests the giving up of something you desire in order that an agreement can be reached. In the ordinary give and take, zero sum game approach to life it is the only way to move ahead. But there is a higher way of viewing things in which you move up to a transcendent perspective. I tried to move my audiences away from the us-versus-them mentality and into this higher plane. Consider my responses. Render unto Caesar, he who is without sin cast the first stone, neither did this man sin or his parents that he was born blind. I still do this. Ask of me and I will show you. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Is it easy to tell when someone is favored more than you are? If your brother or sister was the favorite child you have a keen awareness of this. In like manner you see doors open without effort for very attractive people and you have to push them open yourself. Yet those who have favored status are not as aware of it. The favored child and the very attractive person think their special treatment is normal and the way the world should work. Do you know that you have favored status yourself? For I send rain and sun on the just and on the unjust, and open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. You have favored status with me. Are you aware of it?

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conflicting goals?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever worked at an organization that had conflicting goals, such as, we value creativity, innovation, and originality, and failure is not an option? Perhaps you have felt the tension of this inconsistency by imposing it on yourself. The second goal would lead you to seek the most conventional, proven, and accepted solutions, which are not consistent with the first goal. Since you serve me your goal is obedience, but the first goal above does take greater faith to execute. I have called you to follow where I lead and often it will be in unfamiliar territory. The Holy Spirit is with you. Do what I tell you and leave the question of success or failure to me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider yourself to be wealthy? You live in an affluent, consumer-oriented culture. Money is on everyone’s mind and you are aware of where people stand according to their wealth or lack of it. Yet there are things you can’t put a price on. How could you value your friendships and the intangibles that give more meaning to life than material things? If you could put a price on them wouldn’t it be more than your material assets? Could you afford to buy them if you did? Yet you have them. So perhaps you are wealthier than you realize. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and lay up your treasure in heaven. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I am coming back. You have my word on that. My word gives some clues as to what to look for, and people have taken these and built highly detailed scenarios about how it will happen. None of them are correct. Many have even set dates and suffered the embarrassment of watching them come and go. The problem is that if you can imagine it and articulate it, then it is too small. I created the world in a week and I have had all the time since then to stage my triumphal return. It will be the ultimate event, full of redemption and love. You will finally know the meaning of the word ‘awesome’. Stay tuned. 

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crisis friends

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of fair-weather friends? Perhaps you have heard that in times of crisis you find out who your friends are, and have experienced this first hand. Many friendships revolve around a common interest and do not grow into genuine love. People change and grow, and if the friendship isn’t built with enough flexibility to allow this it will wither and die. Weak friendships are only built for pleasant times but real friends will see you through a crisis and it is valuable to know who they are. I called my devout followers friends rather than servants and this applies to you too. Do you understand that I will see you through any crisis and change?

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