February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

You are at a certain stage in your spiritual journey. Can you see how far you have come? Do you, in humility, see how far you still have to go? The other people you meet are also at a particular stage in their spiritual journey, although early in the process they may not even see it as a journey. Schools understand the concept of learning progression by having grades and a curriculum in sequence. Good teachers will not try to prove how smart they are to their students, but will meet them where they are to move them forward. In like manner you honor the work I am doing in others and advance it by meeting them where they are rather than trying to force them to your level or prove yourself superior.   

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let go

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you desire to grow in wisdom and understanding? Do you think this consists only of learning new things and making new connections? Have you executed this process with no errors to this point? That would make you a rare person. Who hasn’t accepted some misunderstandings as truth along the way? I want you to remain teachable. This involves a willingness to revisit things you have already learned. You may find that they need to be modified or released. Would this seem like losing ground to you rather than making progress? I tell you that it is progress to let go of things that are wrong. 

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your job

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that I have many titles. Do you see me as the president of a large corporation? Part of the job of a business manager is to hire staff and assign them to the proper positions. A good manager will find people who are well-suited for the job in every way, including natural talent, skill, experience, character and temperament. Do you understand that I have a job for everyone in my Kingdom? Not all of them pay wages in the wealth of this world, but all have rewards in heaven. Submit your application and trust me to assign you a task for which I created you and prepared you for it is your destiny. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that I created the world, and man in my own image? This concept that was universally accepted for centuries has come under relentless attack for decades so that the only defenders are my followers. It is one thing to accept this as a doctrinal premise and another to walk in the reality of all it implies. You live in my world. When you open your eyes do you see my presence and fingerprints everywhere? More to the point, do you see a divine imprint in everyone you meet, regardless of their religious beliefs or complete lack thereof? You may think that the fall changed all the premises of creation, but it didn’t. 

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words of life

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of the Bible as words of life? Yet it contains some difficult passages. I spoke words that neither my friends or my enemies liked, about eating my flesh and drinking my blood. Even Peter was distressed, but he would not go away, for he affirmed that I spoke the words of life. Have you ever heard Christians using scripture to make proclamations against those who do not believe, declaring over them eternal judgment? That is not their job, for I also teach you not to say, even in your heart, who shall ascend into heaven, and who shall descend into hell. Don’t turn the words of life into words of death. 

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Hand picked?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your church as a Christian community? Does it consist of people you would hand-pick for companions? Perhaps they wouldn’t pick you either, and there is a purpose for this. In most areas of life you have the choice to associate with those of your own choosing. Family is an exception to this, and church can be depending on how you view it. You can think of examples of those who go from one church to another in an endless search for the right one. This is not my plan for you. Receive from me the wisdom that there is a benefit for you in belonging to a group that you didn’t choose, and realize that I hand-picked them for that purpose. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I tell you to lay up treasure in heaven where it is really safe, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Do you think this refers to treasure only in terms of money? But you are not laying up money in heaven. Treasure in this world can consist of money, but it can mean other things too. Even if you have a godly attitude toward money and are not materialistic, are there things here that you treasure in a way that displaces me or interferes with your accumulation of treasure in heaven? Ponder this question in a broad sense. The scripture passage implies that your treasure is whatever you give your heart to.

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Dale Cresap's picture

What does your culture value? Is money more important than wisdom? What do you value? My word describes wisdom as crying in the streets. There don’t appear to be any takers. Apparently there was a ‘buyer’s market’ for wisdom. Yet Solomon asked for wisdom and I was pleased with his request and gave him more besides. You have my promise that if you seek you will find, which is to say that you will find what you seek. If you value the things that are truly important, then seek them and you will have them. My promise that if any man lack wisdom to ask of me and receive it still holds. 

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led by the Spirit

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you led by the Spirit? Do you claim this as a matter of Biblical doctrine or as a matter of firsthand experience? Do not use this question as a basis for self-condemnation. It is possible to be more aware of the leading of the Spirit in hindsight, when you look back and realize that I was with you all along, even though it felt at the time as if you were wandering or groping along alone. I speak in a still small voice, but I do speak, and have promised that you will hear my voice. Do you see how pleasant and favorable it is to hear my voice in the moment, to walk with a constant awareness of my presence with you and my guidance? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself more as a member of a particular church or as a member of the Body of Christ? Both things should be true, but some believers emphasize one more than the other. There are great benefits to both aspects, which are available to you if you embrace and receive them. You know that I have one body, which should make you identify with every other believer, showing the world that you are my disciples by loving one another. At the same time you need deep roots in a community of people you know, and who know you, with whom you can share my life face to face. 

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