daily word - how do you hear?

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible records an account in which a prophet listened for me in dramatic events like a storm and an earthquake, but I was not in those things. Yet afterwards he heard me speak to him in a still small voice. In what way do you hear from me? Do you require a lot of drama? Have you ever had a faint impression of a course of action you should take, and ignored it, and realized later that it would have been a better choice? I speak to you in the same still small voice with which I spoke to the prophet.

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daily word - silence

Dale Cresap's picture

All speech is different, but is all silence the same? You could argue that the absence of sound is silence, and there is only one version of that, but has that been your experience? Have you experienced both profound silences and awkward silences? Certainly these are not the same thing. I answered my critics in such a way that they didn’t dare ask me any more questions. This is different from a situation that is so embarrassing that no one knows what to say. Have you made a joyful noise before me? At other times have you realized that you should keep silent?

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daily word - least of these?

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you see as the least of these? Do you automatically and only think of the poor? There are people who have their basic needs met who are in even more dire conditions. What about those who are alienated and isolated? The branch cannot bear fruit apart from the vine. This refers to me, but the same concept extends to human community. At that point it doesn’t matter whether you have much money or none. Can you see me in all of these? You can give money to the poor to relieve their condition. What can you do for the alienated and isolated to integrate them into the human community?

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daily word - love the poor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love the poor? An objective reading of the Bible would indicate that they have privileged status in the Kingdom of God, but who is eager to be poor to gain this? Do you love the poor enough to donate money for their relief? In the modern economy you can provide for the poor without having to come in contact with them. Do you love the poor enough to meet with them, to hear their stories, and to find out why I consider them to be rich in faith? Do you identify with them, knowing that you too are poor in spirit, and that this is your access point into the Kingdom of God?

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daily word - silent support

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Have you ever heard the advice, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all? Do you follow it? Have you encountered people who do not? Glib and trite responses do not do justice to the depth of tragedy that people face. Ill-considered replies make things worse. Do you see this as a negative precept? It doesn’t have to be. But what can you do? Your presence even in silence is a source of comfort and support. Job’s (false) comforters even had the decency to do this. You can ‘hold space’ with and for other people in silence.

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daily word - busy?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you tell people that you are too busy to maintain a friendship with them? You may not phrase it so bluntly, but if you use busyness as an excuse for not keeping in contact it is the same thing. Have you had others give you this excuse, or have you offered it as an excuse for them, saying that you know they are busy? This can be a gracious way to excuse people who are not willing to put any effort into maintaining a friendship, but everyone has the same number of hours in a day, and who do you know that doesn’t make a priority of the things that are most important to them?

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daily word - Who are you?

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you think you are? Have you crafted an identity for yourself according to your current interests and life status? Do you identify with your clothes and your car? What about your favorite team? What about your house or the city you live in, or the way you earn your living? These are tastes or circumstances and subject to change, but are they the essence of your identity? These are not the real you. How far are you willing to go with this? Do you identify with your church? Yet you can change churches. Does the essence of your being change when you do?

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daily word - Great Commission Conversation

Dale Cresap's picture

I have given you the Great Commission. How do you view the work of evangelism? Do you see it as a sales pitch? Even if those are not the first words that spring to mind for you, have you seen the gospel message presented this way? Did you find it to be presented fairly and well-received? This is not the only approach. You could also think  of evangelism as a long conversation. It may take many installments. Be patient for the effort is worthwhile. This is more interactive than a presentation, but don’t you feel more invested in a conversation when your own voice is heard?

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daily word - sacred wounds

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible speaks of suffering afflictions. Do you think this has any purpose, or is it just pointless pain? Consider the best people you know. Not the wealthiest or most prominent, but the most Christlike. Do they come from backgrounds of privilege and entitlement, comfort and ease? Hasn’t their character been formed in the crucible of the difficulties of life? How else will you obtain a broken spirit and a contrite heart? You may find these things painful for yourself, but don’t you find them to be attractive in others? Think of your wounds as badges of honor and rank. I do.

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daily word - how big is your circle?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a hunger for belonging? This is an inescapable part of the human experience. It is a drive as strong as hunger or thirst. How close a fit do you require of a group to get a sense of belonging? Who wouldn’t like to have a supportive close circle of like-minded friends? Have you searched for this and found it hard to obtain? For you are a unique creation, and the same is true of anyone who would be part of your group. Are you hungry enough for belonging to go outside of your comfort zone to make connections? How large can you make your circle of belonging?

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