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change direction?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed how many people have changed direction spiritually at some point? They may have spent years in one faith tradition only to forsake it for another. They would describe this as an improvement and movement toward greater truth and hopefully they are right. Too many of these hold an attitude of bitterness and resentment toward their past, and for the time they consider wasted in another tradition. This is an area where you should be gentle with yourself rather than filled with regret. There is no shame in living according to the light available to you at the time. I can use even the parts of your past that you consider wasted as a part of my redemptive and transformative work in your life. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you proud of your reasoning ability? When computers first became available for use in the home, they were used primarily for playing games regardless of their processing power. It wasn’t until they could be connected to a network that they became really useful. Do you see your brain as a powerful processor, able to comprehend and analyze great things? I think that the same principle for computers and networks applies to you. Your mind works better as a receiver than as a stand-alone processor. Come to me to sit at my feet and hear my word, and I will be in all your thoughts. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Does your faith include rituals? Sacraments are rituals but not all rituals are sacraments. Rituals have meaning in that they are symbolic of larger concepts. Rituals get a bad name because it is possible to go through the motions without engaging the larger concept. Will you close a door for no reason? You can close a door for many reasons but you don’t do it just to go through the motion. Neither should you build a fire on my altar for no reason, and the fact that you did it yesterday and the day before isn’t enough. I have given you the freedom to choose your own rituals. Engage yours with purpose and passion and they will give you life. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you belong to a tribe? Do you think this term applies only to small, isolated, primitive groups? Yet don’t you prefer to associate with those like yourself who hold the same beliefs, values, customs, and culture? This provides a sense of acceptance and you are comfortable where you fit in. This is not sinful, but it does limit your opportunities for growth. I called a particular group of people to be my own and they were further divided into tribes. Yet even back then I told them to be kind to and accepting of the stranger in their midst. Are you willing to go outside of your tribe to follow this commandment today?

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can you handle it?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard it said that I will not give you more than you can handle? You do have my promise that I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can endure, but that isn’t exactly the same thing. How much can you handle on your own? For my word teaches that without me you can do nothing. How much can you handle with me? You know that with me you can do all things. These statements give you some important perspective on whether I will I give you more than you can handle. The real question is whether you are willing to walk in acknowledgment of your dependence on me. 

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soul mates

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of “soul mates”? This has become a common phrase used to describe ideal romantic partners. Do you know people engaged in a search for a soul mate? They assume that one such individual exists, and you may notice that they go through multiple iterations in their search for the perfect one. In this context they may be looking for something that doesn’t exist, but the concept is valid nonetheless, if properly understood. Your real soul mate is me. I made you for myself and you not find ultimate satisfaction anywhere or with anyone else. Don’t expect another person to provide for you what only I can. 

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divine food

Dale Cresap's picture

My disciples returned from a trip to get food and I told them that I had food that they knew not of. They didn’t understand so I told them that my food was to do the will of God. Perhaps you have experienced the same thing. You have been cold and hungry and tired. Yet when you are fully engaged in something that you are passionate about do you notice these things? When you are fulfilling your destiny don’t these minor discomforts drop below your level of awareness? They still exist but you have more important things to pay attention to. You too can be nourished by the abundance of life. [departure delayed]

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freely give

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to give to the poor. Do you prefer to give to the deserving poor, or the poor of your own faith tradition? Do you make a strong distinction between the poor who are worthy and those who are not, and adjust your generosity accordingly? This distinction is yours rather than mine. Do you find it in my word? I told the story of the Good Samaritan as an illustration of an outsider who ministered according to this principle, based on need alone. The Good Samaritan went out of his comfort zone to meet a need. Are you willing to let go of artificial distinctions and do the same? Going to Oshkosh for 10 days

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loan to God?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you hate to loan money? The Bible cautions against being a debtor, and you have valid reasons to be wary of being a lender as well. Yet the Bible does encourage lending in one case, in that he who gives to the poor lends to God. Note that it does not say he who lends to the poor gives to God. From your perspective you are to give to the poor expecting nothing in return, but I view this action as a loan to me. Are you more willing to lend to those you expect to pay you back? I have a good credit rating. If you give generously to the poor you can trust me to pay you back with interest. 

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