daily word - set up?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been ‘set up’? Circumstances can lead you in a direction you would not deliberately choose. In some cases people who are well-rehearsed in advance can lead you in the direction they want you to go with a persuasive appeal. This can take you to a place that is beneficial for you, but more often the other party has their interests in mind rather than yours. Be awake and alert. Keep your loins girded and your lamps burning, and be as wise as serpents. Beware of those who would divert you from the strait and narrow way that I have set before you to lead you to life.

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daily word - ahead of yourself?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever had an experience that was ahead of your theology? Did this leave you searching the Bible for answers that matched your experience? Were you able to find them? Have you ever had theology ahead of your experience – believing things were true that you were unable to observe or experience directly? Did this leave you with a hunger to see it happen in your life? I can speak to you in many ways, including scripture and life. You can expect to find agreement between them. You can count it a blessing if your advancement in one area leads you to advance in another.

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No More "Grunt Work" - Have Fun With Jesus - by Susan Dolliver

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The vision and two-way journaling below is from Susan Dolliver from British Columbia, Canada. It never ceases to amaze me how Jesus enjoys having fun with His children. I know when I began journaling, I always saw Jesus laughing and He was always telling me to "lighten up" as He had everything covered, and I was too stressed and worried about everything. Yes, the Kingdom is peace and joy (Rom. 14:17), and peace and joy make us pleasant. In addition, these Kingdom emotions promote healing in our bodies.

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daily word - narrow way

Dale Cresap's picture

I spoke of a narrow way and a broad way, and declared that the narrow way was better, for it led to life. What do you think of as the broad way today? Have you ever been in a crowd that was moving? It is easy to move with the crowd even as it is easy to drift with the current in a river. Popular culture will provide you with easy choices for everything. It takes a strong sense of identity and purpose to make choices consistent with your own destiny. Do you know who you are and where you are going? Can you walk this path alone?

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daily word - worth it?

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Have you ever heard someone justify a personal indulgence with the words, I’m worth it? Does this seem like a disingenuous argument? How would you refute it? It would seem ungracious to say they are not, but the argument confuses intrinsic worth with the budget for indulgences. Your intrinsic worth is priceless, but this does not give you unlimited resources to satisfy your appetites. Don’t confuse your wants and needs, or attach your personal worth to external gratifications.

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daily word - name in vain?

Dale Cresap's picture

You are familiar with my commandment not to take the name of God in vain. Do you think this applies only to profane expletives? Could it have another meaning? What about those who invoke my name with intended piety, but in a way that claims a righteousness they do not possess, or to advance a self-serving interest that is not according to my will? Isn’t that as bad as using profanity to express anger or frustration they cannot otherwise articulate? What about swearing an oath to gain greater authority than a simple yes or no? Which of these is the worst form of taking my name in vain?

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daily word - your journey

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Do you expect to go through a spiritual transformation? Have you gone through one already? Every believer must say yes because they were not always believers. Do you expect to go through another one? The alternative is to be settled and comfortable in your current position. But this is not a way to grow and be transformed. There is a human tendency to think that things will continue in the current state, but is this realistic? Wasn’t it a journey that got you to where you are now? Apply the same logic to the future.

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daily word - generous?

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Do you believe that generosity is important? Do you believe that generosity can be compelled or coerced? Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction, because true generosity must be freely expressed, and if coercion or compulsion are present that extortion is a more accurate term than generosity? How does your church go about raising money? Churches have real expenses, and it is reasonable to expect the members to support them by contributions. There are many ways to go about the appeal for funds.

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daily word - doing right?

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Have you ever gotten in trouble for doing something right? We are accustomed to the idea that we can get in trouble for doing things wrong, and expect to get commended for doing things right. But have you ever made a stand for principle or truth for which you paid a price? Did you pay the price cheerfully, or did you resent it and feel that you were the victim of a great injustice? Did you regret doing right because it cost you? Don’t you admire others who will take an unpopular stand on principle as opposed to seeking their own gain?

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What Is the BEST Marriage Counseling?

Mark Virkler's picture

Marriage is a lifelong adventure, enriched by a couples constantly deepening union built upon continuing personal, interpersonal and spiritual growth with the ultimate goal of assisting one another in achieving their God-given destiny.

“My name is Cindy [name changed] and I completed Prayers That Heal the Heart about 6 months ago. Through the process of God healing my heart, the Lord instructed me to pray for my ex-husband. As I continued to pray for him, our friendship has been restored and he and I both have the desire for our marriage to be restored. Is there any counseling that Communion with God Ministries offers that can lead and guide us toward restoration of our marriage?”  - Cindy

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