February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

What do you do in your spare time? For some it is rest, for others entertainment and others call it recreation. Entertainment is for spectators but recreation implies action and involvement. Does it imply even more than this? For the term clearly comes from re-creation. You have many choices available to you for this. Some have a physical emphasis and others a mental one. Can you think of any that have a spiritual one? Do the ones you choose leave you with a sense of being re-created? Do not think of your free time as something to be filled with diversions but seek me in this and I will lead you into things that will refresh you in body, soul, mind, and spirit. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the sanctity of life? Believers base this doctrine on the fact that all are created in my image. Not everyone concurs with this, but how many people do you meet who don’t believe in the sanctity of their own life? For I taught that no man hates his own life but nurtures and cherishes it. Those who believe in the sanctity of life extend this principle to all. Can you see how this principle can be further extended to other areas? As you would have men do unto you, do also unto them, for this fulfills the law and the prophets. Do you see everyone who affirms the sanctity of life following this golden rule? Let he who loves God love his brother as himself. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that everyone is entitled to their opinion? There seems to be no shortage. Have you found people who feel entitled to share their opinion with you, perhaps more than you want? Such people are called opinionated. Do you find them to be tedious and wearisome? On the other hand, do you find it refreshing when people share insights that they have received from me? Revelation is better than opinion. Do you think that revelation is available only to a select few? I will speak to anyone who will listen, and show them eternal truth. Trust in me and lean not on your own understanding, or your own opinions. Share what I tell you with others and you will be a fountain of living water to them. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of friendship in terms of parity? Are most of your friends nearly your equals in terms of wealth, education, and other social status indicators? Does it seem awkward if a friendship is one-sided, with one party consistently bearing the other, giving more, providing more? These are violations of cultural expectations of equality. Yet I taught you to seek out and befriend those who could not repay you that you would have treasure in heaven. In this case going against the grain of your culture will let your light shine that men may glorify me. If your heart is willing to receive such a blessing I will provide you with opportunities to do so. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I taught my followers that when they were invited to a wedding banquet to choose a seat of lesser honor than they were entitled to that they would be invited higher rather than forced into a less honored seat. Do you understand that this principle applies to more than wedding banquet seating? The world is not naturally a level field, so if you look for opportunities to humble yourself you will find them, for the principle of seeking and finding applies here just as it does elsewhere. Humble yourself and I will exalt you. Do not seek status as something to be grasped and you will have honor from me. 

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listen as you read

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you go about studying my word? You have experience in the academic study of literature from school. Do you take the same approach to the Bible? My word affirms that it is living and powerful. Do you regard it in this way when you study it? When you read my word do you listen for my voice? Some things do not lend themselves completely to book learning and revelation is one of them. I will speak to you through my word but it is helpful if you are attentive to it in a way that transcends conventional human learning. He who has ears to hear, let him hear my voice as he reads my word. 

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response to injustice

Dale Cresap's picture

If anyone had a reason to be bitter it was Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. He had just cause to resent this. He could have let it consume him but he persevered until he was advanced into a position where he could minister redemption back to his brothers. Would he have arrived at this place if he had focused only on the injustice done to him? Have you ever faced a similar situation on a smaller scale? Do you focus on the injustice done to you? If you bear up in these situations trusting me and looking for my redemptive purpose you will find it and you too will be able to say what you meant for evil God meant for good. 

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unified theory

Dale Cresap's picture

The quest of science is for a unified field theory, a simple elegant theory that explains all the behavior of matter. This is an elusive goal. People also search for meaning in their lives, a context in which the events that affect them make sense. In general they don’t ask probing questions about the favor and blessing they receive, but they want answers about their pain and suffering. Fortunately there is an answer for this, but it requires a transcendent perspective. In the economy of my Kingdom everything makes sense and has a purpose and meaning, and all things work together for good for those who love me. 

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your cross

Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you to take up your cross every day. This implies that you have a cross available to you, and that the decision to take it up is voluntary and routine. Do you believe that I love you, and that everything I ask of you is motivated by love and is for your greatest ultimate benefit? Is this easy to see when it involves redemption, and blessing and healing? Can you trust me that it is just as true when it involves carrying your cross? The greatest blessing I have for you is to transform you into my image and likeness. This is only accomplished when you carry your cross. If there was another way I would have provided it. 

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open your eyes

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you expect me to appear in your life? People who were deliberately looking for me at the time of my first appearing missed me because they were looking for something magnificent and glorious, and I came teaching about catching fish, planting seeds, lost coins, and oil for lamps. These lessons were too mundane for the religious establishment of my time. Are they too mundane for you? I will come to you disguised as your everyday life. Are you prepared to see this? Are you prepared to open your eyes and see my divine presence and purpose in everything around you? He who has eyes to see, let him see that my presence in your everyday life is magnificent and glorious. 

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