daily word - smart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to be smarter? Intelligence is highly rated in your culture, and people are admired just for being smart. But intelligence is a fairly stable measure, while maturity and wisdom are not. Do you see a lack of intelligence as a major hindrance in the people around you? Wouldn’t you say that they are held back more by fear, bias, and a lack of comprehension of the shape of reality than by a lack of reasoning ability? These are things that you can change, or can be changed in you if you accept the process.

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daily word - smart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to be smarter? Intelligence is highly rated in your culture, and people are admired just for being smart. But intelligence is a fairly stable measure, while maturity and wisdom are not. Do you see a lack of intelligence as a major hindrance in the people around you? Wouldn’t you say that they are held back more by fear, bias, and a lack of comprehension of the shape of reality than by a lack of reasoning ability? These are things that you can change, or can be changed in you if you accept the process.

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daily word - secretary

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Do you see yourself as my secretary? A good secretary can make appointments for the boss, and a good boss will honor them. A good secretary knows the schedule of the boss, and who is eligible for an appointment and should be scheduled, and who should not. One view of evangelism is an effort to convince people of the truth of doctrine. Another is to lead people into their own encounter with me. Have you tried both approaches? Which have you found to be more effective? I have an opening for a good secretary. If you make appointments for me I will keep them. 

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daily word - bottom line?

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Have you heard people refer to ‘the bottom line’? This is obviously a reference to money, and it implies that the final monetary value is the most important measure. The metaphor is so common usage that it is used in situations that are not strictly financial, but the financial basis of it still remains. The Bible speaks much about money because it is so important to people and reveals their true values. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Beware of the love of money. You cannot serve God and mammon. What other types of treasure are there?

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daily word - best church?

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Is your church better than others? Does this question put you in a quandary? To claim that it is true sounds arrogant and presumptuous. Yet who would want to attend a second best church? Have you been to a church that made claims to being the best, even if subtle and well-disguised? Have you ever been to a church that didn’t? You need a distinctive to attract members, but this is a case to make carefully since the Bible teaches about one faith, one baptism, and one Body of Christ. So is one church better than others? This is too large a question.

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daily word - popular?

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Do you want to be popular? Who doesn’t? What is more popular than being popular? You crave human contact, and beyond that, human acceptance and approval. This is comforting and reassuring. Yet I said that the path that leads to life is strait and narrow, and few there be that find it. You are to lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow me. This will never be popular. Beyond that, you can expect persecution and be hated of all men for my sake. Does this put you in a dilemma where you have to make a difficult choice?

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daily word - effect of time

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Have you ever heard someone downplay the significance of a proposed action saying that a year from now it won’t matter, or 10 years, or 100 years, or more? This is illogical thinking. If you are the captain of a boat and you make a change in course it will have little immediate effect on your position, but the more time that passes on the new course, the further you are from where you would have been otherwise. Do you understand that you own actions are the same way, that they have effects that extend into the future?

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daily word - where is it?

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my followers that if they seek, they would find, and told them to seek first the Kingdom of God. These apply to you as well. So where do you look for the Kingdom of God? The conventional understanding is that heaven is up and hell is down, but these are more geometric than spiritual concepts. They may speak to transcendence, but are they helpful in the real, imminent world you live in? Fortunately I have given you more guidance in saying that the Kingdom of God is within you. It doesn’t get any closer than that. Are you able to find the Kingdom of God if you look there?

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daily word - light of the world

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you think of as the light of the world? Does this phrase make you think of me? The Bible makes this statement, but in the same Bible I make the statement that you are the light of the world. Do you find this confusing? Could both be true? If so, consider what a strong statement this is. The same Bible tells you to let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me, so this is an important concept. Have you given deliberate thought as to what your light consists of, and taken intentional action to let it shine?

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daily word - boring?

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Have you ever been bored? Do you find certain people to be boring? That makes it easy to put the burden on them, but is that justified? Everyone you meet is fearfully and wonderfully made. They are all made in my image. Even the simplest person is incredibly complex, and has a unique story to tell. If you think that is boring, perhaps it isn’t them. Perhaps it is you. Are you fully invested and engaged with them? Do they understand this in a way that draws their story out of them? You could try this as an experiment.

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