Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - you in charge?

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Do you have strong feelings about public policy? Do you think the world would be a better place if you ran it? Be careful. Every tyrant thought the same thing. You have respect for the power of fire and of electricity and of machinery and moving parts, knowing that they can be harmful as well as beneficial. Are you an expert in the safe operation of these things? Do you have the same respect for political power, or power over others? This is an even greater peril and subject to even more abuse. You should hesitate to think that you would do a better job than those currently in power.

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daily word - empathy?

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Do you understand the importance of empathy? Have you ever heard the enraged story of an angry person and become furious yourself as a result? Did you think of this as empathy? Was it beneficial for the person telling the story? You can empathize with an angry person but you don’t do it by becoming angry yourself. You don’t minister to a furious person by validating their fury, but you can empathize with their pain. A soft answer turns away wrath. Have you applied this principle toward those who are directing anger at you?

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daily word - sharing pain?

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Have you had people share with you their stories of great heartache and loss? How do you respond? One approach is to share your own story as an expression of empathy, but be very careful in how you go about this. What is your motive in sharing? Is it to identify with the other person in the solidarity of suffering or is it to tell a better story and shift the focus to your own pain? This leads to an escalating game of ‘Can You Top This?’. There are times to be meek and humble and remain silent about your own pain, or to present it in such a way that it gives life and comfort to others.

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daily word - Who is steering?

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Have you ever gone on a trip with someone else driving? You may not have known where you were, but were you really lost if the person steering knew where they were going? This effect is even more pronounced for air travel or for a ship at sea. Can you see the parallel to your spiritual journey through life? You do not know what tomorrow will bring, or even today. Do you find it reassuring to know that the one who is ‘steering your ship’ knows the right course? I know what dangers lie ahead. I know what has to be done now to prepare for what will come.

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daily word - categories

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Do you tend to categorize the people you meet? In a negative sense this is called stereotyping, but who can resist the temptation to simplify the task of matching people with identities? For some there are obvious visual indications, but do you like having an identity assigned to you based on your appearance? Is it an improvement to take a more detailed and complex view that results in more categories? What about moving in another direction and further simplifying the task? If you could reduce the process to a single category to include everyone what would it be? How about child of God?

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daily word - Freedom

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Do you appreciate your freedom? What do you use it for? Someone without freedom has no agency for action, but one who has it must decide how to apply it. You can use your freedom for the benefit of yourself and others, or you can do things that are destructive to yourself and others. You could spend all your effort indulging yourself and being indifferent to others. Is it worse to have no freedom to act or to use your freedom to act badly? It was I who gave you a free will, so liberty is inherent in your being. Did I take a risk in doing this?

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daily word - friends and lovers

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Do you see a difference between friends and lovers? There is a strong distinction between these things in popular culture. Do you consider lovers to be more intimate than friends? But I said greater love had no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. In this statement I describe the magnitude of intensity that is available to those who love as friends. So what is the difference? Romantic love is possessive and exclusive. Friendship love is non-possessive. Can there be confusion in romantic love about whether they want what is best for themselves or best for their partner?

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daily word - intense desire?

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Have you ever had an intense desire for something with the expectation that it would fulfill your life? Have you ever obtained anything that you desired so greatly? Did it have the effect you expected or were you disappointed that it was less than you thought it would be? What lesson did you learn from this? Did you project your great expectations onto something else? Do you have such expectations now? Or did you scale back your expectations having learned that nothing in this world provides ultimate satisfaction?

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daily word - humble honor

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Have you ever been honored? Have you ever been humbled? Have you ever had both experiences at the same time? How can this be? For these are nearly exact opposites. To be honored is to be elevated and to be humbled is to be brought low. If you think that you are not deserving of the recognition given to you then you can feel humbled at being honored. Do you see this as a Kingdom principle? What is the highest honor you could receive? Isn’t it to hear me say, well done thou good and faithful servant? And what is the appropriate reply? We are unprofitable servants who have only done our duty.

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daily word - Be Ready

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Do you set up opportunities to have encounters with people about me? How successful are you in doing this? I am a better stage manager, director, and choreographer than you are. Have you ever missed an opportunity that was presented to you? You never know when they will occur so you need to be ready all the time. It is not wrong to create opportunities with intent but they may be more effective if they don’t appear to be staged. Be awake, alert, and ready for you do not know when your master will return.

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