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10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles

Mark Virkler's picture

To my knowledge, Albert Einstein was not a Christian but let’s not forget that God granted revelation to Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar as well. I greatly respect Einstein because I see him releasing God's creativity in the marketplace. He offered divine solutions to solve mankind’s problems. As Christians, is that not what we all hunger to do?

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What's Wrong with Protestant Theology's Foundations?

Mark Virkler's picture

I don’t want to live out of a theology period, but especially a theology which was established in reaction to theological abuses! I want to live out of the voice of my Heavenly Father through daily walks with Him in the Garden, also referred to as “living by the Spirit” or “abiding in Christ”.

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Is There Something Better Than a New Year's Resolution?

Mark Virkler's picture

I have discovered something far better than a New Year's resolution: It is a Divine Commission. Every January 1st I ask God what area He wants me to focus on as I begin a new year. I listen and I record what He tells me. I then focus on that area until I have mastered it and the Lord tells me it is time to move on.

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Quantum Principles & the Spiritual Dimension

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: What exactly is quantum physics, and why would I care about it?

Answer: Quantum physics is a field of study which describes the properties of matter and energy at an atomic and sub-atomic level. It helps some people if they can realize that the absolute cutting edge of scientific thinking and research is verifying the realities we find recorded in Scripture - things like walking on water and Jesus appearing in a closed room without going through a door. Quantum physics does this and more. It proves to scientists that there are more dimensions than the four we are accustomed to (height, length, width and time), thus opening them up to the “spiritual dimension” and spiritual realities.

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