How to Pray Prophetically for Our Nation
Donna Childress shares this vision (I met her at GLOBAL last week): I would like to take time to share a vision that I had while in Washington DC. I recently moved to Mechanicsburg, PA from Myrtle Beach, SC. I received an email from my friend Kathy in Myrtle Beach about one of our friend’s named Annette. Annette received a word from God that she was to go to Washington DC and pray around the White House on April 1, 2014 and also pray around the Capital Building the next day. She was also instructed to email a few friends so they could pass on the message that she was going and to meet her in Washington if anyone was interested.
They did not know how they were going to pay for their trip or where they were going to stay; they were depending on God to provide. When I heard about it, I volunteered to let them stay with me and I told them that they could drive back and forth because it was only a couple hours away. I also felt led to go with them. Here is what happened upon our arrival in Washington.