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Power Portals - Stepping from One Level of Spiritual Power to the Next

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I just finished reading Joshua Mills' upcoming book, Power Portals and I found it very inspirational and helpful. We all have noted that certain people have anointings in their lives for specific tasks. These include healing the sick, creating wealth, evangelizing with power and authority, releasing divine creativity and healing a specific illness, to name a few. Each of these is the manifestation and release of a specific anointing of the Holy Spirit.

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In My Passion to Live by the Spirit, I Looked Up ALL 1400 Verses on Heart and Spirit

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When I want to master a topic, I begin by looking up everything God has said about that subject in the Bible. I pray over these Scriptures, asking for revelation, and then journal out the insights God is giving me. I recommend this approach to all. This way, you are not receiving information that has been passed down for hundreds of years. You are not getting man’s ideas. You are receiving directly from God as you meditate on His Word under the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

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Tongues Are Like Sniper Guns

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Praying in tongues is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:7-11). It is a gift from God, enabling us in our prayer lives. When we pray in tongues, we speak mysteries to God and build up our spirits. Sounds really good to me! Why wouldn't I want to do this?

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself. I wish you all spoke with tongues (1 Cor. 14:2-5).

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Mary, Anna and Diana Experience the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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I asked, received, doubted, quit and started again – by Mary Baldner

After I learned about the opportunity to speak in tongues, I did. However, it sounded like such gibberish I felt I was making it up so I quit. So after that, I prayed for a long time to receive this gift. Then I started again and guess what, the tongues sounded the same as before. Now I just go with it and even have received interpretations some times.

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Sue Caley Shares Her Experience of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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Multiple fillings with the Holy Spirit brought me alive

I had been a Christian for about six years and was feeling that my heart towards Jesus had grown cold, my prayer life was practically non-existent, my walk with the Lord was superficial, and I kept thinking that there must be more than this. I kept sending up prayers to God asking Him to fill me with the Holy Spirit. At the same time I was scared as I didn't know what would happen. The Toronto blessing happened and God poured out His Spirit on certain places in England where I live. I met in my home with a youth worker. She prayed for me and the Holy Spirit filled me.

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Michelle and Marlene Share Their Testimonies of Holy Spirit Baptism

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Simple for me and hard for Mom - by Michelle Simons

I became a Christian in the 80’s when people in our area (Ottawa, Ontario) were just beginning to talk more seriously about the Holy Spirit. My mother (who had a Catholic background) and I, age 16, were attending a small Anglican church. One of the landmark books that everyone was reading was Holy Spirt and You by Dennis and Rita Bennett.

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Margaret and Roma Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit

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Margaret Cornell - A blanket came over me – it was the Holy Spirit

I had been seeking God for a number of months and one night Jesus appeared to me in my bedroom. Recognizing that He was truly the son of God I fell at his feet and surrendered my life to him.The next day I knew something radical had happened in my life; I felt full of love and joy and peace. I didn't know it but I had been born again.

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