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Discover the “Unfair” Advantage of 5-Fold Counsel


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you listen to music all the time? In ancient times live music was the only option, so quality and selection were limited. Now you have a virtually unlimited selection of virtual music, available continuously. Music is universally appealing, although tastes differ, and my word affirms its importance in worship. You have you ever found it to be a distraction? Do you hold a conversation and listen to music at the same time? I can speak to you through music but some things are better spoken with silence as a background. I won’t turn off your music but if you want to hear me speak consider doing it yourself.

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All the answers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you certain of the truth of the gospel message and that it is universal? It is what everyone needs. Yet you are also called a sojourner and to continue to seek the truth. Do you think your presentation of the gospel message will be better received by unbelievers if you do it with complete certainty or if you do it as one who is also in the process of seeking? There is an element of mystery to your faith and it is OK to acknowledge that. Those who deny it and claim to have all the answers can come across as arrogant. You can be sure enough of universal and eternal truth to introduce people to me.

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These Courses Have Changed My Life Like Nothing Else Except Salvation!

Mark Virkler's picture

“The teaching from Communion With God – specifically, the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and Prayers the Heal the Heart - has changed my life like nothing else except salvation. In the past, I had been trying to renew my heart and be set free from emotional bondage from inferiority, rejection, guilt, anger, bitterness, hatred, self-unforgiveness, self-condemnation, worry and anxiety, unworthiness, poverty, self-hatred, and destruction. 

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other faiths?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you view faiths other than your own? If you are persuaded that your own faith is true then are you tempted to express contempt and ridicule for others? Yet you are called not only to present my gospel message to every creature but also to win souls, implying that you should be effective. This requires wisdom and expressing contempt and ridicule toward those you would reach is unwise. Wisdom in this case implies that there is no single formula to apply in all cases, but as Paul said, I become all things to all people that I might save some. If you are led by the Spirit you will be able to disagree and declare truth in a way that leads to life rather than division. 

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your light

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my followers to let their light so shine before men that their good works may be visible. What light does this involve? Some believers will say this is the light of Christ in us and that is correct. Yet the passage says, ‘your light’. You have a unique identity and my light in you has a unique expression. I haven’t called you to give someone else’s light, so don’t look to them to imitate their light. At best this will be seen as inauthentic. I want you to know and have the confidence that the light given to you is from me, and to let it shine so people glorify me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

What is the essence of your faith? Essence is a unique substance or property that defines something. Many perfumes are based on the essential oils of flowers. Flowers contain other things but their essence is unique to their identity. So it is with the practice of your faith. How much of it is essential? There is a human and institutional tendency to add to it. Some add different things than others creating an unnecessary division. Worse, those outside may object to the additions without objecting to the basic message of the gospel. If they are to be offended, at least let it be for the right reasons. Are you willing to reduce the gospel to its essence to see it spread? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

The conventions of society are based on the age of majority. For the purpose of law it is assumed that full adulthood is reached at 18 or 21 depending on the privilege in question. Is this really true? If it is then there is a basis for the assumption that there is only decline and loss beyond this age, but this is a false model. True maturity is not just age, but with normal development it increases with age, including the development of wisdom. Society as a whole may value every aspect of youth, but those with wisdom see the value of the gifts that only come with the real maturity of age. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you keep up to date on the news and current events? If you don’t, does it bother you to feel uninformed? Beware that you don’t let your life be driven by the news. Real truth has a timeless quality. It is eternal and enduring. The Bible is as current today as when it was written. The spiritual classics written since then are on the shelves at the library, and their content is fresh even if they are dusty and yellowed. Those who only watch the news are informed but lack an overall unifying perspective to make sense of events. He who is spiritual judges all things. Seek eternal truth and you will have a perspective for real understanding. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard or used the word ‘serendipity’? It suggests happy coincidences; seemingly random events that work in your favor. Even if you don’t use this term, you may have noticed the same concept in effect in your life. What do you attribute this to? It seems disingenuous to say that unlikely random events work out in your favor consistently. I promised to send rain and sun on the just and on the unjust, to provide for the evil and good alike. Just being alive on the earth makes you a recipient of my blessings. Yet how much greater a blessing to see and acknowledge my involvement in your life. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever encountered anyone who didn’t claim to be busy? If this is true of everyone then does it add meaningful information to say it? Does this condition seem to be an inherent condition of modern life? Do you see this as an indication of an abundant life or do people give it as an excuse for not maintaining contact with friends? I know what you are capable of and do not assign you more than you can do. I healed the sick but there were still sick people when I declared that I had done all the Father had given me to do. You can do the same. Blessed are those who know their priorities and order their lives accordingly. 

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