Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!
strong faith
Do you expect to require training and practice to acquire a new skill and become proficient at it? Many believers will expect this for every area of their live except their faith. But faith can grow and gain strength by practice and experience like anything else you do. Ask those whom you consider to be strong in the faith if they started out that way. Soldiers train in a safe place before going into battle, and athletes train in a gym before competition. You can apply the same principle for the practice of your faith, looking for safe places to develop it so that it will be strong when you really need it.
Worry is a scheming, deadly being who wants you dead!
Worry is a coward who picks on children.
God you started talking to me this morning about worry. I’m pretty sure you gave the word a capital ‘W’, almost as though you were suggesting that Worry is a thing?
Mark Worry is much more than a ‘thing’; Worry is a conniving, scheming, deadly being, a ‘power’ – he’s far stronger than you, and he wants you dead! Gone. Finished.
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One Step
If you have gone on a long journey and come home then you know the meaning of a round trip. According to the laws of geometry the distance home is the same as the distance out, although it may seem shorter or longer. Yet there is a case in which this is not true. For no matter how far you wander away from me you are only one step away from returning to me. For though you depart from me I do not depart from you. I promised to be with you always and I will keep covenant even if you don’t. At any time if you turn your attention to me you will find I was with you all along.
What Affect Does Sin Have? Two-Way Journaling
Below is some outstanding journaling concerning the role of the law and grace, sin and Christ's cleansing blood, and how all this affects our relationship with the Lord. Does God withdraw Himself when we have sin? Do I need to confess my sin since it was all dealt with by Christ's blood on Calvary? Get some wonderful answers from the heart of the Lord. The excellent journaling below is from Emeka D. A. Ojoko.
True to you!
Have you ever heard, to thy own self be true and you cannot be false to anyone? This is usually used as a superficial justification for people going their own way and the Biblical versions of this are there is a way that seem right to a man but the end thereof is death, and everyone did what was right in their own sight. Yet there is a reality to this concept if viewed from first principles. To be true to yourself is to recognize that you are created in the image of God. This is true of atheists even though they are alienated from their source and origin. To really be true to yourself it to be true to me.
new life
Do you come to me to improve your life? Do you want an improved version of your current life, or a really new and different life? I told my followers that the gentiles sought after things to eat and drink and wear. That list is greatly expanded today but the underlying principle is the same. Would you be content with higher quality versions of provision and health? But the life I offer you is not a better version of what you have. It is new in every way. It is a life in my Kingdom that is not of this world. Don’t be content with better stuff. Seek first my Kingdom which is transcendent and divine, and you will have it.
polite prayer?
In polite conversation people will allow everyone to speak and even to take turns in choosing topics. It is considered rude to dominate a conversation, especially if someone with more knowledge, wisdom, and insight is shut out. Do you apply this rule to your conversations with me? How much of your prayer time is spent in listening as opposed to speaking? I have so much to say, but I will not drown you out, although you can do this to me. Which of us by virtue of wisdom and knowledge should do more of the speaking? I will if you give me the chance. Are you willing to take the next step and let me pick the topics?
Do you believe in playing it safe? Does that mean that the best alternative is inaction when you are faced with risk and uncertainty? Sometimes you should move forward even when the view ahead is not entirely clear. Consider the parable of the talents. The servants who used their own initiative to multiply their talents were commended. Note that the master gave them no direction in how to proceed. Note also that the story did not end well for the wicked and slothful servant who hid his talent in the earth. I will give you direction in how to multiply your talents for me. Inaction is not the right answer.
Linda Burton Journals about Luke 14
The wonderful testimony and journaling below comes from one of our students, Linda Burton. Enjoy this word from the Lord!