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testimony of nature

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of the Bible as the Old and New Testaments? Yet there was a testament that existed before either of these. For the natural world that I made is a reflection of me, just as any artifact is of the artisan who made it. Are you concerned about the eternal destiny of those who lived and died without a Bible? Yet my testament in nature is available to everyone. The heavens and the earth declare the glory of God. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see will be aware of my goodness on this basis alone, for even nature teaches the nature of the Creator. If you believe that I made the world you live in, then every time you open your eyes you should be filled with awe and wonder and glorify me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you easily threatened? If someone challenges the validity of the Bible in one point that you cannot respond to, is your faith ruined? I want you to be stronger than that. I want you to know that your eternal destiny doesn’t depend on your ability to defend every verse in the Bible and the actions of every believer since it was written. You may lose the intellectual respect of your critics and false friends. Don’t be dismayed by what they think. Your eternal destiny doesn’t depend on their opinion of you either. Have I not promised to hold you in the palm of my hand where neither life nor death nor things above or below or principalities or powers shall harm you? Fear not, for not even a hair of your head will perish. 

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in my image

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the meaning of the sanctity of life? Activists use this phrase in the defense of the unborn, and rightly so, but this concept has a broader application. The basis for this is that every person is made in my image and in some way bears my essence. This applies regardless of the fall and original sin, regardless of status as believer, unbeliever, lost or redeemed, your friend or your enemy. Is this obvious to you or is it something you hold only as a mental construct and matter of principle? I want you to see this with your own eyes at first glance. Resolve to apply this principle universally and ask me to give you eyes to see. 

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one rule

Dale Cresap's picture

In the beginning there was one commandment concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then there were ten, written by my own hand on stone tablets. This expanded to a large number still followed by observant Jews today. In my own teaching I reversed the expansion and said that all the law and the prophets were contained in two commandments, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and your neighbor as yourself. This contraction took another step at the end of my ministry when I introduced a new commandment, that my followers would love one another as I have loved them. So the commandments have come full circle and in the end there is only one. How is this a new commandment? How does it differ from the composite summary of all that has gone before? 

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brother's keeper?

Dale Cresap's picture

Am I my brother’s keeper? This is one of the first questions asked and it was posed in a disingenuous manner, for the one who asked had just killed his brother. The answer depends on what is meant by ‘keeper’. Your brother has the same liberty and freedom of action that you do, so you are not responsible to direct his life. Yet at the same time you cannot be indifferent, cold, and distant from your brother. If you have no other connection then you were both created in my image. What stronger connection do you need than that? If your brother is in need of daily bread, or even affluent and walking in darkness, can you turn your back instead of sharing my love with him? In this sense you are your brother’s keeper. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these ye have done it unto me. 

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other beliefs?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you regard those of other faiths? To say that they belong to the evil one seems too extreme. To say it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere is to abandon both logic and truth. What then? Consider my own example. For I came of age in a culture with many religious viewpoints. I never compromised the truth but I was quick to affirm those who put faith and kindness into action regardless of what they believed. I commended a Roman officer who believed that I would heal his servant at a distance as having greater faith than I had seen in Israel. I told a story of a good Samaritan who was kind to strangers despite his unorthodox beliefs. You don’t have to agree with people who are wrong but follow my example and never miss a chance to commend them for their good works. In so doing you speak the truth in love. 

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do your part

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your perspective on the end of times? Are you concerned with matching the identities of living persons to characters in Biblical prophecy? Do you do the same thing with nations? Are you developing a scenario and setting dates for it? Do you find these activities to be spiritually beneficial? My word speaks of my return. Then it poses a question. What manner of persons should we be? You have a part to play in the great drama of eternity. Attending to your spiritual formation and the work I have called you to that you may do your own part well is more important than knowing the whole script. 

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hear me

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the verse that says my sheep hear my voice? This is the way most people remember it, but careful examination shows that it says my sheep know my voice, and this isn’t quite the same thing. Everyone can hear my voice, otherwise who could be saved, but not all have ears to hear. Many hear my voice and do not recognize that it is me. I can speak audibly, but more often I speak through my word, through those I have placed in authority, through nature, circumstances, and even through chance encounters with strangers and things you overhear in passing. Do you know when I am speaking to you this way?

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your path

Dale Cresap's picture

Your faith has some essential elements that apply to all believers, but in the nature of relationship I may ask things of you that are unique to your path. Accept them for yourself, but be careful how you relate them to others. Eating meat offered to idols may not be an issue in your life, but the life principles from this scripture passage as just as applicable today. Be considerate of your fellow believers in the way you practice your faith. Don’t force your own practices on others, or imply that you are superior because of what you do, or cause your brother to stumble by your conduct. There are still things to do in secret for which I will reward you openly. 

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