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Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Blog

Do you think you have enough resources to carry out my plan for your life? Do you need more? Could you have too much? Consider my story of the vine and the branches. It teaches you to abide in the vine to bear fruit. It also teaches you that every branch that does bear fruit is pruned in order that it may bear more fruit. Pruning involves the cutting away of a living part. Does this seem like a bad alternative between being cut off and being trimmed? Obviously the first is worst. This doesn’t have to be a dilemma. How much do you value fruit? Are there things in your life you could part with to bear more? 

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People or ideals?

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Blog

Which matters more to you, people or ideals? If this is a difficult question for you, consider this: ideals are by definition unattainable abstractions of perfection, whereas people are real and feel pain. Does this make the decision easier? You can argue about which policies would result in the greatest good for the greatest number, and human government may require such considerations, but remember that the number are people. Didn’t I say regarding the Sabbath that it was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath? Did I even support harmful policies for their own sake? Never lose sight of the fact that if it isn’t good for people, it isn’t good. 

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Do over?

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Blog

Have you ever seen children playing a game and heard someone declare a ‘do-over’? This is common in disputed situations with no officials. There are even situations in serious contests between adults where such a ruling takes place. Do you ever wish there were do-over possibilities in your life? You know such a thing isn’t possible, but it isn’t necessary either. What I offer you is redemption. Do you think that this is limited to the forgiveness of your sins? I can apply my redemptive purpose to the dark things and bad choices from your past, even as Joseph said to his brothers, what you meant for evil God meant for good. Just give these things to me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Blog

Have you ever heard of sin described as ugly? This is true. Conversely, have you ever heard of love, generosity, and other virtues described as beautiful? This is also true. You live in a culture where beauty is understood to be a powerful influence, but you still have a distorted understanding of what it means, thinking it is outward surface appearance only, and so narrowly defined that it is awkward to remark about it except toward the opposite sex. Are you prepared to enlarge your understanding of beauty? The Psalmist desired to see the beauty of the Lord. Are you prepared to see me as the author of all beauty? 

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both ways

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Journal

Every financial transaction has a buyer and a seller, but not all transactions are financial. If no money changes hands then you refer to a giver and a receiver. But is it really this simple and one-directional? When you give, don’t you find that in the very act you get something in return? I said that if you were generous to those who could not repay you, then you would get a reward from your Father in heaven. Ask those who minister to the poor if they get anything out of it. So there is a blessing attached to generosity, and it is more blessed to give than to receive. It really does go both ways. 

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where to start?

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Journal

Where do you begin your spiritual journey? Do you think that church is an obvious place? But have you found that every church you encounter has “one true church” mentality to some degree or another? Perhaps this is not the best place to start. There are more basic questions about your own identity, and mine, where you belong, and what your purpose is to make a meaningful life.  These are an expression of universal spirituality because they are in the heart of everyone. These are the basic spiritual questions you cannot avoid. They can be answered in churches, but when dealing with new believers, let the questions be more prominent than selling your church as the right one. 

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insult to intelligence?

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Journal

Have you ever considered something to be an insult to your intelligence? This term covers a range of activities from belaboring the obvious to attempts to convince you of something obviously false. Do you consider revelatory knowledge to be an insult to your intelligence? For your faith involves the premise of truth claims such as the validity of the Bible. Many believers will accept the Bible and then proceed by their own efforts to figure out from it how they should live. Does your pride make you think you can do this on your own? Blessed are those who do not consider the leading of the Spirit to be an insult to their intelligence. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Devotional Journal

Are you familiar with the idea of established churches? In a strict sense this refers to government supported and sanctioned churches. Formally established churches are becoming rarer throughout the world despite antidisestablishmentarianism. Yet even without direct government involvement churches are considered a part of “the establishment” for good reason. But I and my followers were not. We were outsiders. The establishment is comfortable and predictable, but it is not in a position to be an agent of transformation because it is invested in the current system. Are you prepared to bear my reproach outside the camp and join the revolution?

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heavenly realm

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Devotional Journal

Do you think the boundaries of heaven and earth are rigid and fixed, and that there is no communication between these realms? Consider the time of advent. There were several heavenly messengers, signs in the sky, and the very first Christmas music program, put on by angels. This was an unusual time, but not entirely unique. For you are surrounded by and immersed in a supernatural world whether you are aware of it or not, and there have been other times of visitation. You know of the existence of this realm by faith. Are you prepared to see it with your own eyes? 

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always learning

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Devotional Journal

Have you ever heard it said that you are never too old to learn? Do you really embrace this principle, or do you think that above a certain age you are exempt from learning new things? There is more to know than any one person can know, and the body of knowledge keeps increasing, so you should be selective in what you acquire, but this and age should not limit your appetite for learning. You expect children to be teachable. Do you have the humility to realize how much you do not know, and to seek it out, and to change in accordance with what you find out? Learning will keep you alive and growing at any age. 

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