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Dale Cresap's picture

Is it important to you to be productive? Do you hesitate to pray because you don’t see it as productive effort? Yet you know by my word and by faith that effectual fervent prayer avails much. Yet Christians with a mindset of productivity will apply this same concept to their prayers, making specific requests and looking for results. But what if there was an aspect of prayer that didn’t fit this model? Are you willing to let go of your agenda for a while that you may sit at my feet in mindful awareness in my presence that you may be changed by the encounter? What is on your agenda that is more important than this? 

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God Box?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of people putting God in a box? This is an absurd concept for someone who inhabits all space, time, and eternity, but you know people who do this. They have a limited concept of me and to make it worse they make strenuous efforts to defend the box from outside attacks. You necessarily have a concept of me. Can you hold this graciously, knowing that it is incomplete, and allow it room to grow? This is an act of maturity and wisdom. If your current concept is larger than your original one, then it is reasonable to assume that your future one will be larger still. Don’t worry about defending your God box. I will break it from the inside. 

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finish line?

Dale Cresap's picture

As you grow in your faith does it increase your awareness of how far you still have to go? This is normal and good. Do you find it discouraging, as if you are running a race and the finish line gets further away rather than closer? The finish line was always far away, but don’t be discouraged about your rate of progress. I care about your morale. My disciples had lived with me for several years when I told them I had more for them but they could not bear it until later. In like manner I do not willing afflict or grieve your heart. I will show you what you need to know when you need to know it. Sufficient for the day is the evil, and the grace, thereof. I will complete my good work in you.

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delivery or content?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you offended at vulgar language? How offended are you at mean and hateful thoughts expressed in polite language? Well-spoken and articulate people are just as capable of expressing ungracious and unloving thoughts as others. Isn’t the content more important than the manner of delivery? As with many things, you do well to avoid the use of vulgar language yourself. Can you be gracious enough to pay more attention to what someone else is saying rather than the way they are saying it? Let both your listening and your speaking be done with grace and love. 

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money and prayers

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the challenge to put your money where your mouth is? This implies a commitment beyond just words. Would the things you pray for benefit from donations? Cornelius was an officer in the Roman army, and as such a gentile outside of my covenant people Israel. Yet his heart was toward me and even the Jews took note of his alms to their poor. So did I, and his prayers and alms ascended before me so I set the stage for him to receive the full gospel message, which took visions and visitations to bridge the cultural divide. Cornelius was a man who put his money where his prayers were. Are you? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you accept the premise that I am unchanging? You have this as a doctrine based on the assertions of scripture. Are you fully convinced of it yourself? For you can read my word and get the impression that the rules have changed substantially regarding things like polygamy, slavery, and divorce. I was asked if a man could divorce his wife for any reason, since the Law of Moses had permitted this. I said Moses allowed this for the hardness of their hearts, but from the beginning it was not so. Many things you see as changing are not true reflections of my unchanging heart. If you look deeply for my steadfastness you will find it.

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good and smart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever confuse intelligence with character? Have you ever met simple people who are kind, and bright people who are mean? Intelligence and knowledge are highly rated in your culture, and you have an enormous educational system to develop them. Even if you accept the premise that intelligence is determined by genetics, you have a choice to keep your mind active or not, and everyone can learn more information. Do you have a method available that is as well developed, thorough, and systematic to develop your character? I want you to understand the value of this and give it due importance. Ask of me and I will teach you. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever received revelation from me? Blessed are those who know my voice. If you think you have not, or are not sure, how do you know or why do you think you have not? Do you think it requires an earthquake, a flood, or even a windstorm? I can be in these things but more often I speak in a still small voice. Do you think revelation requires you to solve thorny theological dilemmas? You can hear from me without doing this. The thoughts that I think of you are of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope, and I am willing to share them with you. When such thoughts come to you, think of them as a revelation from me. 

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coming soon

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised to return, so you can count on that. My word supplies some information about the events leading up to this, but I didn’t include a timeline, so people have taken it upon themselves to generate their own. Yet the many predictions of the date of my return have all turned out to be premature. How should you approach this issue? You know better than to set a date yourself. Should you concentrate on your own spiritual formation and ministry, or events to come? The certainty of my return and the realization that it could be soon should inspire you to be good and faithful stewards now. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Does it bother you that I expect you to grant forgiveness freely? Does it seem like you are letting the people who hurt you get away with it? Does it appear that this requires you to revisit offenses against you with no justice or resolution? I do expect you to revisit these situations but not for the purpose of obtaining justice. The process of granting forgiveness changes you. It allows you to release the offense and deal with it in a way that renders it harmless against you. My word teaches you to be transformed into my likeness. Granting forgiveness is a way that you can participate in this process.

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