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how old?

Dale Cresap's picture

How old is the earth, and for that matter the universe? You get a wide variety of answers depending on whom you ask. A strict reading of the Bible suggests thousands or tens of thousands of years. Most people you meet will say millions or billions. Is this a battle you need to fight? This isn’t a point of doctrine as doctrine is properly understood, and the Bible itself doesn’t have a chapter and verse giving the age of the earth. If it was important I would have told you. In your presentation of the good news of the Kingdom of God, keep the focus on me and my identity. Don’t make it easy for your audience to dismiss you for secondary reasons. 

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gracious to you

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever berate yourself in your internal dialogue for your faults and mistakes with statements such as, how could you have been so stupid? Do you make the same comments to your friends about their mistakes? You understand the importance of being gracious and accepting toward other people. Do you understand the same principle with regard to yourself? You know that other people have their limitations. It would be an expression of pride to assume that you don’t have any of your own. You should not dismiss your shortcomings, but neither should you be surprised or devastated by them. If you can be gracious as a friend to others, be gracious as a friend to yourself. 

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rule of life

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live by a rule of life? This term is used in some traditions to refer to spiritual habits and practices taken on by an individual for their own growth and development. Your church may not refer to these practices by the same terms, but the concept is still valid by another name, or none at all. Daily devotions or regular practices weekly, yearly or at other intervals are beneficial habits that can take many forms. Some common types have an established record and have helped many people, but no single program is right for everyone. Seek me and I will show you the one that is right for you.

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love and fear

Dale Cresap's picture

You know intuitively that fear is bad and you have support for this in scripture. Have you seen bumper stickers saying ‘No Fear’? It is easy to put on a bumper sticker. Do you think that those who do so have been tested so they can speak this from experience? Do you think they understand that it is perfect love that casts out fear? This isn’t something that can be known second hand or by abstraction. My apostles understood this because of their direct experience with perfect love. They proclaimed the gospel without fear even though they knew they were risking their lives and most lost them. Those who are perfected in love, love not their lives to the death. 

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Do You Want to Go on a Trip to Heaven?

Mark Virkler's picture

If you would like to experience what the Apostle John experienced in the book of Revelation, as he went to heaven and interacted with the heavenly hosts, you can. Pastor Joe Brock will actually set you on your way. The streaming audio below is a recording of an amazing Spirit-anointed visionary journey we enjoyed on the Sunday morning following our just-concluded CLU Graduation Celebration in Orlando, Florida.

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due credit

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the principle of giving credit where it is due? Do you understand that it is all due to me? My word poses the question, what do you have that you did not receive, and the implied answer is nothing. My apostles worked miracles and those who saw them wanted to honor them as gods. They insisted that they were just men and protested to the point of rending their garments. If you understand that you can of yourself do nothing, then how do you confer the honor on me with true rather than false modesty? If you are led by the Spirit to do the works, then the same leading will show you how to transfer the glory to me. The job isn’t done until then. 

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real you

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself the way others see you? My word says that man looks on the outward appearance. This is as true now as when it was written, and all the more so in your appearance conscious culture. But there is more to the real you than the reflection you see in the mirror, and I look upon your heart. You have an essential being that is more than the sum of what you weigh and your age and your height and other objective measures. This essential being is what I see when I look at you. I want you to learn to see yourself the same way, instead of how you look. 

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spiritual job?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you resent having to have a job? Some people misinterpret the opening passages of the Bible and consider the need to work to be a curse. The serpent was cursed and the requirement of work was imposed on man, but this is not a curse. Do you see how it brings about spiritual development even in those who are not seeking it? Keeping a job requires you to be a servant to your manager and to your customers, being obedient, gracious, and helpful. These are desirable spiritual qualities whether you were seeking them when you applied for the job or not. Do you see how it is easier to be a difficult eccentric if you are unemployed? Look at your job as a means of spiritual growth as well as income. 

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preach to all?

Dale Cresap's picture

My Great Commission to you is to preach the gospel to every creature. Do you interpret this to mean only those who are unsaved? Would you consider it a waste of effort to declare the gospel message to someone who had already received it? But this would require you to decide who is saved and who is not, and this violates another commandment not to say, even in your heart, who shall ascend into heaven and who shall descend into hell. If your life is an expression of my message you will connect with other believers easily enough. You can fulfill my Great Commission without violating another commandment. 

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pay once?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect to pay once or many times for the things you buy? You would object to paying more than once, but are there things you pay for over and over? Bad choices lead to bad consequences. When you recognize this you can repent and receive forgiveness, but the consequences still remain. If you live a life of regret for things in the past you cannot change, it is like paying for them over and over again without end. I came to give you and abundant life. Do you believe that this can start now regardless of your past or your current circumstances? Release what you cannot change and accept it, and receive the grace I offer you in your current state to move forward into abundant life. 

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