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daily word - destiny

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in me? Do you live with a sense of destiny? Do you live with the awareness that your life matters in the universal and eternal scheme of events, and that you are connected to a world much larger than yourself, but that your part in it is a significant contribution that only you can make? You can believe in me without being aware of this, but I promised you an abundant life, and this is it. Don’t be discouraged if the answers to these questions are not obvious. Your destiny is something you must seek and find.

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daily word - invisible?

Dale Cresap's picture

Can people be invisible? This is a favorite device of the writers of fairy tales and fantasy, but these are works of fiction. Yet some people are treated with so little regard they might as well be. Have you ever looked at those who serve in important but menial positions only as far as their functional benefit to you? What about those without any job? What about those who do not fit your cultural template for beauty, such as those who are overweight? Yet these are all my children and their essential humanity is no different from yours. Is your vision large enough to see them?

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daily word - questions?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that proper insight and understanding is all about having the right answers? This is not the first step. You need to start with the right questions. Some questions are indeed frivolous and stupid. What is the advantage of being an expert on a subject that is not meaningful? Answers to the right questions may not come quickly, but there is growth and maturity from living with the questions even if you hold them unanswered. Sometimes you have to live your way into the answers and into a new way of thinking. I promised to guide you into all truth, so keep asking questions.

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daily word - spirit led?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is the most basic essence of the Christian life? Isn’t it to follow me? This was my call to my original disciples and the same thing extends to you. Have you found that much has been added to this simple request? But this is the most important thing. Have you found this difficult to do? Implied in my request is my commitment to provide you with clear direction to follow. Otherwise it would be an unreasonable request. You can call me on this. In any situation you can turn to me for clear direction. How could I refuse? I want you to take seriously the idea of being led by the Spirit.

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daily word - comfort zone?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of a comfort zone? Do you have one of your own? For most people these are well defined, and you can tell when they are outside of it. Have you ever felt uncomfortable inside your comfort zone? What do you do when the familiar, safe, habitual things no longer satisfy you? You were not meant to remain in one place. Your soul calls you onward  to find your true destiny, which may be beyond the circle where you are currently comfortable. Do you understand that your comfort zone is temporary, and it is abnormal for you to remain there?

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daily word - star of the show? (and prayer request for me)

Dale Cresap's picture

The most prominent actors are referred to as movie stars. This term clearly implies that they are a level above other actors or ordinary people. Have you ever heard of a pastor referred to as ‘the star of the show’? This is not common church terminology and you may find it inappropriate and offensive in this context, but have you seen this concept in practice whether it was referred to this way or not? Isn’t the concept just as offensive and inappropriate regardless of terminology? Those who I call to positions of leadership are to be servants of all, even as I was.

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daily word - high or low?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you prefer high church or low church? These terms are not in common use anymore, but they were in times past, and the distinctives still remain. High church is more formal, traditional, and liturgical, and low church is more experience based. Each person is free to choose according to his own conscience and preferences and each thinks his choice is the best, but there is room in my body for many expressions and each should be prepared to accept his brother who prefers a different style. Does it seem to be implied that high is better than low?

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daily word - can you handle it?

Dale Cresap's picture

Would you like to have an encounter with me? What would you expect this to involve? You have some examples in the Bible to consider. Would you expect it to be placid and serene? This isn’t what the Bible characters experienced. Consider Moses who exceedingly trembled, and Isaiah who was undone. Consider John who fell to his face as a dead man. These were extreme experiences for those involved, and they were not sure they would survive the encounter, but they did, and were transformed. So do you still want to have an encounter with me? Can you handle it?

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daily word - right all along?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you go to church to be reassured that you were right all along? There is comfort in this but it is false comfort. I have more to accomplish in your life and it will not be done if it isn’t brought to your attention. Can you accept that I love you absolutely and still want you to move forward? Change is a permanent condition. Look at the natural world around you. The part of you that opposes change is working against you. Have you ever sensed my Spirit saying you were right all along?

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daily word - more truth?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been lied to, or believed something you later found was untrue? This is understandably devastating. Consider the other side of the coin. Have you ever found that there is truth outside of your tradition? This situation is not as severe, for who would claim to know everything? Yet this too can be devastating for those who have been brought up and indoctrinated in a world view that is small and self-contained.

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