Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - seek truth

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Do you have favorite teachers and authors? Are you prone to accept what they say with less scrutiny than others? On the other hand, are you skeptical of those without a ‘name’ and reputation, and more prone to reject what they say? I am not a respecter of persons and you should not be either, but I know this is hard for you. I promised that if you seek you would find. If you love the truth then seek it and rejoice when you find it. It doesn’t matter whose voice speaks it, or whose pen writes it down.

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daily word - progress

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In times past chloroform was used for general anesthesia. This was considered a great medical breakthrough. It is no longer used this way, since it is now considered toxic above a 2 ppm level. It was an increase in knowledge that led to its medical use, and a further increase in knowledge  that led to its replacement in this application. You can be glad for both things.

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daily word - God's secretary?

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How do you see evangelism? Like sales or marketing? These are common activities you are familiar with, but is proclaiming the gospel message just like selling a product? Do you see it as a secretary making appointments for the boss? Your task is to introduce people to me, or facilitate their encounters with me. In the corporate world, a prudent secretary knows who should have access to the boss and when, and a wise boss will trust the secretary and honor the appointments. I have given you the authority to act as my secretary. If you make appointments for me I will honor them.

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daily word - absolutely?

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Are you familiar with the concept of moral relativism? How often do you hear people say, ‘everything is relative’? Yet how much more often do you hear people say ‘ultimately’ or even more so, ‘absolutely!’. These are usually used in a context that has no connection to anything ultimate or absolute. Furthermore these terms do not belong in the lexicon of relativists. The fact that they are used so freely reveals an underlying hunger for something that really is absolute to provide a foundation for a framework of meaning.

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daily word - junk faith?

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Are you familiar with the difference between junk food and real food? Junk food is loaded with calories but not much else. It doesn’t have the essential nutrients you need. Do you think there is a corresponding parallel between real faith and junk faith? Real faith is transformative and the process this involves is unsettling. Do you know believers who are secure and comfortable and in whom there doesn’t appear to be any growth or change taking place? If your faith isn’t challenging you to move forward then how much nourishment are you deriving from it? Let me be your dietitian.

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daily word - faith and belief

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If I received Abraham on the basis of his belief, and nothing that you currently think of as essential doctrine had been developed yet, then what did he believe? His belief was not based around a list of assertions, but in a living God. He believed me, and acted in response. You describe your faith as a relationship with me. Doesn’t this approach seem more relational than assent to a list of propositions, even if they are true? I challenged my audience to search the scriptures in which they thought they had eternal life, to see that they testified of me. Come to me and live.

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daily word - believe what?

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And Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness. And so began the strong Biblical theme of believing. What comes to mind for you on the subject of believing? Creation? Infallible scriptures, virgin birth, sinless life, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Christ? Do you judge people and assign them an eternal destiny based on their response to these few questions? The list of things that are considered essential to the Christian faith is rather short, but Abraham would have had no concept of them.

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daily word - first commandment?

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Do you think breaking the first commandment is a serious matter and a common occurrence today? What do you think of as the first commandment? You shall have no other gods before me? You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? How about, you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? I offered a choice to Adam and Eve, that they could live in relationship with me, or they could figure things out on their own.

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daily word - rich?

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I have chosen the poor to be rich in faith. Do you understand this? Have you observed this for yourself? Troubles come to all, but the rich have enough money to buy their way out of it, and they can proceed with their life as if nothing had happened. The poor know that they cannot be their own salvation and when troubles come they have no resources available to deal with them other than to trust in me. By this method the wealthy avoid opportunities for growth and development and the poor become rich in faith. Do you want to be rich enough to buy your way out of trouble?

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daily word - secure?

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What do you see as your basic identity? Does being a child of God seem too simple? Do you feel the need to embellish this with group identification, academic and other achievements, titles, offices, successes, skills, and honors? Be careful. Anything you attach your identity to you must defend at all costs, because you must regard an attack on it as an attack on the essence of your being. These are not false or bad things, but they are not the real you either. Don’t you find it tedious to be around those who are so insecure they must spend their time proving they are somebody?

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