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Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells the story of two of my disciples who were on the road to Emmaus. It doesn’t say why they were going there, and Emmaus is not a prominent place in the Bible. Do you ever consider your own life to be quite ordinary, living in and going to places that are not special, and doing routine tasks? But the details of the business in Emmaus were not central to the story. The point was that my presence changed everything. This same principle applies in your life even if you consider it to be otherwise ordinary. My presence infuses divine life into your life and makes the ordinary extraordinary. 

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all things work for good?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever quoted the verse about all things working together for good for those who love God to someone in extreme heartache and tragic devastation? Have you ever had it quoted to you in similar circumstances? Which did you enjoy more? That verse is in scripture, but it is better for you to affirm and embrace it because I have given it to you than for some would-be comforter to quote it casually. This is a powerful statement if it is spoken in first person by someone in the midst of great suffering, to affirm their steadfastness in me and declare that good will come of it.

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one goal

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it easy to see the logic that you have to give up harmful and detrimental things to do the work that I have set before you? Is it harder to understand that you also have to give up things that are good and beneficial? Consider the most productive people you know. Are they involved in everything? You really can be spread too thin. Do you have a sense of destiny? You may have many things competing for your time and attention, but I have not called you to all of them. I have given you a future and a hope, and enough energy to carry them out. Lay aside weights, even those that are good, that you may run the race set before you. 

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cultural influence?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you influenced by the culture you live in? This is inevitable, even as a fish is immersed in water. This influence can be good or bad, or a combination of these. Are you aware of the influence your culture has on you? Don’t assume that you are. It takes a deliberate effort. You are so close to it that you accept its values unless you consciously evaluate them. I want you to make this effort. Then you can embrace and affirm the positive things that it gives you, and oppose and reject those things that work against you. A fish has no alternative but to live in the water, but it can swim against the current. 

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Watching over you

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that I am with you always, watching over you and protecting you? You have to sleep, but I don’t. You may be weary from self-preservation, but you would have greater peace if you knew I was doing this for you. Do you think you live in a dangerous world? You are aware of threats and hazards, but are you aware that I am greater than these and that no one can pluck you from my hand? I tell you not to fear, and give you every reason not to. Choosing peace rather than fear is more than a more pleasant frame of mind. It will allow you to walk the path that I have set before you and do what I have called you to do. 

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Led by the Spirit?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you led by the Spirit? How would you know? One approach is a logical deduction from scripture. If you know you are a son of God, you can make this claim by inference. That is not the same as knowing it by first-hand experience. How do you know this as a practical matter? Do you have thoughts that come to you during the day, popping into your mind from out of the blue? All these common figures of speech suggest that not all of your thoughts originate with you. I can speak in limitless ways, but this is a primary one you should be attentive to. If these are good ideas and you act in response to them, you will be able to see in hindsight you are led by the Spirit. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard that the visible evidence in support of the gospel message is the transformed lives of those who respond to it? Do you think that this transformation consists of going to church? Your unsaved friends, who are the focus of the Great Commission, to whom you are to be the salt of the earth and before whom you are to let your light shine that they may glorify me, do not see it this way. They think of church as the way you spend your spare time, even as they spend theirs in other ways. They think of this transformation as the way treat them and conduct yourself outside of church, and they are right. 


[leaving town for a few days]

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Dale Cresap's picture

When you meet an acquaintance and ask how they are doing, do you find that the most common reply is that they have been busy? Do you know anyone who would not claim this as the status of their life? Have you ever made the same statement to others? Does it appear to be an excuse between friends for not maintaining the friendship, or in a more general sense for not doing the important things that matter in life? My word contains an account of Mary and Martha. What do you learn from this? I know you have duties to fulfill. Can you relate to others without saying that you are busy? 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of fate? You believe in my sovereignty. Can you explain why Christianity is not a fatalistic faith? Fatalism does not refer to a loving God, but to some unknowable and impersonal universal force. It supports a view of people as passive objects drifting haplessly through time.  In the end it is a doctrine of hopelessness and despair. It may remain a mystery to you how my sovereignty and your free will interact, but my word to you is a call to respond and act. 

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flowing water

Dale Cresap's picture

My word refers to vessels, such as vessels of honor or dishonor. This term has fallen out of common use, but you think of it as a container and this is a good analogy. It could also be regarded as a conduit or hose, such as a garden hose. Have you ever used a garden hose to water plants? Do you see yourself in the same way? I spoke of living water flowing out of you. Do you understand yourself as a vessel not as a static, autonomous container of living water but as a channel of flow? It is good to understand this as symbolic of Christian doctrine. It is even better to walk in a conscious awareness that living water flows from you wherever you go. 

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