Mark Virkler's blog

Leading Children into God’s Presence - Introducing Our Newest Blogger!

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I am thrilled to be able to introduce Karen Barnes, who I met this summer at a “Counseled By God” seminar at Hunter's Point Celebration Center in Lebanon, Tennessee. She has a wonderful ministry of introducing children to encounters with the Holy Spirit called "Fire for the Nations." Karen is ready to share with you the methods, strategies, and stories of success she is having as she ministers with children around the world. You can even send your kids on ministry trips with Karen as she releases the power of the Holy Spirit through children worldwide.

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Wasn't it ALL Done at the Cross?

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Question: I had a question posed to me that I couldn't answer and I would like to get your take on it. A friend recently asked, “Why doesn't the new birth absolve generational sins and curses in a person's life when they come to Jesus? How can they continue when we have been forgiven of all and purchased with a price? Why wouldn't the blood of Jesus cleanse us of that?" That's a fair question and coming from someone who is, as Tommy Tenney would say, a God-chaser. I know that she was sincere and trying to understand. Can you help me with this? I have seen generational sins broken and people set free from them. I just don't know how to answer this one aspect of the subject.  Keith Stone, Dayton Ohio

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What's More Important Than Bible Study?

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The following two-way journaling is from Pamela Jones, a Christian Leadership University student, completing the Communion With God course on a graduate level. It is so powerful to hear God speak to all of us His passionate desires for our lives. I thought it was Bible Study. He says it is being in His Presence. Lord, teach us to walk in Your presence!

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Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

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The following information is quoted directly from here. I think it is important to deal with reality and not with political hype.

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it.

  • The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures
  • This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996
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Teaming Up for Deliverance: A Prophet & Teacher Minister Together

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The audio recording below is an example of a prophet and a teacher teaming up to effectively and easily minister deliverance to a young man named Caleb. Jesus sent the disciples out in teams of two to minister, and Acts 13:1 specifically mentions prophets and teachers. So I believe that when I (as a teacher), team up and minister with a prophet, the ministry time is much more effective and quicker than when I try to minister alone.

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My Family Is Now My Number One Ministry

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From Pastor Lackson Banda, South Africa – For the first two years of my older children’s lives I was an absent father due to ministry work. I have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. The first one is son 11 years, the second girl 8 years and the 3rd is boy 4 years old. They all have different personalities. Each one provides their own specific challenges to my wife and me.

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