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daily word - manipulated?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you resent being manipulated? Do you understand that other people only have as much power over you as you give them? The degree to which you care about their opinion of you is the same degree that they will be able to influence you. The Bible warns against this as the fear of men, rather than the fear of God. I said that no man can serve two masters. Do you think of this as a simple binary choice between money and me? Anyone to whom you surrender control is your master.

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daily word - wounded healers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you think is qualified to minister to other people? Do you have high standards for those who would help others? Do you see this in my word? Do you think it is a general principle that everyone is wounded in some way? For some it is openly manifest, but others carry their wounds internally. Then who is qualified to render aid? If you think about this it may cause you to revise your criteria. All are wounded, but not all are healers. All healers are wounded following the universal logic that there are no others available. Are you willing to be a wounded healer?

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daily word - incentives?

Dale Cresap's picture

What sort of incentive systems are you used to? You expect to be punished or deprived for doing the wrong things and rewarded or commended for doing the right things. Systems in which you are rewarded for doing the wrong thing are called perverse incentives. How do you see me? I am regarded as an extreme version of a conventional reward system by believer and unbeliever alike. Yet my word says it is my goodness that leads you to repentance. Paul reminds you that you are not to sin that grace may abound, but I am prepared to lavish blessings upon you until you return to me.

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daily word - judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that you should not judge people for things over which they have no control? You can’t blame people for their race, gender, age, or nation of origin. In many countries these are among categories legally protected against prejudice. Presumably then you can legally discriminate against people for things in their life they have control over, but should you? Do you have perfect control over the circumstances in your own life? Can you completely describe a person by the sum of their choices? The Biblical standard is higher than the legal standard. Don’t judge at all.

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daily word - least of these

Dale Cresap's picture

What is the worst possible state of humanity? Alienation and isolation would have to be at the top of the list, and loneliness is fatal. Even in prison the worst punishment is solitary confinement. Long ago I said that it is not good for man to be alone, and this is still true, in so many ways. Some live in a world of alienation and isolation by their own making, but you don’t have to contribute to this or be indifferent to it. There are sins of omission as well as commission and you are your brother’s keeper. I was a stranger and you took me in.

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daily word - slacker faith?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see Christianity as a slacker faith? You emphasize (correctly) that grace is a free, unearned gift. Does that imply that Christians are casually and marginally attached to their faith? How do you make the leap of logic to total commitment and involvement? In every other area of life you see people at the top of any field putting in effort for the results they get. Yet you see the same trait in those who are most successful in the practice of their faith.

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daily word - equal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you treat all your children equally? This is a modern ideal. In times past favoritism was expected and practiced openly. Consider the example of Joseph and his coat of many colors. Yet even parents who strive for equal treatment find it hard to implement in practice. Each child is different, and parents bring their own uniqueness to the situation, and there are random events in life. Can you extend this concept to your Father in heaven and the way he treats his children? You know that he is not a respecter of persons. Does it appear that he treats them all equally?

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daily word - logistics

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you worry about logistics? Soldiers worry about tactics and courage, but generals and field commanders worry about logistics. Management of resources and getting the right people in the right place at the right time and providing them with what they need to do their assignments is a huge task, and doing it well is a large part of victory. How good are you at this? Have you ever been aware that the events affecting your life were being coordinated by someone and it wasn’t you? Blessed are those who realize that I am at work on their behalf. Let me handle your logistical needs.

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daily word - body temple

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your body as a temple? Do you see this as a burden? If you are bought with a price and you are not your own then it is appropriate for you to honor me in your body. But before you regard this as a burden, can you stand in awe of the magnitude of the concept? For this is an affirmation that I dwell within you. The essence of my being is present in you. Though I inhabit all time, space, and eternity I also abide in you. You don’t contain me, but you don’t have to go looking for me either, for as I promised, the Kingdom of God is within you.

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daily word - games?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to play games? They provide a greater level of involvement and engagement than you get from entertainment or just being a spectator watching someone else play a game. They provide an opportunity for contact and involvement with other people, and competition sharpens your focus and brings forth your best performance. Yet they are still contrived contests, creating winners and losers without making a lasting improvement. Will your soul be satisfied with this? It is not wrong to play games, and they bring enjoyment, but don’t you have a hunger to make a difference in the world?

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