Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - source of meaning?

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What do you think of as  the source of meaning for all things? The natural tendency of people is to use themselves as a reference point. This results in a self-centered viewpoint, and makes the individual the measure of meaning of all things. Another term for this is narcissism. You know this is undesirable so what is the alternative? Are you prepared to accept that I create meaning for all things, including you? This perspective invites you to step aside as the center and the measure. It is the only way to see things as they really are.

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daily word - young and old

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Do you consider the very young and the very old to be a part of the labor force? They are not thought of as participants in your economy of commerce. They are not even considered as holding an important office in most churches. Yet they perform an essential function in the economy of my Kingdom. Everyone has presence even if they don’t have a position or a title. Have you found that presence can be stronger in those who do not have credentials? Are you discerning enough to realize that you have been influenced by the presence of children and the elderly even if they didn’t “do anything”?

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daily word - agent of transformation

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Are you familiar with the teaching that a student is not greater than his master? This is not some obscure point of revelation; it should be obvious to a casual observer regardless of their level of spiritual discernment. I was referring to myself as the teacher but since the principled is universal it also applies when you are the teacher. Are you able to help others progress beyond your own level of spiritual formation? Do you see transformation as the goal of your own spiritual development? I told Peter to strengthen his brethren when he was converted.

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daily word - do anything?

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Have you heard it said that you can become anything you want? This is a common statement to school children, but it isn’t true even though people are very flexible and adaptable. Have you noticed that the frequency of this statement diminishes with age, and that those who continue to say it well into adulthood only seem to be fooling themselves? Even I didn’t claim to be able to do everything but at the end I said that I had completed the work which the Father had given me to do. Do you live with such a sense of destiny? For the Father has given you a lifetime assignment as well.

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daily word - positive

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Atheists cannot make an affirmative case for their position. Can you make an affirmative case for yours? Do you agree that it is better to be more sure of what you favor than what you oppose? Yet how many churches put more effort into criticizing what is wrong with other faith traditions than in practicing what is right with theirs? Have you seen this even between denominations generally regarded as Christian? I said  that all men would know that you are my disciples by the love you have one for another. I do not expect you to embrace error.

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daily word - nonverbal

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Have you heard that the Spirit makes intercession for you with groanings too deep to be uttered? Have you heard that most communication is non-verbal? How great is your own experience and practice of this? Have you ever shared space and presence with someone in an encounter in which words were not necessary; in fact they would have interfered? Yet the encounter and interaction and exchange were real. I said that my sheep hear my voice, yet I am not limited to words in the way I communicate.

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daily word - bring it on!

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Are you familiar with the story of the importunate widow? Do you think of your faith as based on a relationship of love with me? Yet there is no basis of love in this story. The widow got what she wanted by persistence, and the story emphasizes that the unjust judge was not moved by compassion or even justice. So what do you do with this? How do you fit it into a consistent and coherent faith narrative that you can follow? Importunity is not a very commonly used word anymore. A more familiar modern term in audacity.

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daily word - credit for whom?

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Do you believe in giving credit where credit is due? Have you been a believer long enough to have a testimony of me? Do you have stories of my loving and faithful interventions in your life? How do you come across in your stories? Most people sound pretty good in theirs. Do your stories present you as being full of faith and power or are they more about my goodness and faithfulness? I told you to let your light shine before men that I may be glorified. Do you have to tell people that this is the point of the story, or is it obvious from the content of the story that it is about me?

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daily word - finish the job?

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I promised that I would come back and you can count on it. What is your attitude towards my return? Are you eager for me to appear? There is Biblical support and encouragement for loving my appearing. But Paul was conflicted on this issue. He had a desire to depart and be with me, but realized that other people were depending on him to do important work here on earth. He decided that it was better for him to remain for this reason and in so doing was following my example. Do you feel the same tension within yourself?

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daily word - true friends

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Have you ever heard someone in the midst of a difficult situation say, at times like these you find out who your friends are? This is the other side of the coin to the idea of fair weather friends. The concept in both cases is that true friends will stay with you during difficult times. Who would welcome hardships? Yet in this age of social media and the casual friendships it produces the knowledge of who you can count on in distress is valuable. Have you found that these few are of more value to you than the many who are superficial?

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