Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - tears?

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My word states that I wept at the tomb of Lazarus. Much has been made of this short verse, and this is an expression of a strong emotional response. Yet tears are not always an expression of pain or sorrow. Have you ever wept for joy at moving experiences that were not painful? I criticized my generation as children who would not dance for a cheerful tune or mourn for a sad one. This was in the context of John and myself, but the greater principle is that there are occasions that call for a response. Do you avoid shedding tears for any reason? What does it take to move you to tears?

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daily word - in your head?

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Are you familiar with the idea of being ‘in your head’? Deep thinkers are prone to this and it doesn’t always work in their favor. This approach to life can leave you disconnected from and unaware of your surroundings. It is possible to be absent in body or mind or spirit but this results in diminished presence and experience of life. Movement requires balance and it can help you lead a balanced life by integrating your body, mind, and spirit. Have you ever taken a walk to clear your mind, and found this to be helpful? This can enable you to practice the sacrament of the present moment.

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daily word - failed revolutions

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Do you know why revolutions fail? It is easy to see problems in society and not very difficult to come up with solutions but this isn’t enough. It isn’t enough to have awareness and understanding of needed changes. Too many revolutionaries wrest power from others to wield it themselves, with the latter state being worse than the first. It isn’t enough to have the answer. You need to be the answer. What is more revolutionary than the gospel message of love that I have committed to you? For this revolution to succeed you need more than knowing the message.

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daily word - pearls and swine

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Are you familiar with the Biblical advice not to cast your pearls before swine? Do you find this disturbing? What does it mean? As much as this is obvious in the most literal reading, is it clear to you that the swine refers to people? There are some things in your life that are not for general publication. It is wise to be selective with whom you share certain things for there are those who can and will use them against you as much as they can. Do you see your shortcomings and failures as pearls? In the right hands they can be agents for healing.

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daily word - open the door

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Have you ever held a door open for someone else or had them do this for you? This is about the smallest possible gesture of social grace, but it comes in larger versions. Have you ever been in a group of people and been the first to take the risk to be vulnerable and share your weaknesses or shortcomings? What usually happens as a result? Doesn’t this open the door for others to do the same thing? This allows everyone to take part in a discussion that goes deeper than the superficial and artificial? Haven’t you found such encounters to be healing for you?

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daily word - disorganized religion

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Have you heard people raise objections to ‘organized religion’? Presumably they are referring to churches and structure and programs, although some churches are more organized than others. In order to be a valid distinction the term organized religion implies that there must be such a thing as disorganized religion. What would this consist of? Perhaps it would consist of everything in your life that occurs outside of church – an everyday life of integrity and character, generosity and kindness. Can you rate one of these things as being more important than the other? Both are important.

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daily word - face to face

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In ancient times direct communication was the only means possible. Now you have the ability for remote communication by telephone, text, and other methods. These are an immediate and convenient way to communicate across great distances, but who would argue that texting is equal to face-to-face? Given that, how do you rate  the quality of your communications with me? I spoke to Moses face-to-face as a man speaks to his friend. Would you describe your own experience of me as seeing in a glass darkly?

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daily word - buying ideas

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Have you ever heard in regard to a story or proposition that someone ‘bought it’ or ‘didn’t buy it’? You know what was meant by this, and you also know that no money changed hands. Yet this monetary metaphor is widely used to describe the acceptance or rejection of an idea. This is consistent with the concept of being invested in an idea. In a parallel to monetary investments, the ideas you are invested in are a form of wealth. You are careful in how you spend your money, and look for value. You should do the same thing with the ideas you accept. Lay up your treasure in heaven.

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daily word - risk?

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Are you afraid of vulnerability? This requires a lowering of your defenses and the risk of attack. If you initiate contact with a stranger seeking friendship you run the risk that you will be rejected. Rejection and attack may not be quite the same things, but both are painful. Yet someone has to make the first move, and take the associated risk. If you refuse to do so you remain in a defended state. Is this more secure? Yet refusing to take the risk defends you against positive outcomes as well. You can’t lose if you don’t play the game, but you can’t win either.

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daily word - pray for your enemies

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Do you pray for your friends? What about people you know who have departed from the faith and made bad choices? Do you think they are getting what they deserve, and reaping what they have sown? Do you pray for my favor and blessing upon them? Remember that I still love them, and that I loved you while you were yet a sinner. Invoking me on their behalf is a time for mercy and compassion rather than judgment. Wounds are painful and require healing even if they are self-inflicted. Do you remember that I make the sun shine and the rain fall on the just and on the unjust?

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