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judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find it easy to judge strangers? If someone comes to you presenting facts about someone you don’t know, and those facts paint them in a bad light, do you find it easy to support the condemnation of the accused? What if the third person is well known to you, perhaps even your friend? Does this make you more likely to think of other evidence or extenuating circumstances to temper your judgment? You shouldn’t listen to gossip to begin with. Beyond that you are not called to judge because you are not qualified even if you did have all the facts available to you. Do you find me to be less judgmental than anyone else you know? You should, for no one is a stranger to me and I am rich in mercy, willing to give more weight to anything that could be considered in their favor, just as I have done for you. 

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rule of law?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the rule of law? Wars and revolutions were fought to establish the principle that the same rules apply to everyone. This is appropriate in the area of civil government and justice, but do you see the same principle in effect in my Kingdom? For some people in good faith and conscience follow different rules than you do. My word leaves the door open for this in saying that each one answers to his own master and should be fully convinced in his own mind. This should only seem unfair to you if you have a wrong perspective. Don’t look at the rules you follow as a burden, but as something that gives you life. 

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come home

Dale Cresap's picture

In the story of the prodigal son the younger son goes to a distant land to live an irresponsible life of self-indulgence. This choice ended badly for him as you may have expected. At this point the story says that he came to himself and realized that even with all he had done he was better off at home. Have you ever had an awakening of this type yourself, and realized that the choices you made for yourself weren’t working for you? Even if you knew this did you think you were trapped by the path you had taken, with no hope for restoration? Be encouraged and follow the advice of the rest of the story. Your Father is eager to have you come home. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word says blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Wouldn’t you think the statement would read blessed are those who are righteous or attain to righteousness? But I am willing to call blessed those who hunger and  thirst after it, even before they get it. Do you understand that you cannot obtain righteousness on your own? But the blessing is not spoken to those who are indifferent to it either. Hunger and thirst implies a tension between that which is in hand and that which is desired. Yet if you set your heart upon righteousness and make it your desire you have my promise that you will be filled. 

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God's Country

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard a place referred to as God’s Country? This is spoken with regard to the beauty of creation and I take it as a compliment. It is used to refer to natural settings rather than structures built by people. In ancient times I gave direction for altars to be constructed with natural stones not cut with tools to improve their fit. You appreciate the comfort and convenience of places built as houses of worship, and I do not discourage this. I will meet you there. Are you also aware of my presence in my great cathedral not built with human hands? I will meet you there as well. 

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replenish and subdue

Dale Cresap's picture

One of the first commandments I gave was to replenish the earth and subdue it. Now there is a popular environmental movement. If this involves caring for the earth, then are those who take part in it serving me? I intended this commandment to be followed in the larger context of relationship and obedience to me. Do you find this point emphasized by prominent environmental leaders? This commandment applies to you as well but I also make it clear that you are to worship the creator rather than the creature. You can tend the creation I have given you to care for without making and idol of it. 

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My Home

Dale Cresap's picture

You understand that a church is not a building. Then how do you view your church? Buildings are usually built for a purpose, so you are familiar with stores and schools and libraries and homes. My church is not a store and I made this point forcefully saying, you shall not make my Father’s house a place of merchandise. This statement implies the answer. A church should be a home for my Father. You are already familiar with homes, and know that the atmosphere of a home reflects those who live there. You are only comfortable as a guest if they are loving. Be mindful of my presence and influence as you enter my home and strive to manage your own home in such a way that I will feel comfortable as a guest there. 

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as children

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you pleased when your children grow up, and consider the term ‘childish’ to be an insult? Yet I said unless you become converted and become as little children you wouldn’t enter the Kingdom of God. After all the effort you put into moving forward and growing up, do I really expect you to move back? This implies that in the process you have lost some desirable qualities. What would they be? Consider the ability of children to be fully authentic. They haven’t yet learned the ‘benefits’ of a false sense of self to present an acceptable image to the world. Do you have the maturity to discard yours?

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to support my work financially, and you receive a lot of encouragement to do so from those in a position to receive such funds. It is reasonable for you to want your contributions to be effective, so you are wise to be selective and use discretion in your giving. You have heard of financial scandals within the church. Do you use these as an excuse for not giving? I will deal with those who misuse my money, but I am just as pleased with your sacrifice and act of giving even if it goes astray. For I love a cheerful given and it is still more blessed to give than to receive. 

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saving your life?

Dale Cresap's picture

What is saving your life today? You may find this question perplexing and recall the testimony of your salvation, the day you passed from death into life. That is still in effect, but that is not the question. You engage in practices that you are drawn to because of desire. They are vital and life-giving. Others you engage in because you feel you should, out of a sense of duty. These are both valid reasons and there is a place for both. Do you feel guilty for pursuing things that make you feel spiritually alive if you do them out of desire rather than duty? You have my permission to take place in activities that are saving your life today. 

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