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daily word - Encounter God

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you read about the encounters that Moses and Jacob and other bible characters had with me and wished that you could have one of your own? You can, and this is what I want for you.  Do you assume that it has to be dramatic? Yet Elijah encountered some dramatic events in which I was not present, but I spoke to him in a still small voice. I will do the same for you. Do you assume that an encounter with me is a one-time event? Similar arguments apply. My dealings in your life have a cumulative effect. You would not be able to bear it all at once.

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daily word - dreams come true?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard the phrase, a dream come true? This is a common phrase. Have you ever heard it used in a negative sense? It is used to describe the fulfillment of the desires of your heart. Have you ever heard it used in reference to the stories that play out in your mind while you sleep at night? Would you be so eager to see those dreams come true? Yet have you noticed that everyone in the Bible took their dreams seriously, as though I was trying to communicate relevant truth for their lives?

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daily word - love or hate?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as being a hateful person? Does anyone? Do you draw a strong distinction between hatred and selfishness? You may judge hatred to be worse than selfishness, but from a practical viewpoint how different are they? Have you ever heard of indifference referred to as callous? You are bought with a price and you are not your own. You have an inherent duty to your neighbor and a debt of love to repay. Don’t look at this as a burden, but as an opportunity. You are not a creature of hatred or selfishness, but of love.

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daily word - real spirituality

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your doctrinal position concerning me? Do you affirm that I was fully both human and divine? Both of these are important. Most people on earth saw me as human only. For those rare few that understood I said that flesh and blood had not revealed this to them, but my Father in heaven. Do you see me as only spiritual? There is a human tendency to separate the spiritual from the physical, creating separate realms. Have you met people who detach their spirituality from the reality of this world? I proved this was not necessary or desirable.

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daily word - sow and reap

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the law of reaping and sowing? It is in the Bible, and one of the most commonly used and understood illustrations. Do you find that you only hear this phrase used in a negative sense? You hear it often enough when people’s bad habits and weaknesses catch up with them. How often do you hear it when someone excels and exceeds your expectations? Consider the real-world counterpart on which the illustration is based. For agriculture to work you need to sow seeds of value to raise a valuable crop.

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daily word - born of the Spirit

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Most people strongly identify with one of these categories or the other, and act accordingly. Introverts and extroverts both have positive qualities and limitations. Those who identify with the labels and want to lead full lives structure their lives to play to their strengths. Have you noticed that those who are born of the Spirit are harder to classify? Everyone needs both human connection and thoughtful reflection. Those who are born of the Spirit are equipped for every good work.

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daily word - judge yourself

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you judge others? Do you judge yourself? Do you suppose that others judge you? You are correct in assuming that not everyone adheres to the principle of not judging others. If you see the benefit of judging yourself, is it possible that others see things in you that you are unable to see in yourself that would also benefit you? Do you know who you can trust? Do you have the courage to approach them and ask? Do you have the grace to receive what they say? If you are serious about ‘cleaning house’ you will enlist some help.

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daily word - heart breaker?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that everyone you meet has a story that would break your heart? Do you? Do you tell yours to everyone, or do you carry it in your heart and only share it with those who have demonstrated love and concern? Are you grateful for those with whom you can share your greatest burdens? Does it take much logic or insight to conclude that everyone else is in the same situation? Don’t assume that everything is going well for those who do not complain.

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daily word - living word?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe that my word is quick and powerful, i.e. living? Do you approach it this way? What example did I set for you? In my famous sermon I quoted scripture as that which had been spoken since old time, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. I provided a fresh perspective when I said, but I say unto you, love your enemies. Would you have come to this conclusion from the original text? Was I correct? If the Bible is living would you expect it to yield only fixed meanings? I invite you to follow me.

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daily word - faith transition?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself on a faith journey? Do you think I took one myself? A key transition point in mine was when it was my turn to read a scripture passage in the synagogue. I then said that this day that scripture was fulfilled. My statement was not well received, and this is the last time I was really welcome in the synagogue. That didn’t stop me for moving forward to fulfill the destiny my Father had set before me. The purpose of this illustration is not to tell you to leave church, but even so you will face major transition points in your own faith journey.

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