daily word - implied confidences

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever told anyone something in confidence? When you did, did you state clearly that it was to be held in confidence? Did you go further and insist on an affirmative promise before you told your secret? Have you had others impose such conditions on you? If you are an honest and trustworthy person, you should be able to figure out which things you are free to tell and which you are not, without being told or requiring a promise. Confidence can be implied. Some things are not yours to tell even if they are true.

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daily word - outsiders?

Dale Cresap's picture

Did you know that I went to church when I was a young man? One day it was my turn to read from the scroll. I did so and went on to remind the people of Biblical accounts in which God bestowed blessings on people who were outsiders when there were those in need within the nation of Israel. This was not well received, and it was the last time I was welcome in church. I went on to do my public ministry to outsiders as an outsider myself. Do you accept it as an essential element of your faith that God loves everyone? How popular in your church are stories of God blessing outsiders?

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daily word - time to die?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is there a time to die? Your culture, believer and unbeliever alike, struggles with this concept. Solomon said yes. You regard life as sacred, and so you should, for all are created in my image. Yet the same Supreme Being who created you in his image built in a finite lifespan, like an expiration date. You can acknowledge both concepts without denying the other. Otherwise every death is a tragedy, implying that every life will meet a tragic end. I told Peter that he would die at the hands of others against his will.

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daily word - what to fight for

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard accounts of military engagements in which a piece of ground is fought over in a bloody battle, and the victor later abandons it without opposition? Does it make you wonder why they fought so hard for it in the first place? Do you know that you get to choose which hills you are willing to die on, and this concept extends to your defense of the faith? Is everything that your church believes and practices essential to the faith that you present to others? Do you know which things are, and which are not?

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daily word - big secret

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Do you know what the best kept secret is? The details concerning my return. I said that no man knows, not even the Son, but the Father only. This is a significant event and my declaration has not kept people from developing scenarios and schedules throughout history. How many of these have been correct so far? None. So it is still the best kept secret in the world. Do you have your own favorite version of this? How do you hold your position?

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daily word - poor in faith?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have I not chosen the poor to be rich in faith? The poor are aware of their need for me, but the affluent have no such awareness, and so they suffer from poverty of spirit, which is not the same thing as being poor in spirit. This is bad enough, but it can be carried one step further. The poor are also aware of their need for one another and so they seek out one another and make the connections that sustain their community of life.

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daily word - born again again?

Dale Cresap's picture

Nicodemus came to me and I told him that he must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. He was shocked. Are you? Has this phrase become so commonplace to you that you do not recall that the process of birth is strenuous and messy? Is this how you would describe your conversion experience? And for the one being born it is the ultimate departure from a comfort zone, into a place that is larger, but still completely strange and unfamiliar. Do you understand that all of these concepts apply to a spiritual birth?

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daily word - cool?

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What descriptor is more sought after by adolescents than being cool? Yet is this a desirable trait? It implies aloofness, cynicism, suppression of enthusiasm, and opposition rather than support. Do you admire people who are warm rather than those who are cold? Being cool and being cold are similar. Do you see these qualities becoming increasingly prevalent in older people and society as a whole in a culture that resists maturity? Adolescent traits are not attractive in adults.

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daily word - prayer

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Have you heard that prayer changes things? There are multiple ways to view this. For some, prayer is the means to change the world around them. There is Biblical support for this, and if you need prayer for healing, go to those who expect that something will happen as a result of their prayers. Another school of thought is that the primary purpose of prayer is to change the one who is praying. The Biblical support for this is not as obvious, but it is there. Could it be that both are right?

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daily word - trust

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a trusting person? Are you aware of the dangers of being too trusting of other people? You can be taken advantage of, and your trust can be violated. Are you aware of the danger of not being trusting enough? This one is not so obvious, because the losses are by omission. If you are not sufficiently trusting, do you know what beneficial opportunities and relationships you will decline? Even if you are reluctant to trust others you may be too eager to trust one particular person. Yourself. How can you approach your life in such a way that you are not too trusting of yourself? 

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