daily word - hope

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the meaning of hope? When you want to go somewhere you hope that your car will start, but since you know it is reliable and have every reason to think that it will this may be better described as a reasonable expectation. Wishful thinking is a bias toward things you want to be true, but this is not a proper understanding of hope either. Hope is a spiritual concept and as such it is unexplainable. It touches the transcendent. It can be firm even without wishful thinking or reasonable expectations, in the face of adverse circumstances.

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daily word - on your side

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Do you like it when others are on your side? Who doesn’t like support? Is it possible for someone else to be more on your side than you are for yourself? How could this be? Yet it is true of me. Have you ever seen other people engage in self-destructive behavior? As much as this may astound you, have you ever engaged in self-destructive behavior yourself? How can you account for working against your own best interests? This is something I will never do on your behalf. For I have poured out my love and favor and blessing on you. I am on your side, more than you are for yourself.

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daily word - how to preach?

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What persuaded you to become a believer? How do you go about fulfilling the Great Commission? Do you see how these questions are related? What worked for you may work for other people too. How do you prepare for evangelism? By memorizing scriptures and developing air-tight closely reasoned legal arguments? Have you seen success with this method? Would it have worked with you? You don’t need to confine yourself to narrow approaches to evangelism. Think back to what finally convinced you to devote yourself to following me. You have my permission to use this same approach with others.

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daily word - broken heart

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Have you ever had a broken heart? Is there anything more painful? Most people experience this at some time if they are functioning normally in a world where other people do not respond to your expressions of friendship. You can defend yourself against this pain, but the cure in this case is worse than the disease, and you will be changed in ways that diminish your humanity. So how do you deal with the pain of rejection? Have you noticed that a broken heart is similar to a broken spirit and a contrite heart? You could think of these as the same thing. Give them to me.

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daily word - spiritual not religious?

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Have you heard people refer to themselves as being spiritual but not religious? Does this sound like a self-serving position that claims spirituality but evades any commitment for faith and practice? This may be true, but there is an element of truth in claiming this position. For spirituality is inherent and inescapable. I made you in my image so spirituality is a part of the package whether you claim it or not. Do you regard such people as enemies? I once told a man that he was not far from the Kingdom of God.

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daily word - contending?

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Have you ever contended for the faith? Have you ever entered a dialogue with an atheist or skeptic concerning your faith? Have you noticed that whoever is asking the questions controls the terms of the debate, and the other party is in reactive mode? Have you ever encountered difficult questions you couldn’t answer? Whoever is in the driver’s seat determines the destination. I put some effort into arranging this opportunity and you should not lightly refuse it. Some people are hostile but others who ask hard questions are real seekers.

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daily word - sacrament of now

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Are you familiar with the sacraments? Perhaps you learned long ago that these are outward symbols of inward graces and practice them regularly. Different churches recognize different numbers of sacraments. Baptism and communion are the most universally accepted. One that is not formally listed but has been recognized by ancient mystics and saints is the sacrament of the present moment. Though this is not administered by a church official, this is where everything happens, including your interactions with me.

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daily word - mental exercise

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Do you exercise? It is beneficial for your body, but you can exercise in such a way that accomplishes nothing else, or you can work. Do you understand the importance of keeping your mind active and engaged? You can accomplish this by working word or number puzzles. Can you complete the implied logic above? Can you exercise your mind in such a way that it produces a beneficial result other than just being engaged? Try seeking out thoughtful and reflective people who differ with you on important issues. Invite them to present their arguments, and do the same for them.

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daily word - exercise?

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My word says that bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable for all things. You know people who take bodily exercise very seriously, and some who give it no consideration at all. Health and fitness are valuable in that they facilitate the activities of life, but they are not the purpose of life. I made you to be capable of strenuous effort, and your body thrives on vigor rather than inactivity. Fitness increases your capacity for life. To what do you apply your capacity for life? If it is fitness only, then you have missed the point and the opportunity.

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