February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

inner renewal

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you that though the outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Do you think this is a special case referring to the short term experience of a few individuals? In the long term it applies to everyone. People can accelerate or retard the effects of aging by the way they live, but time will win in the end. This may be a hard reality to face in a culture that values youth and beauty so much, but it is part of my plan and design from the beginning. Don’t ignore the second part of the passage which is the real message. Look at the advancement of years as a process in which you can become sharper and more focused on the things that really matter. 

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Prophetic Proclamation to Declare Over America

Mark Virkler's picture

Flavien Williams, a graduate of Christian Leadership University having earned a Doctorate in Christian Leadership, received the following words from the Lord concerning how we are to effectively pray for the United States of America. I encourage you to join with me in decreeing this forth and fulfilling any responsibilities God assigns to you to ensure this happens. Together we will see America restored!

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Won't power?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you admire people who have great willpower? Perhaps it should be termed won’t power. They won’t give in and won’t be swayed from their determined course. Yet how do you distinguish this from willfulness? This refers to stubbornness. Willpower is commendable if it is used for admirable ends, but my word commends those of a broken spirit and a contrite heart. There is too much of human effort in willpower, which in Biblical terms is the works of the flesh, and not enough of divine grace. Human strength will not accomplish the works of God, and those who serve me effectively have learned that my strength is perfected in their weakness. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as being on a spiritual journey? Your faith will affect you in one of two ways. It will keep you from changing, or it will be the agent by which you change. You can remain among those of your own tradition, reassured and confirmed in the things you already know. You can read only those things that show you were right all along. This is comforting, but false. True spiritual maturity comes from expansion and that involves stretching. This is uncomfortable, but true. If you continue in my word this is a truth that you will understand and be free. Then your faith will be the agent by which you are changed into my likeness. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you tired? Accept my invitation to come to me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Do you think that rest alone will restore you? If you are trying to do more than I assign you no amount of rest will restore you. I gently chided Martha who was careful and troubled about many things. When I give you an assignment I give you the ability and strength and all other resources you need to carry it out. If you take up burdens of your own choice where will you find the resources to carry them? Be content with the burdens I give you, for these are custom made for you. 

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under the influence

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of driving under the influence? In this context it is understood that the influence is from alcohol or other drugs and this is illegal because it impairs your ability. But the phrase ‘under the influence’ is broad and general. You can be influenced by things other than drugs. What influences are present in your life? These can include people, mindsets, habits, assumptions, and thought patterns. Many more are influenced by these things than by substances. Who is exempt from them? Do yours work for you or against you? The liberty that I exhort you to stand in is to be free of detrimental influences. 

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positive gospel

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you encountered would-be evangelists who attempt to spread the gospel message by attacking other faiths? In a courtroom a witness who is combative and troublesome is called a hostile witness. Unfortunately the same concept applies outside of courtrooms. There are some doctrines that are essential to the gospel message, and these are basic and simple. Is it necessary to bring up the doctrinal differences you have with other denominations when you present the gospel to the lost? This only confuses them and presents the Christian faith as contentious. The gospel is a positive message. Present it that way. 

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Linda Widjaja Journals About Being Naturally Supernatural

Mark Virkler's picture

I want to highlight the personal experience of someone who is just beginning to step into this new lifestyle! Enjoy Linda’s journaling below as she meditates and journals about some key verses in the Naturally Supernatural course which she is completing. Note the difference between simply reading a few Scriptures as contrasted to letting the Lord speak directly into your heart concerning these verses. See how the Lord repeats key truths over and over in various ways, using specific pictures which are meaningful to the listener. (Note: Linda is originally from Indonesia so the language and symbols are unique to her.) This brings heart revelation and personal transformation. Now for some of Linda's journaling...

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bad results?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever engaged in a ministry opportunity in the belief that you were obeying me and had it not turn out well, or the way you expected? Do you find this discouraging, or does it cause you to doubt your ability to discern my guidance? Let not your heart be troubled. I am pleased with your obedience and that is all I ask of you. Walk in the light given to you and trust me to make your efforts effective. Your expectation of a certain outcome is your assumption and not a part of my guidance for you to obey. How can you be sure that things went wrong? Remember that I am in control, my good and faithful servant. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider yourself to be an optimistic person? Does your faith make you more or less optimistic? How do you think the Christian population as a whole compares to unbelievers in this regard? Too many of my people look at the conditions in the world, including the abounding of unrighteousness, and are discouraged as a result, even more so than those who are in darkness and have no hope. My word teaches you to rejoice as a matter of principle, and I have given you ample reasons to do so. Don’t forget who is really in charge. This alone is reason enough to rejoice evermore. 

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