February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you celebrate Christmas? Most Christians do, although some abstain because of the pagan origins of some traditions. My word says that one esteems one day above another and others esteem every day the same. Both are acceptable to me, and each should be persuaded by his own conscience, and not judge the other. Yet many believers and even unbelievers celebrate Christmas with extravagant excess. Let your celebrations be times of joy rather than burdens. You have learned to look for my redemptive purpose in everything you do. Follow this same principle in the way you celebrate Christmas. 

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elder brother?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the prodigal son? This short story has many important lessons. Do you note that the father was more loving and accepting than the elder brother? This is important to know today because of the abundance of elder brothers operating in the world today. They claim to represent me, but the image they present is harsh and judgmental, and many people have a distorted understanding of me because of their message. I want you to know the truth and walk in the light. Disregard them and come to me that you may know my love and acceptance firsthand. 

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Disguised Blessings

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of blessings in disguise? Do you understand that I am with you always, and that means that you are surrounded by grace? This may be obvious when you come to my house of worship, when you pray and read the scriptures. Yet there will come times when this isn’t obvious, in the mundane routines of life, and times when you doubt it, in your trials and afflictions. My presence and grace surround just as much at these times, even if they are deeply hidden. They are easier to see in hindsight. Haven’t you looked back to see how I sustained you during difficulties even though you were not aware of it at the time? I want you to learn to be aware of the consolation of my Spirit when you receive it. 

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weaker vessels?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word refers to women as weaker vessels. Does this bother you? Note that the purpose and context of the passage is to give honor to women and it is not a statement of value. A string of pearls is weaker than an iron chain, but is not of lesser value. Note also that this occurs in the economy of grace, which is different from the usual striving for equality, or more often, domination. The Kingdom principles of laying down your life, esteeming others better than yourself, and in honor preferring one another apply universally to all at all times. If you can follow these then the question of who is the weaker vessel shouldn’t be an issue. 

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Serving servants

Dale Cresap's picture

In the story of Mary and Martha, it appears that Mary is approved and Martha is rebuked.  Yet I did not condemn Martha for what she was doing.  I just wasn’t willing to impose her demands on Mary. You will go through various stages of development in your spiritual growth. Along the way, you will encounter other people who are at a different place in their spiritual journey. You may ‘know’ what is best for them, or what they should do to advance, but you should consider carefully how to proceed. I am leading them on their path just as I am leading you on yours. If you want to help them, inquire of me as to how I would have you serve my servant. 

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You are not what you weigh

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that your identity does not consist of what you own? I taught that the abundance of a man’s life does not consist of what he possesses. Blessed are those who understand this, but there are some who do who still identify strongly with their own body, and they are not pleased with it. You are not what you weigh. You are surrounded by false images of artificially underweight people and you should not accept this as a standard. There may be good reasons for you to lose weight, but the real essence of your identity is spiritual rather than physical whether you are young and slender and fit or not. 

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dangerous world?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the world as a dangerous and hostile place? Do you understand that when I created the world I declared that it was good? Yet you know that you live in a fallen world. What does this mean? Does it negate my declaration at creation, so that the world is no longer good? After the fall there was a flood, and after that I promised seasons for planting and reaping, and I have kept my promise. Look around and decide for yourself if the world even in its present state still sustains life. This is a testimony to the one who created it, who also promised to send sun and rain on both the righteous and the wicked alike.

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spiritual taxes?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think there is nothing less spiritual than paying your taxes? I paid my taxes, and it involved a miracle with a fish and a coin. I also answered a question about paying taxes to distinguish between the things that are Caesars, and the things that are Gods. I did not say that the things that are Caesars are inherently spiritual, but I did use the occasion to teach a spiritual lesson. There are some things you must do in this world in the course of your life here, but you don’t have to accept a division of your life into the secular and the spiritual. If I could find a spiritual lesson in paying taxes you can too. 

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Hah! God likes Indian Motorcycles.

Mark Holloway's picture

God I was just this minute looking at Indian Motorcycles on the internet and feeling a bit guilty, feeling like I was wasting time.

Mark you’re not wasting time.


Your time is mine. I gave it to you. It belongs to you.

That’s a contradiction in terms God – it’s yours but it’s mine. What??

Yes your time IS yours, but it’s also mine. Everything is mine.


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