daily word - conviction of the best

Dale Cresap's picture

A poet described a world in which the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity. Would you want to live in such a world? Do you? Do you see the wicked doing evil with great enthusiasm? Do you think you would be able to persuade them to turn it down? The only half of the equation that you are able to influence is your own. Do you do good with the same degree of fervor that the evil do evil? They may grow weary of sin on their own.

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daily word - moral authority

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Who speaks to you with a voice of moral authority? To do this it is not enough to be a prominent and eloquent spokesman to reassure you of things you already are convinced of. This concept is only really demonstrated in those who challenge your assumptions and established life habits. Who has the moral weight that when their pronouncements are in conflict with your current practices you take them seriously and consider changing as a result? Are you used to thinking in terms of hierarchical authority, and respect only those in position over you?

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daily word - seekers

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Do you recall my promise that if you seek you will find? This is cause to rejoice! Do you remember when you were a seeker? Are you still? Do you encounter others who are as well? Seeking can be a messy process and remaining in contact with such people will expose you to stories of false paths and false destinations, bitterness against their past experiences, and incorrect or incomplete views of reality. This may be discouraging to you but don’t give up hope. Keep the conversation going, because my promise of seeking and finding applies to them just as much as it did to you. Be patient.

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daily word - truthful and loving

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Are you ever in a dilemma between being truthful and loving? If someone asks your opinion about their appearance and you are not favorably impressed, should you say so? This question can put you in an awkward position and knowing this you can refrain from putting others in this position, but what if it is directed at you? But perhaps the problem isn’t the way they look but your ability to see. For all people are beautiful to me.

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daily word - morale and discipline

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A good military commander understands the value of discipline. He also knows the importance of good morale. Do these goals seem to be in conflict? Do undisciplined troops ever have good morale? You see passages in the Bible comparing believers to soldiers. Do you take this to imply that I am a military commander? Do you think I care about discipline? Do you think that I also care about morale? I have called you to rejoice. I wouldn’t expect this to be important to you if it wasn’t important to me as well. This isn’t something that can be issued as a command.

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daily word - tests?

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Did you take tests in school? You had to pass the tests to pass the course. This came easily for some and with difficulty for others, but the true purpose of school was not to perform well on exams but to be prepared for success in the real world. Do you view your time on earth as a life-long entrance exam for heaven? Is this one you struggle with? If you understand grace you don’t need to worry about this, but you still have trials and tests to endure.

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daily word - who is my neighbor?

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I told the story of the Good Samaritan to a Jewish audience, and as you are aware, the Jews despised the Samaritans. The story concerned ‘a certain man’, so the story does not make clear whether the man who was attacked was Jewish, or Samaritan, or neither. Do you think the story would have more impact if the victim were clearly identified as Jewish? But this point is left vague for a reason. You may recall that this story was presented in response to the question, ‘who is my neighbor?’ The implied response is that whoever needs your help is your neighbor, and that is all that matters.

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daily word - judgmental?

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Do you see other people as being judgmental? You could be right about that. Can you make this observation without being judgmental yourself? What doth it profit a man to become spiritually awake and aware if it only leads him into condemnation and judgment? It is not enough to be discerning, for you can discern evil as well as good, and perhaps better. I said to my audiences, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. The same argument could be applied to eyes to see. But the vision that you need is full of redemption and divine purpose. You must be transformed to see with eyes of love.

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daily word - church and state

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Do you believe in the separation of church and state? But there are some underlying assumptions about the nature of humanity that bear on politics and influence the types of states that are available. I promise you heaven in my Kingdom to come, but some utopian political movements based on the perfectibility of human nature promise heaven on earth. They assume unlimited power to implement their vision. The historical record of their attempts is a clear and obvious story of failure and millions have died as a result.

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daily word - authority?

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you recognize as a voice of moral authority speaking to you? This would be someone that you respect enough that you would follow their advice even if it went against your current practices and understanding. Who has the stature to make you revisit your existing habits and thinking? For most Christians this would include their pastor. Is there anyone of national reputation whom you would consider to be such an authority? If you can’t think of anyone for whom you would change your behavior, can you honestly claim to be teachable and open to change? Whose authority do you recognize?

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