Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - narcissism

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Do you think narcissism is a serious and widespread problem today? Do you find it easy to identify in other people? This is basic selfishness that has gone by various names and has been a characteristic problem of humanity from the beginning. Do you know anyone who thinks it is a problem for them? By inference, would you know if it is a problem for you? My word gives the cure. Deny yourself, lay down your life, and pick up your cross and follow me. But there are more people who can readily identify narcissism in others than those who are eager to embrace the cure for themselves.

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daily word - heaven here?

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Do you expect to go to heaven when you die? Do you think that you went to heaven when you were born? Do you think of this as a fallen world and see only problems? This is a negative and inaccurate view. Consider the conditions that you inherited that are favorable to life. The magnitude of gravity is just right for you. The atmospheric pressure which depends on it is perfect as is the composition of air.

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daily word - happiness?

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Have you heard that you can’t buy happiness? This has become such a mindless cliché that people do not ask the next obvious question. If you can’t buy happiness, then how do you get it? If the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental right then how can you obtain it? The first premise above implies that it lies outside the realm of commerce. I have a destiny for you that is as unique as your DNA. I don’t intend to keep it a secret from you but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it.

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daily word - quality of criticism?

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How well do you receive criticism? Do you find it easy to receive correction when it is given graciously in love? What about when it is not? What about criticism that is mean and harsh? Do you find it easy to dismiss correction that is not given in love? Yet it may be just as valid as criticism that is. It takes a greater measure of grace to receive mean criticism, but I call you to a level of maturity that the only thing that matters is whether you will benefit from it. Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil God meant for good.

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daily word - peacemaker

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Do you consider it important to be a peacemaker? I said that such people are my children. In what situations would you be able to make peace? How many people does it take to make a conflict? Some people are conflicted within themselves but there is an underlying reality to the proverb that it takes two to tangle. But not just any two. It takes two ungracious people to sustain a conflict. If one gracious person is involved they will go the extra mile and turn the other cheek to avoid sustaining a conflict.

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daily word - dead ritual?

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Are you familiar with the concept of going through the motions? This implies that there can be the right movements without deliberate thought or heart engagement. You have heard this phrase. Have you ever done it? The rituals of your faith can be powerful tools to take you to places you could not go without them. They can also be dead and dry and devoid of life. At the end of the Old Testament I said that no one closes a door for no reason. If this tiny action is done for a purpose then how much more should you have a purpose to kindle a fire on my altar or anything else you do for me?

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daily word - science and poetry

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Do you read scientific books? Do you read poetry? Do you consider these to be the same thing and evaluate them by the same criteria? Don’t you rather evaluate them by the intent of the  author? No one has the same expectations for a scientific textbook and for poetry. How do you regard my word? You do well to regard it as true and to believe it, but is that the end of the story? For the distinction between a scientific book and poetry is still valid. Peter’s affirmation of me is still true, that I have the words of life. Yet they find their meaning according to the intent of the author.

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daily word - answers

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Do you have questions for me? I have answers for you. Do you prefer answers that are straightforward and direct? I do not promise that I will answer this way. I gave my audiences answers in the form of parables. The answer was embedded in the story for those who were paying attention. For those who were not it was just a nice story. Sometimes the answers I give you are embedded in the story of your own life. Are you paying close enough to see my answers to your questions there? He who has ears to hear, let him hear, and he who has eyes to see, let him see.

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daily word - here and now

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The biblical emphasis on salvation by faith alone is very strong, yet it also says that faith without works is dead. If you are trying to decide who shall ascend into heaven and who shall descend into hell, then you have some difficult choices to make, but this is not your job. Stepping back into the here and now and looking around, what do you see? Do you see everyone who makes a profession of faith walking in the fullness of life and love?  How would you describe the people whom you consider to be the most spiritually mature? Do they see their lives as transformative journeys?

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daily word - holy ground?

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Do you believe in the idea of holy ground? Most believers would consider church property to be in this category, but it is not the property or even the structures on it that would make it holy but the people who meet there. I instructed my people to build structures for worship and I met them there, but these were temporary measures. I demonstrated my true intent when I poured out my spirit on all flesh. My Kingdom is within you and the Comforter I sent indwells you. So perhaps there is holy ground.

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