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Daily Word - thanks

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that happiness is linked to gratitude? You don’t just have my word on this. It is supported by scientific evidence. To explain this in simple terms you must know that there is something you need of great value to you that you cannot obtain on your own, but it is freely given to you. Wouldn’t you expect those with a sense of autonomy, independence, and self-sufficiency to be happier? But they are living an illusion, and this does not lead to happiness. Blessed are those who know that they are not separate and autonomous, who know they freely receive blessings, and know whom to address the thank-you note to. 

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Daily Word - Your Own Cross

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my followers to lay down their lives and pick up their cross and follow me. Paul mentioned that he had been given a thorn in the flesh as a messenger of Satan to buffet him. Do you think of these things as curses? Yet these are things of redemptive value so they cannot be curses. From his thorn in the flesh Paul learned that my grace was sufficient for him, and your cross is not a curse. It should be the normal expectation for every believer. You can see the redemptive purpose in my cross. Can you see the redemptive purpose in your own? If not, do not ask that your cross be taken away, but rather that your eyes would be opened to see. 

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Daily Word - you ain't seen nothin' yet

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider the Christian faith to be dignified? David danced before me, and before a large crowd of people, in a way that was a dramatic sensational spectacle. Enough so that his wife was embarrassed for his sake and mocked him with sarcasm. David replied that he would be yet more undignified. The modern equivalent of this is to say, ‘you ain’t seen nothin’ yet’. I liked his response more than hers. Have you ever been embarrassed by the exuberance of a fellow believer? Yet is it possible that your own resistance to exuberance works against you? Are there situations where it is appropriate? How can you be still more undignified? 

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Downloadable Brain Preference Indicator Test

Mark Virkler's picture

In 1981 Roger W. Sperry won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for producing evidence of left and right hemisphere brain functions. I (Mark Virkler) often discuss the difference between the function of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as well as ways to help you shift from one hemisphere to the other.

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Daily Word - seeking me

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you seek my presence? Do you know that you can’t escape it? You accept omnipresence as a matter of doctrine. Do you know this in your heart as well as your head? The Psalmist said ‘where could I go from your presence?’ because he saw me everywhere he looked. Other references say that in me you live and move and have your being, and I said that you don’t need to go here or there to chase the Kingdom of God, because it is within you. So can you see that seeking my presence is more a matter of increasing your awareness that I am with you always? How would you live if you understood this?

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Daily Word - New Years?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Times and seasons proceed in a continuous cycle, so picking a certain day to begin the year is somewhat arbitrary. Improvement is desirable, but New Year’s resolutions are famous primarily for being broken. What do you learn from this? Have you ever had your own self-improvement projects fail? Can you make a permanent change in your own behavior at any time by willpower? It is a revelation of wisdom to accept that you do not have complete control of your own life. Understand that I am in charge and will perfect that which concerns you in an ongoing process of transformation. Your time is always ready. You don’t have to wait for a new year. 

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Daily Word - Stories

Dale Cresap's picture

How selective are you in your choices of entertainment? Some people will accept whatever the industry provides, on the premise that they are just stories after all. This is faulty reasoning. You could just as easily say that my teachings consisted of stories and you would be right. The stories you encounter are a powerful influence in your life even if you know they are not true. How much more for stories that are true. The influence is greater if you are unaware that it exists, and the intent of the author can be benevolent or malignant with them also being unaware. Keep this in mind when you choose your stories. 

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Daily Word - The Helper

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you proclaim my message of life boldly? Are you concerned about making errors? This is an awesome responsibility. How would you like to have your gospel presentation reviewed and criticized by a panel of lawyers, theologians, and English professors? But what if people responded in spite of errors in the presentation? Don’t assume that the entire burden lies with you. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t go before you to prepare the ground and facilitate the process, then don’t expect it to succeed no matter how precise, eloquent, and persuasive you are. If the Holy Spirit is involved the worst mistake you can make is to remain silent.

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Daily Word - faith division?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you associate only with people who share your beliefs? It is human nature to seek out those who are like you, and left to themselves people will sort themselves out by income level, education, political preferences, interests, and many more. Does your faith become another dimension of separation from others, or does it help break down existing barriers? Even in a culture supposedly free of class boundaries, yours is quite stratified and internally divided. Don’t let your faith make it worse. Does your faith teach you of a common humanity, at least insofar as all are created by me in my image? Follow this idea to its conclusion.

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work and rest

Dale Cresap's picture

Daily Blog

I invited my followers to come to me and take my yoke upon them and find rest for their souls. What does rest mean to you? Is it the absence of effort, or the absence of care? You can enter into rest even while you are doing productive things by recognizing that the responsibility for all the world’s troubles does not rest on your shoulders. In comparison the yoke that I give you is very light, but how many people act as if they were responsible for everything? Martha was overburdened with care about many things, but how many people care about everything? If you pick up and carry the burdens I give you then you have chosen the good part for yourself. 

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