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Why Do ONLY Right-Brainers Get Slain in the Spirit? Can Left-Brainers Experience This Also?

Mark Virkler's picture

When talking to the leadership team at Catch the Fire in Toronto, they confirmed that when they pray for people, not everyone is slain in the Spirit. For those who don't know, being slain in the Spirit is falling over (generally backward), when someone is in front of you praying for you. The understanding is that the Holy Spirit is coming upon them and this weakens them so they fall down, and then normally they rest under the Spirit's power as they lay on the floor and He ministers to them.

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Intercessor With Angel Wings

Mark Virkler's picture

Hi my name is Cheryl Bryan and recently when we were speaking at a conference in India I was completely amazed at the anointing an intercessor had on him while he prayed! His name is Sylvainus , he actually was the one who put together the conference. He spends most of his time in prayer and waiting on God! He calls it “sitting in prayer!” He dearly loves the Lord. I was amazed at the deep anointing that I sensed on him as he was praying! I told my husband I’m going to take a picture because his prayer is so moving and so touching my heart that I want to remember the fervency and beauty of the moment!!

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Why Doesnt the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 4

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If you have decided that you can live Scripture, and you want to learn how to have all the same spiritual experiences you have read about, then let us introduce you to the fruit of our three decades of intensive research and training on how to live and walk by the Spirit. This is available as Spirit-Life modules direct to your home for personal and group use.

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Why Doesnt the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 3

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If God's wisdom comes from God through His Spirit as words of knowledge and words of wisdom, then I need to learn to live tuned to my heart and my spirit, rather than tuned to my mind. Wow! So how do I do that? Part 3 - How Do I Live Tuned to My Heart? The hyperlinks below will jump you to progressive sections within this article:

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Why Doesnt the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 2

Mark Virkler's picture

Can You State the Approach You Use for Discovering Truth? Just because you have never asked yourself, “What is my approach for knowing?” does not mean you don’t have one. “How we know” is something philosophers have struggled with for thousands of years. They call it “epistemology” (a system for knowing). Before I knew of or reflected on my epistemology, I still had one. I was just not aware of it.

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Why Doesnt the Church Offer More Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles? Part 1

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: Why doesn’t my church take dreams seriously? I have lots of dreams. In the Bible God gave dreams which provided counsel, guidance, gifts and promises. I want this! Why isn't there more training on it? I don’t want to have to go to the New Age movement to learn about the supernatural.

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I Fear I Have Committed "The Unpardonable Sin" or Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!

Mark Virkler's picture

I have written this blog because I have had four people in the last three weeks approach me with fear that they had committed the unpardonable sin.

The unpardonable sin is: "hardening your heart so it no longer responds to the Holy Spirit."

Let's explore the role of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, so we can respond properly and continuously to His leadings.  

On the cross, Jesus' blood was shed once as an atonement for all sin. As we respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and in faith accept Jesus' shed blood on Calvary to wash away our sin, we are cleansed and born anew by the Spirit.

Our fellowship with Almighty God is restored! We can experience daily walks with Him in the Garden. Sometimes I walk with Jesus along the Sea of Galilee and sometimes Jesus asks me to come meet Him at His place, so we stroll through the courts of Heaven! Relationship is restored!

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