February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

clean inside

Dale Cresap's picture

I accused the hypocrites of my day of being whitewashed tombs, superficially attractive but full of dead men’s bones. I told them to clean the inside of the cup before worrying about the outside. Do you find that it is more difficult to accomplish real transforming internal change in your life than it is to put on a good appearance? Do not be content to pursue the easier task of a good outward showing. You may find it impossible to do the deep inner work on your own. Yet I can do it in you. When this is done you won’t need to worry about appearances. When the inside is right the outside will take care of itself. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you sleep-deprived? Many people would benefit from more sleep, but have you ever been in a time of distress in your life, full of cares and woes, in which you woke up feeling as weary as when you went to bed? Sleep is a restorative for the body, but you consist of more than a body and every part of you needs restoration. Come to me all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart and will give rest to your souls. Have you ever been weary and found refreshment from me? An hour spent with me can revive you in a way that a full night of sleep cannot. 

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mom and dad

Dale Cresap's picture

One of my enduring commandments is to honor your father and mother. Do you believe that I created you? In some mysterious way I did, and in some not so mysterious way your mother and father were involved in the process.  They made some mistakes concerning you but if they hadn’t done some things right you would not be here to make that observation. Who is prepared to call their own existence into question? For most people this is an axiomatic premise. Yet if you consider the possibility that you may never have been brought into being you can honor those involved even if they did it badly. 

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Help everyone

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan? A man was beaten by robbers and left in the road. A priest and a Levite walked by without getting involved, but the Samaritan stopped to help. The affiliations of these people are called out because they are important in the story. You know from other passages that Samaritans had doctrinal errors and Jews did not, yet the one with incorrect beliefs was commended for stopping to help. What was the background of the man who was attacked? I didn’t mention it because it wasn’t important. Do good to those in need regardless of their background. 

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Rise Above

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard someone complain about a minor bothersome annoyance and told them to rise above it? This is good advice and you may look for opportunities to apply it to yourself. The range of annoyances covers the whole spectrum. Children are bothered by the smallest things, and it is a mark of maturity that you can rise above ever greater disturbances. My word says the same thing when it teaches you to seek those things which are above, where I sit at the right hand of the Father. For your life consists in me and my Kingdom is your true home, so look forward and look up. 

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delay judgment

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever struggle with procrastination? Do you think it could ever be a good thing? I teach you not to enter into judgment. Do you find it hard to avoid this? If you can’t avoid judgment altogether, at least make a conscious decision to delay or postpone it. Have you ever made a quick judgment that turned out to be wrong, and would have made a better one if you had waited? You feel tension from unresolved questions and want answers, but false judgment is too high a price to pay for having your answers now. Even those without faith can see the problems with hasty judgment. This is an area in which the longer you delay the better. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you keep the Ten Commandments? One of these is to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. Yet in my time on earth I was criticized for not keeping the Sabbath because I healed on that day. The observance of the Sabbath has changed a great deal from the original day of rest after creation to a day when most Christians attend church. Would a day of rest be a blessing or a hindrance to you? The new covenant gives every believer maximum latitude in saying that one regards one day above another while another regard every day the same. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. In this covenant of love you are free to observe the Sabbath as you wish. Do so in a way that honors me and gives me glory. 

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My word speaks

Dale Cresap's picture

The Psalmist hid my word in his heart that he might not sin against me. Ever since Bible study has been a central aspect of the faith. Through history many have learned to read for the purpose of Bible study and it has made scholars of ordinary people who would have little interest in academics otherwise. Does this seem to favor those with natural academic ability? Bible study is not the only way of knowing me, and it is not the method I used with my own disciples. I created everyone with their own abilities and love them all and want them to come to me even if their relationship with me is based more on their experience of life with me. 

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Kingdom of God

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of the Christian faith primarily in terms of the church? In my word I talk about building my church. Yet my gospel references to my church are few and my references to my Kingdom are many. Do you see these as separate things? They are not. My church is a part of my Kingdom. Yet how many of my own people think of the Kingdom of God only in the context of their own church? My Kingdom is bigger than your church and I want to enlarge your awareness of all my Kingdom encompasses. I told my disciples that I had other sheep who were not of this fold, and I would bring them all into one flock. This is still true. If you look to see my Kingdom beyond your familiar surroundings you will find that it is larger than you previously understood.

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On Duty

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of being on duty? This implies being alert and available to serve. In most occupations being on duty requires only so many unbroken hours and tasks requiring continuous attention are rotated between staff members. This is in recognition of the limits of human ability. What employer would work his employees around the clock without rest? Yet my word teaches you that your time is always ready. Do you see yourself as being on duty for me all the time? Yet I am more aware of your abilities and limitations than anyone else. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Learn to see this in a positive light. If you look for opportunities to serve me where you have not looked before you will find them. 

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