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love your neighbor

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to love your enemies. It also teaches you to love your neighbor. Which of these do you think is harder? It is normal to think it would be harder to love your enemies, but you know who your enemies are, and the issues you have with them. Do you know who your neighbors are? You can be open to conviction when your enemies come to mind, but how do you overcome indifference and apathy toward your neighbors if you don’t know who they are? Inertia can be a greater obstacle than opposition. Go out into the highways and byways to encounter your neighbors and let my light shine through you to compel them to come into my Kingdom. 

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Body Temple

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your body as a burden and a hindrance to your spirituality? This has been a common false view for centuries, that spirit is disembodied pure transcendent essence, and the body is vulgar, base and vile. This is not Christian thinking. Do you remember that in the fullness of time I came as a man, in the flesh, and that I had no form or comeliness that men should desire me? If a body was good enough for me it is for you too. Is your view of yourself in need of redemption? Make peace with your body. Realize that it is not your enemy, that you may have an integrated view of your whole being, and serve me with joy in the temple I have given you. 

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shook up?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been shook up? When your internal equilibrium is disturbed you find it unsettling and seek to resolve this situation. I promised that all things would be shaken only those things that could not be shaken would remain. Did you assume that this referred to a time of cataclysm in the distant future? I tell you that it can happen on an individual scale at any time. You may consider this similar to being sifted like wheat in the process of trying your faith. You can expect this to happen to you but it doesn’t have to be traumatic. Think of it as a way of learning that only I cannot be shaken. 

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foul weather God?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have any fair-weather friends? This uncomplimentary term refers to friends who are only with you in good times. Conversely, how many people do you know that only have a foul-weather God? How many people pay no attention to me until they see suffering and injustice and wonder how I could permit it? I will grant you that these are difficult questions, but not all people are perplexed by them. If you want to understand don’t be so selective in seeking me. Those who walk with me and seek me constantly in good times and bad are not distraught and confused in difficulties because they know the comfort of my presence in them. 

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hit bottom?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever fallen in a spiritual sense? This can happen in various degrees, and my word refers to those who stumble but do not fall. Yet those recovering from addictions will describe themselves as falling and hitting bottom. They have reached the end of their resources and can go no further. This was not an experience they sought, but it was a turning point and the beginning of their recovery. In Biblical terms hitting bottom could be compared to my reference to those who fall upon this stone. Those who do so will certainly be broken, but it is a brokenness that leads to eternal life. Have you hit bottom?

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sturdy faith

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have unanswered questions about your faith? What about unquestioned answers? I invite you to prove all things and hold fast that which is good. The answers that other people give you about your faith questions may be correct, but even so it is not the same as engaging with the questions yourself. I invite you to seek, ask, and knock and promise that you will have the answers you seek. This is better than letting someone else take your faith journey in your place. In some traditions the asking of difficult questions is discouraged, but you don’t get this from me. The truth is robust and sturdy and will hold up under scrutiny. 

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I said BEWARE!

Mark Holloway's picture

God what are you wanting to talk about this morning?

That you CAN hear me clearly.

Even though I think I can’t??


Ok then God, if I can hear you so well, what’s all this interference about? It seems like there’s been a lot of it from the dark side lately, it makes it really difficult to hear you God. I could whack him sometimes, his constant chatter is incredibly frustrating!

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Judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Salvation is a central concept in your faith. You are to receive it and to declare it to others. Yet you are not to say even in your heart, who shall ascend into heaven and who shall descend into hell. It is important, but you are not to presume to make this determination that only I can make. How then are you to occupy your mind and your time? You are to do and to teach all that I have commanded you. You are to declare the good news of the gospel to every creature. You are to let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me. Do this and let me make the determinations only I can make. 

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belief and faith

Dale Cresap's picture

Faith and belief are central concepts in the Christian faith. Do you think of them as the same thing? They are related, but there is a difference. Belief is the beginning of your faith. Belief is assent and affirmation of key principles and can be done in a moment as an event. You count this as a salvation event and rightly so, even as Abraham believed God and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness. Faith is the fruit that grows from the seed of belief. Faith is more substantial, even as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Let your belief grow into the deep trust of faith. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I told a parable of old and new wineskins. You may remember that the story ended better for the new wineskins than the old ones. I was referring to the coming changes in worship that the old structure would not accommodate. Yet this is an ongoing principle. Do you desire growth in your church? Are you so committed to established traditions that you are standing in the way of the progress you desire? There have been many forms and structures of worship throughout the ages. Not all of them are suitable for you although you should hesitate to say which are right and which are wrong. You should be led by my Spirit when it is time to change and move on. 

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