February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

whose side?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know of liberals and conservatives who are both eager to claim that I am on their side? Both sides claim they are right, even if they don’t agree with each other about anything. I warned that many would come in my name, and not to follow them. This concept of coming in my name can be understood broadly. They don’t have to be a false Christ for you to be wary of them. Beware of anyone who uses my name to enlist support for their cause that falls short of the fullness of truth. The question isn’t whether I am on your side, but whether you are on mine. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Who are you? When you meet people, is the first thing you ask them is how they earn a living? If you don’t volunteer that information to them they are likely to ask you the same thing. And so it is an accepted social construct to put forth an image of yourself in terms of your utility and economic productivity. There is status involved in outranking others, so these images are carefully cultivated and those who write them come to identify with them, but the essence of your being is more than this. Even in the realm of spiritual service I told my followers to rejoice not in this, that the demons were subject to them, but that their names were written in my Book of Live. Is this enough for you?

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Dale Cresap's picture

You can grasp a tree limb, and if it is sturdy enough it will support your weight, but this requires effort on your part and over time you will experience fatigue in hanging on. If you try to grasp water you will come away with a hand that is wet but empty, because water is formless. Yet if you are willing to be immersed in it you will find that it supports you. Are you trying to support yourself by the familiar forms you are accustomed to? Do you experience fatigue from doing this? You may not be as aware of me as you are of the sturdy things around you, but you are immersed in me and I will do a better job of supporting you without fatigue. 

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Thy will be done

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed that some people say that I exist and live as if I didn’t and others deny me in their words but live as if my commandments are true? Do you expect atheists to live in total lawless wild abandon? Yet even among those who declare my name and devote themselves to my service there can be a subtle form of denial. For some of these live and work as though their service in my Kingdom is based on their own initiative and effort. It is one thing to pray ‘thy will be done’ and then go ahead with your own plans, and another thing to continue praying until you know my will is revealed to you, and obey it. 

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love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

You are aware that extremists and countries at war make an effort to dehumanize their enemies to make them easier to oppose and fight. It is easier to hate if you can see no common connection between you. Yet my commandment to you is to love your enemies and do good to those who despitefully use you and persecute you. This is movement in the opposite direction. How can you make it easier to do this? You can look at your enemies not only as human as you are, but also made in my image. If you can see me in them it is easier to ask me to forgive them for they know not what they do. 

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life and death

Dale Cresap's picture

I said unless a grain of wheat dies it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. I spoke of myself but I also spoke a universal truth that applies to every grain of wheat, and for the purpose of the illustration, to every person.  I expect my followers to put this into practice. Laying down your life and picking up your cross to follow me are reinforcement and expression of the same principle.  Paul lived it out when he said he died daily, and that death works in us, but life in you. Therefore it is always valid to ask your fellow believers how death is working in them that life may come forth. Would you be offended if someone asked you this? Would you have an answer?

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cute bottles

Dale Cresap's picture

The purpose of a bottle is to serve as a container. You have seen bottles that are works of art in their own right, and in the world of commerce marketers know that packaging makes a difference in attracting customers and sales. I used the illustration of old and new wineskins and wine to describe the relationship between the moving of my Spirit and the forms and structures in which it would occur. The packaging can be a thing of beauty by itself, but when it becomes more elaborate don’t let it distract you from its real purpose. Keep your focus on the wine of the Spirit rather than the container even if it is attractive. 

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high level truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed that some theological questions result in an endless debate, which goes on for centuries without resolution? Does this disturb you? It helps to understand that there is a transcendent quality to your faith. I will reconcile all things, and there will be an answer for every question, but the answer may be above the plane in which the questions seem irreconcilable. Those things that transcend your current level of understanding are mysteries. Be content to live with them for now. It is better to carry the questions unanswered than to force your way into the wrong answer and fight with those who come to an opposing low level answer. 

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Circle of truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as living inside a circle, and seeking truth within it? Is your circle small or large, and does it have flexible or rigid boundaries? Do you know that there is truth outside of your circle? You can’t know this until you enlarge your circle or step outside of it to see for yourself. Your circle should not be rigid and static. Consider an illustration from nature. If you throw a pebble into calm water it will make a circle that continually expands until it disappears. I promised to guide you into all truth. If you are willing to follow, you will find your circle expanding until it disappears. 

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Obvious Presence

Dale Cresap's picture

If you have a highly developed sense of spiritual discernment you will be able to see me in those you meet whether they are believers or not. What about the same principle going the other direction? How much spiritual discernment does it take for other people to see me in you? It does not reflect highly on you if a high level of discernment is required. I want my presence in you to be obvious to everyone. Moses came down from the mountain with my presence visible on his face. My instruction to you is to let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me, because it is obvious that they are of and from me. 

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