daily word - follow me

Dale Cresap's picture

What did I ask of those who responded to my message? All I asked is that they follow me, and this is still true. Yet I told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give the money to the poor, and then to follow me. Was I placing a burden on him that I didn’t expect of others? I could see that his possessions were an existing burden that he could not bear and follow me at the same time. So following me may require a realignment of your perspective and values, and of your situation. This requirement was not general, but specific for him.

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daily word - scapegoat?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you remember the story of the scapegoat from the Old Testament? The sins of the people were pronounced upon a goat and it was driven away. You may point out that this practice has been done away with in the Christian faith, according to your understanding of redemption and atonement theology, but the word has still entered common vocabulary. Do you think this is no longer practiced? What about churches that pronounce all the evils of society upon atheists, Muslims, gays, or even those of different political opinions and ‘drive them away’ as those who are completely outside their group?

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daily word - time or money?

Dale Cresap's picture

Which is more important to you, time or money? When you go to church do they ever have a stewardship program for time? Yet I regard your time more highly than your money. Money can be abstract and applied at a distance, even for good causes, but time is immediate and present. When you give of your time it is more personal than giving of your money, and it is an equalizer for which there are no rich or poor. How you spend your money is an expression of your character, but so is the way you spend your time. I alluded to this when I told my disciples that their time was always ready.

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daily word - joyful

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you joyful? Is this obvious to people around you? Children don’t have to be taught to express their joy. You can read it on their faces quite easily. In many cultures and churches the same expressions are discouraged in adults. Do you belong to one of these? Does this suppression enhance or diminish your life? Do you find the expression of joy by other people to be uplifting or embarrassing? Your response to this may make you self-conscious about expressing it yourself. Self-consciousness and suppression do not serve you well. Find a way that you can make a joyful noise to me!

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daily word - hungry?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you happy when you are hungry? Have you found that other people are grumpy when they are hungry, and lacking energy and interest in anything besides food? Could this be true of you too? The same thing goes for thirst. But I tell you to hunger and thirst after righteousness. I go beyond this and say that those who do so are blessed. Why is this? For hunger also focuses your attention and serves as a motivator to seek fulfillment. You seek what will satisfy your appetite, and everyone has an appetite for something.

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daily word - self-righteous?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are there self-righteous people in the world? Are you one of them? How would you know? You may recall from my encounters in the Bible that those whom I considered to be self-righteous didn’t think they were. And so it is possible to have this problem and not be aware of it. The same Biblical accounts indicate that this is a serious matter worthy of investigation. How can you find out? You could ask your fellow believers to examine you, but they may be too close to be objective, since they may have the same log in their eye that you have in yours.

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daily word - love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love your enemies? Do you think that this is the hardest commandment to follow, and even more difficult in concept than a camel passing through the eye of a needle? How is this even possible? Do you love me? Do you believe that all men (and women) are created in my image? If you hold this as a basic premise of creation, then can you see my image and likeness in every person you meet? This is an act of faith, and some people make it easy for you and others do not. Your enemies may make it hardest of all, but if you can see me even in them then you can love them.

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daily word - running away?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed a big increase in the number of atheists recently? It appears to be a trend. How many atheists do you know that didn’t come from a strict religious background? How many atheists arrive at their position from an objective evaluation of first principles, and how many take it on as a reaction against spiritual abuse? It grieves me to see my church creating atheists. How should you approach them? Know that the wounds that they have received and the pain they experience are real.

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daily word - prodigal son

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Are you familiar with the story of the prodigal son? This is one of the most familiar stories among believer and non-believer alike. Do you find it shocking? Do you relate to any of the characters of the story? No one likes to think of themselves as the elder brother. Do you see yourself as a prodigal son, or are you present in the story at all? Are you fearful of approaching me because you see me as a God of judgement and wrath? Was the son expecting a warm welcome?  Is it possible that you read the story and missed the main point?

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daily word - appetite

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of ruining your appetite? If you have a big snack of junk food just before dinner you won’t be hungry for dinner, which is probably better for you. This term is commonly used in regard to children, but the principle applies just as much to adults. Does it go beyond the physical and material? Do you have a spiritual appetite as well as an appetite for food? I said that those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness would be filled, so they were blessed. Have you ever sought out some substitute that ruined your spiritual appetite?

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