February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you hesitate to serve me because you think you are not qualified? Search the scriptures and see if you can find anyone who was qualified. Who among the heroes of the faith would have been your choice to carry out their assignments if they had applied for the position and you had been hiring? Luke and Paul both had strong academic backgrounds, but Paul in particular after listing his credentials equates them to manure. I give gifts and talents to all and delight when they use them to my glory, but do you also see that I delight to do my work through ordinary vessels, including you?

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Least of these?

Dale Cresap's picture

I taught that if you ministered to the least of these that you had done it unto me. This obviously applies to the poor. Do you think they are the only ones who could be considered the least of these? You are surrounded by people who are roughly equal to you financially with whom you do not normally interact because of differences in status, beliefs, interests, ideology, intelligence and education. Contact with them requires you to go outside your comfort zone and applying the principle broadly they could be considered the least of these for you. My word is clear about ministry to the poor in particular, but don’t limit your ministry to them.

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The dark voices of the shadows of men tell you that there are no voices. But theyre lying.

Mark Holloway's picture

God hi.

Mark hi.

God I still can’t get used to that really being you. You don’t seem serious enough.

You know it’s really me.

I guess I do. God there are still a few church pastors nervous about this idea of having a conversation with you – they say that I’m leading people astray with this idea that we can have a back and forward conversation with you. When that happens I find that if I’m not on my guard I start doubting you.

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Dale Cresap's picture

I told stories about valuable pearls. One involved a pearl of great price that a man sold everything else he had to buy. He wanted it enough to spend everything he had. Another man found an even more valuable pearl that he could not afford, hidden in a field, and sold all he had to buy the field and get the pearl. You know by basic doctrine that you can’t afford salvation and your entrance to my Kingdom, and you have it by grace, as emphasized in the second story. Yet there is a common theme between the stories. Are you willing to spend everything you have to get something you can’t afford? You are bought with a price and are not your own. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that perception is reality? There is a Biblical basis for this modern proverb. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. People take real actions in response to the way they think things are, even if they are wrong. Does this help you see the importance of seeing things the way they really are? I taught that the Father seeks those who will worship him in Spirit and in truth, and that if you continued in my word you would know the truth and the truth would make you free. Are you willing to revisit questions that you considered to be settled that you may continue in my word for greater truth?

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suffering for good?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever suffered because of something that wasn’t your fault? If someone else set you up either intentionally or unintentionally does it fill you with rage and indignation? My word deals with suffering at great length and teaches you to bear it patiently instead. Even so, much suffering comes about through the random processes of time and chance, and this comes to all. There is another type of suffering that is suffering for righteousness that only comes to the righteous. Do you think you get enough suffering for your own faults and randomness? Do you desire righteousness enough to take on additional suffering? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

If you study the history of my church you will find that there have been great conflicts over doctrinal matters. Some of these still exist, but what do you find that separates the many different churches you see today? Isn’t it more a matter of preferences in style and administration than basic beliefs? So most differences come down to taste in such things as music and degree of exuberance in worship. Everyone has their own preferences, but you should recognize that yours are just that. You are welcome to find one that is a good fit for you, and accept everyone else who makes their own choice.

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Dale Cresap's picture

It is not reasonable or necessary to expect that you will agree with anyone about everything. Yet you should strive for this first of all, that you disagree agreeably. Do you hold your opinions firmly and defend them vigorously? Allow others the space to do the same thing. You hold your freedom of conscience dearly; defend the right of others to do so too. Do not let doctrine become an issue that separates until you have gone many extra miles. You are called to unity with your brothers. This does not require universal agreement. It does require gracious acceptance of others who also belong to my body. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you celebrate Christmas? Most Christians do, although some abstain because of the pagan origins of some traditions. My word says that one esteems one day above another and others esteem every day the same. Both are acceptable to me, and each should be persuaded by his own conscience, and not judge the other. Yet many believers and even unbelievers celebrate Christmas with extravagant excess. Let your celebrations be times of joy rather than burdens. You have learned to look for my redemptive purpose in everything you do. Follow this same principle in the way you celebrate Christmas. 

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elder brother?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the prodigal son? This short story has many important lessons. Do you note that the father was more loving and accepting than the elder brother? This is important to know today because of the abundance of elder brothers operating in the world today. They claim to represent me, but the image they present is harsh and judgmental, and many people have a distorted understanding of me because of their message. I want you to know the truth and walk in the light. Disregard them and come to me that you may know my love and acceptance firsthand. 

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