daily word - conformist?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a conformist? My commandment to you is to not be conformed to this world. So are you a non-conformist? This depends on context. Gangs may be non-conformist with regard to the expectations of society, but within their own group do you think dissent is welcome? Colleges are not gangs and they are thought of as places of free and open inquiry. Do you think this is still true? In this regard would you say that most churches are internally conformist? How free do you feel to pursue your own spiritual journey and study of the Bible and embrace what you find in the process?

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daily word - agree?

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Have you heard it said that you should agree with your adversary quickly? Why would you agree with someone you disagree with? If you want to win over your brother, you should start with the weaknesses in your own argument and the strengths in his. He is expecting opposition, so if you start with something he can agree with, you have captured his attention and interest. Does this start you off at a disadvantage? Remember that you have the Holy Spirit to help you recover this if the door is open and exchange is occurring.

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daily word - binding energy?

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Do you have a community? It is not good for a man to be alone and this is a need for every person, to belong and to connect with others. You were not meant to lead an alienated and isolated life. How strong is your community? For most communities are structured on voluntary association, and people can choose to belong or not, and how involved they want to be if they are, and this includes churches. Do you see the value of accountability? Most people accept this in principle even if it is hard to practice.

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daily word - Special?

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Are you special? The egocentric part of every person would like to claim this, as somehow superior to others. You are a unique creation, but this applies to everyone else as well, so it doesn’t elevate one above another. You receive my favor and blessing, but I do this for everyone, in fact I send sun and rain on the evil and on the good alike. An even stronger statement is that I open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Arguments for being special create strife and a competition hierarchy.

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daily word - consider the source

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard the phrase, consider the source? Is this ever used as a compliment? This is spoken to indicate that a statement in question is foolish and implies that the speaker is not capable of anything better. But the logic of this criticism fails as well. This is an attack on a person rather than an idea. The validity of a statement should be considered apart from the person who makes it. Is there anyone whose statements are above scrutiny? In like manner, is there anyone incapable of making a true statement?

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daily word - innocence?

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Do you recognize the phrase, presumption of innocence? It is also stated as presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is a legal concept and is accepted doctrine in free countries on the basis that it is worth the risk to let some guilty people go free than to punish the innocent unjustly. Can you apply this principle in your own life, apart from a courtroom setting? You have no idea of the guilt or innocence of most of the people you encounter. Isn’t it better to show them favor even if it turns out to be undeserved? The alternative is to become judges of evil intent.

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daily word - authority

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I told my disciples how the gentiles viewed authority, loving to lord it over one another when they could, but it was not to be so among my followers. I did not reject the concept of authority, but said that those who would hold positions of spiritual authority were to be as servants. Since my church is a voluntary association, those in leadership positions only have the authority that people are willing to give them. In this way authority is intrinsic rather than by title or office. You have to earn it by love and trust. Do not be discouraged if you are in a leadership position.

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daily word - hospitality

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Do you practice hospitality? This is commended in the Bible. Do you think this is limited to people with gracious homes for entertaining and lodging guests? It would include that but even without that you can do what you can with the resources you have. Take a larger view of hospitality. Consider giving a ride to someone who needs one, giving directions to a stranger, or sitting and listening to someone who needs to tell their story. The Bible also makes it clear that this is not an opportunity for reciprocity.

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daily word - answer everything?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you feel that you need to have an answer for every question regarding your faith? The Great Commission was given to all, but not all are theologians, historians, and scholars. Have you seen people get tangled up and made things worse instead of better by reaching too hard for an answer that was beyond their grasp? Have you ever done this? It is better to leave some questions unanswered than to put forth wrong answers. You are indeed directed to be able to give every man an answer, but this is for the hope that lies in you. You can do that without having to answer every question.

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daily word - projecting shadows?

Dale Cresap's picture

You are familiar with the process of projection which has been around since the first movies. Images can be projected over a distance to appear larger on a surface, typically a screen. This requires a powerful lamp. Can shadows be projected? This doesn’t work in the world of optics, but people have been doing it for a long time. Have you seen people ‘project’ their unresolved issues onto the world around them? In this way problems that are not dealt with are passed along to others and kept alive.

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