Ben Lunis's blog
Please spend time with Him!
Dear ones,
Our beloved Lord wants me to assure you of His great love for you, how special each one of you is to Him. All He asks is that you spend time with Him, coming into His presence, where He can communicate with each one of you. Our Lord so treasures your being with Him, seeking His face. He asks the question, "How can I truly bless you when you choose to spend your time doing your own thing?"
Time to wake-up!
Good morning, blessed Holy Lord Jesus, what would You say to me today?
Ben, I would say that this is a day in which to rejoice! I would say that My return
is very soon! Oh that My people would awaken to My call to them to come to Me
so that I can heal them and their land. I will continue to allow events to take place
as a wake-up call to My own!
Lord, what else do You have for Your beloved people today?
Spend more time in His presence!
Blessed Holy Lord, a word for Your people, please.
Ben, would that My people spend more time in My presence.
Too many continue to do their own thing, not spending time with Me.
Do they not know that I am the source of everything? Do they not
know that I want to bless them in every way possible? Continue to
pray that the eyes and ears of their hearts be opened to Me so that
I can fully minister My love and My blessings into them. I will continue
Praying is a privilege, not an obligation!
Good morning, Ben, I am glad that you are seeing prayer for others as a privilege rather
than an obligation. This walk with Me is so different in so many ways than the ways of
the world. Yet it is My desire that your walk on planet earth is My way. When I say ‘your’,
this includes all of My people. So many continue to do their own thing, making it difficult
The big picture.
While the following journal is partially directed to me, our Lord asked Me
to share this with you:
Good morning, Blessed Holy Lord Jesus, what would You say to me today?
Ben, rejoice! I am coming soon! Let My people know. Encourage them to seek Me,
seek My face! Rejoice! We do win! I know the end from the beginning. I see all
that is in between. I do see the big picture! You are starting to see the big picture,
which makes you more valuable to My Kingdom!
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Jesus, how do You define the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Ben, it is good that you wrote "the Gospel of Jesus Christ". Sadly, there are other gospels
out there, even in My church. My gospel is the gospel of grace, and not the gospel of law.
As you are learning, too many of My children find themselves going back under the law
in order to prove their worth to Me or to their "church". My gospel is the message of grace
and grace alone! My gospel includes freedom, being set free from bondages. My gospel
Come to Me as little children.
Lord, Jesus, what is Your word today for Your beloved children?
Yes, My beloved, you are all My children! Oh that you would learn to come to
Me in child-like faith so that I can bless you with all of My blessings. You have
made life so complicated while a walk with Me is not that way. Look past your
religious trappings and simply look to Me for all of your answers, both great
and small. Think about how a child reacts - simply, joyfully, full of eager anticipation.
Come to Me!
Lord, I need a word for Your people. I have not been diligent.
Ben, though you have been slow in some ways due to your body’s needs,
know that My words to you are timely.
My beloved children. Today is the day that I have made for you! Today is
another day in which to rejoice and be glad in! Come, come, spend time
with Me. Come often into My presence so that I can bless you with all of
My blessings. It is not a difficult thing to do, to spend time with Me - and
How long, Lord, how long?
Jesus, how long will you put up with our nation? There is so much happening contrary
to Your words, plus so many of Your children continuing to do their own thing.
CBN news showed in the Texas statehouse a group of pro-life supporters singing
Amazing Grace while another group of abortion rights supporters shouted "Hail Satan".