Can I REALLY Be a Part of Sharing the Gospel of Salvation with 1 Million People Every Single Day?
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There is power in prayer and power in the prayer of blessing. When you pray and bless your food to bring strength to your body, that is exactly what happens. Since we know that Jesus laid hands on people as He ministered healing, you can place your hands in an arch around the edges of your plate of food as you pray for it, and this will send the energy of your body and the Holy Spirit within your body into the food. It is a way of pre-digesting the food and preparing it for maximum nourishment to your body. There is power in your hands, which is a reason you rub a hurt.
The following testimony is from George Medellin, Pacific Northwest Maintenance, LLC.
In July of 2015 I was doing assignments for the Communion with God course which I was taking with a Personal Spiritual Trainer and I received the following pictures:
God's original intention was daily walks in the garden in the cool of the day where He would talk with mankind. Satan stole this precious relationship by planting the idea that we could skip these walks and become wise on our own. He deceived us into believing we didn't need God's voice: "YOU can be like God, KNOWING good and evil" (Gen. 3:5).
"You" became humanism (it is about me and my effort) and "know" became rationalism, it is about what I reason out. These are both lies, and the lies continue...
Hi everyone--I am on lesson seven of the Counseled by God School of the Spirit course. It is the chapter on moving from fear to faith. In this lesson we ask the Lord to help us see our fears and hear his voice in moving from fear to faith.
I have been hearing God's voice for about 4 years now. A big issue the Lord has spoken to me and counselled me on over the years is fear.
The vision God gave me concerning Washington D.C. which healed anger and fear:
It occurred during my morning journaling time as I asked God to show me His heavenly perspective and how HE saw Washington D.C. It was a life-changing experience!
The following testimony is by one of our Certified CWG Facilitators, Pauline Burthwick, who is currently writing a devotional book: Words of Life: Manna from Heaven.
"Whatever is done which does not honor her, will not last."
I have seen far too many marriages under stress and far too many lives self-destruct because the husband would not lay down his life for his wife.
It is a joy to celebrate with students graduating around the world who have taken Christian Leadership University courses! The pictures below are from Gbadamassi Hansinde Inoussa in Togo. We celebrate together with the growing family of people who can now hear God's voice and see vision, and have a restored relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!