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better than you deserve?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to get what you deserve? Would you want to get what you deserved if you realized that you were already getting better than you deserved? In that case getting what you deserve would be a step down. An entitlement mentality causes you to grasp for your due. My word teaches you gratitude rather than entitlement. It asks what you have that you did not receive, and the implied answer is nothing. If you can understand this then you can receive it with joy and thanksgiving, and release your grasping. Blessed are those who know that they are already receiving my blessing and favor. 

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Done Praying?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pray before major decisions or at other times when you know you need my help? How long do you pray? How do you know when you are done? You can make a prayer of a single sentence, but prayer is not like mowing the lawn or washing the dishes where it is obvious when you are done. Consider the Biblical example of all those who have persevered in prayer to obtain their desire. Consider the importunate widow. These are the fervent effectual prayers that avail much. If you sense the need for prayer as a burden, then the lifting of that burden will show that you are done. Even with no change in the situation the peace that surpasses understanding will inform you it is time to act. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that your walk of faith takes a lifetime? After you are saved you still have a lifetime of study, growth, and maturity ahead of you. Do not expect to ‘arrive’ in this world. Do you also understand that spiritual growth is urgent? There is a tendency to think that urgent tasks should be completed quickly, and those that take a lifetime can be completed at a leisurely pace. So one criteria would seem to be in opposition to the other, but both are valid aspects of your faith. Patience as a spiritual fruit is not just a willingness to wait for results. It allows you to remain engaged and active while the long term results come about. 

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binding energy

Dale Cresap's picture

Nuclear physicists talk about binding energy. The same concept applies to human relations. Friends and organizations must have some organizing principle that holds them together, otherwise they will drift apart. This applies to churches as well. This energy must be present to hold a group together, but it can be positive or negative. The easiest way to gain unity is to unify against a common enemy. Yet knowing what you are against is not life giving in the same way as knowing what you are for. Beware of groups that use opposition to hold them together. This can be toxic to everyone in the group. 

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who shall?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever wonder who is going to heaven and who isn’t? My word tells you not to say, who shall ascend into heaven, and who shall descend into hell. Not even in your heart! This is a decision that is made above your pay grade. Even so, if you search your heart, do you have a tendency to prefer one destination or the other for particular individuals? I do too, and it is the same in every case. I am not willing that any should perish, and you shouldn’t be either.

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The Bible

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know what the word ‘Bible’ means? It means ‘book’. You treat this as a sacred word for a sacred book, but that is the meaning of the term. One of the books in the Bible is called the book of Revelation. Perhaps that is a term that should be applied to the entire Bible. You understand that you are not under the law. Do you look at the Bible as a book of the law? It is easy to do in your culture of intellect. If you are willing to see the Bible as a book of revelation, that is a departure from the line upon line and precept upon precept approach. Search the scriptures and see that they testify of me, and come to me to have life. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know the importance of being teachable? Do you understand what this means? You can be curious and inquisitive and seek out information to acquire knowledge, but this is not the complete process. For you know educated people who have plenty of facts and information whose behavior and character do not seem to be influenced by what they have learned. The Bible refers to those who are ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth. If you would really be teachable then embrace all the implications for your own behavior of what you learn and change accordingly. 

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Dancing Together with Jesus in the Heavenlies

Mark Virkler's picture

Question I received in an email from one of our readers: My young daughter went home to be with Jesus three months ago. When receiving counseling prayer about this, God showed me a vision of her in heaven with Jesus. They were playing and laughing together and she told me she was happy and not sick anymore. This encounter has brought my husband and me tremendous peace and comfort, but someone told me that it wasn’t “safe”. I’m just wondering… is it okay? 

Answer: During inner healing prayer times, we have been blessed to see Jesus give people glimpses of their loved ones in heaven and allow them to interact with them. This has provided powerful healing to the wounds in their hearts and changed their lives. The transformation is instantaneous and you can see their countenance change right before your eyes.

You are right that some folks may caution about this, because they may think it is "calling up the dead."  It isn't. There is a distinction. Let us share several examples of godly heavenly encounters and then we will follow these stories with a chart showing the distinctions between conversing with the dead and Jesus-initiated heavenly encounters. 

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one body

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see my body as a single entity? It is ironic that this view may be more prevalent among those outside of it than the members of the body. For those belonging to one denomination are aware of the distinctions between them and others, but those outside see more similarities. So when problems within any branch of the church occur, the view of the church as a whole is diminished by those outside. Take the broadest view possible when considering who is your brother and sister and neighbor, especially of those who believe. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples when you love one another. 

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far horizon

Dale Cresap's picture

The horizon is the visible line where the terrain meets the sky. It is the most distant thing you can see on the earth’s surface. Pilots use it as a reference for their attitude. The stars are further away, but they also serve as a position and directional reference for those who can read them. For those who are prepared to accept the idea there is a transcendent horizon. This is may not be visible, but it is a real source of directional reference for those who walk by faith. My word commends those who lived and died in faith, saying that they could see afar off, and sought a city with foundations in the heavens, whose builder and maker was God. How far can you see? 

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