daily word - justice and mercy

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know the difference between justice and mercy? Justice is deserved and can be claimed; mercy is a benevolent gift. In my word I refer to justice for the poor. Do you see it as justice or mercy? Most who donate would count it as an act of charity, alms-giving, or philanthropy. Who thinks of this as justice? In like manner, is it possible for there to be unfair labor practices if the terms of employment are accepted voluntarily? But I make it clear that I do not approve of defrauding the worker of his wages. Justice is a stronger term than mercy.

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daily word - prayer?

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Do you pray? This may be the most common practice of believers. What is your understanding of prayer? Skeptics accuse believers of magical thinking, and the accusation is credible if believers view prayer as a vending machine, ATM, or even a slot machine. Do your considered doctrines of my omniscience and omnipotence make you wonder about the purpose of prayer, knowing that I am capable of doing whatever I want unbidden? So do you claim to have a complete understanding of what your part is in the process of prayer? Are you still willing to pray if you view it as a mystery?

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daily word - lamp?

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Do you find it reassuring to know that my word is a lamp unto your feet? What do you think of as a lamp? Do you use a flashlight with a focused beam to find your way at night? You understand that flashlights were not available when this was written. The lamp referred to in the passage was more like a candle than a flashlight. Could you find your way at night with a candle? This is a more challenging task and would limit your rate of movement. You have my promise of guidance but only for one step at a time.

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daily word - rejection

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How do you feel about rejection? Is there anything more painful? How do you feel about rejecting others? Obviously you should not practice this. Do you find Biblical justification for doing so? How do you treat those among you who fall into sin? Is a part of the discipline process treat them as a publican and a sinner? Do you equate this as cutting off all contact? But how do you treat publicans and sinners? Don’t you do business with them and engage in conversation with those outside your church? How else could you present my message to them?

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love me love people

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Do you love me? Do you love people? Do you see these things as being connected? It is easy to say you love me. It is much harder to love your brother in manifested visible ways, but if you do this people will believe you when you say you love me. Even as John has spoken, how can a man love God whom he cannot see if he cannot love his brother whom he can see? Consider the people you admire most. Isn’t their love for people necessary and central to their admirable qualities? Is this separable from faith? In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me.

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daily word - culture and belief

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Do you believe in one faith, one baptism, one Body? Do you think faith practice and expression are influenced by culture? How much of your faith practice is pure essence and how much is culturally influenced? How would you know? How many believers do you know who come from cultures quite different from your own? Your understanding of the gospel is that it is a strong enough bond to hold you together despite these differences. Do you find this to be true in practice?

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daily word - heresy

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Are you a heresy hunter? Do you know anyone who is? Everyone thinks their own faith is entirely orthodox, and any deviations from that are suspect. How much effort do you put into hunting down the errors of others and setting them straight? It is good to be zealous for the truth, but do you see how this can backfire? Are those outside the faith more amused or perplexed or dismissive of disputes between believers that claim to represent the same faith? Are you committed to defend the truth? Balance this against the lengths you will go to maintain fellowship with your brother.  

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daily word - shunning

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Have you heard of churches that use the practice of shunning as a means of discipline? Those who depart from acceptable practices are cut off from contact by those who remain. There are not many churches left that implement this practice formally and by this term, but how many do this in effect if not by formal policy? You have seen people leave your church for a multitude of reasons. Do you maintain contact with those you considered friends, even if you no longer have the same church in common? Whether you do or not is an indication of the quality of your friendship.

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daily word - sacrifice?

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Do you know what sacrifice is acceptable to me? Have you heard that it is a broken spirit and a contrite heart? Do you know people that you would describe in this way? How do you suppose they got there? This isn’t something you can put on your ‘to-do’ list in the morning and check off at the end of the day. Longsuffering is only acquired by suffering long. This isn’t something you can structure and work as a part of a self-improvement program, but if you give your consent I will make it happen. I don’t promise that it will be painless or easy; quite the opposite.

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daily word - monolithic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you found that every group looks monolithic from the outside? But you know this isn’t true because you have seen groups from the inside. Do you think that all atheists are militant opponents of God? These exist, but you will also find hopeful skeptics who are looking for an excuse to believe if they can find one. Is it an exaggeration to say that there are as many opinions and positions and beliefs as there are people? Even if it is, you can see every person as a special case, and understand where they are coming from so you can help them get where they are going.

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