Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - Yes!

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Have you ever met a contrarian: someone whose first instinct is to oppose you, to find fault with whatever you do, to say no? Unfortunately these are not rare. There are some questions for which the answer is no and some for which it is yes. Which do you favor? Some people think of me this way, but they are wrong. Consider the way I am represented in the story of the prodigal son. The father says yes to some shocking and inappropriate requests and the short term results are exactly what you would expect.

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daily word - encounter sequence?

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Back in the day, the patriarchs and other faith founders had encounters with me. They were forever changed by these experiences and went on with a deep sense of mission and purpose to influence the course of history. On the day of Pentecost there were many who encountered me, and the Spirit added to the church daily those who were saved. Fast forward to today. Do you think that everyone in your church has had an encounter with me? Which do you think is the normal progression of events?

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daily word - do and teach

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One of my final instructions to my followers was to do and teach all that I commanded them. What did this consist of? My followers were familiar with the law, and I said that the law would not pass away until it was fulfilled, but my message was different from the religious establishment that opposed me, for whom the law was a beginning and an end. The law was a complex and detailed, and a heavy burden to carry. My commandments were few and simple. What did I teach my followers beyond loving God and loving their neighbor, broadly defined? Do and teach this, and it will be enough.

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daily word - set the bar?

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How high do you set the bar for those you would minister to? Consider my own example. Did I ever ask anyone to recite the Ten Commandments before I would heal them? What did I ask? I typically only asked if they wanted to be healed. Even I wasn’t going to force blessings on them against their will. Other than that I required no payment or knowledge or commitment. In other words I set the bar really low. I have commissioned you to go forth and do the same things that I did, and given you the power to do these things in my name. in doing this you should follow my example.

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daily word - coals of fire

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Are you eager to cause your enemies pain? What about heaping coals of fire on their heads? That sounds very painful, but the Bible says you should do it. Yet this passage is not written in the context of aggressive torment, but rather of conviction by your example. Treating your enemies better than they would expect from you should activate their conscience. So don’t be surprised if your acts of love towards those who oppose you makes them uncomfortable. Is this a loving way to treat your enemies?

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daily word - offense?

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Do you think more offense is given or taken? This question can only be answered if there is an objective standard for what is offensive. An offense requires two parties, just like a transaction requires a buyer and a seller, and in this case neither side can claim to be loving and gracious. You are warned against giving offense in that it is better to be cast into the sea tied to a millstone than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. But if you would be truly gracious, then you can learn to overlook personal slights and offenses and not be offended by them.

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daily word - One true church?

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Do you believe in one true church? Some people think that one true church is their church. They know better than to claim that they are the best, or the greatest in the Kingdom of God. But that doesn’t stop them from making a similar claim about their church. For an individual to make such a claim is rare, but to make such a claim on behalf of a group is quite commonplace. This is one step removed and not quite as blatant, but it is still arrogant. My body has many members and my mansion has many rooms. I have other sheep who are not of this fold. So is there one true church?

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daily word - worship or follow?

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Have you heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? There is a basis for this in that we seek to emulate that which we admire. It is an affirmative response to change your own behavior. Do you worship me? I am pleased to receive this, but did I ask my disciples to worship me or to follow me? I came to earth for many purposes, one of which was to provide an example for you to follow, and another was to enable you to do this. Worship can take many forms, and I am eager to accept them all.

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daily word - evangelism?

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Are you an evangelist? You may think this is an office and title but my Great Commission was given to all believers. Do you have a hobby or favorite pastime or team? Don’t you find it easy to talk to strangers about something you love and have enthusiasm for? You can patiently explain the details about why it is important to you and you don’t consider it a burden to do so. This is a universal principle for all activities, beliefs, and associations. So the concept of evangelism is inherent in the human spirit.

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daily word - humans?

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What do you know about humanism? Is this word, particularly paired with secular a code word for atheism? But doesn’t it imply a favorable attitude toward humans? Consider the commandment that I gave second priority after loving God, that you love your neighbor as yourself. Consider how I spent my own life. I declared the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, but I spent more time helping people and healing them, which is the practice of a doctrine of the Kingdom of God. Is doctrine or human compassion of greater importance to you?

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