daily word - positive reward?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard the passage that says, fear not those who can kill the body only, but fear him who can destroy both the body and soul in hell? This may be sound logical, but it still expresses a grim perspective. Yet it is logically valid to change the perspective to a positive one. Do not follow after and admire those who can reward you only with money, or popularity, or the fleeting rewards that are available in this life only.

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daily word - What motivation?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is money the only thing that motivates people? You are fully immersed in a commercial economy for which the implied answer is yes. Failure to ponder this question is implicit agreement with the premise. Jobs (and people) are ranked monetarily. But the Bible says woe to those who are rich, for it is hard for them to enter the Kingdom of heaven, and the poor are rich in faith, and you cannot serve God and mammon. Is there an alternative? What about an economy of life satisfaction? What would that look like? You don’t have to wait for the government and the economists to implement this.

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daily word - meaning?

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Do you lead a meaningful life? This is an undeniable longing in every human heart, but how many people would you describe this way? What does a meaningful life consist of? This isn’t something you can do by yourself. No matter how great your ability to live the life of your choice, you must commit to something greater and larger than yourself to find meaning. How far can you go with this? I said that unless a grain of wheat dies it abides alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit. You know I was referring to myself, but this is a universal law, and applies just as much to you.

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daily word - liminal space

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Have you ever been in liminal space? Are you familiar with this term? This is where change occurs. It is full of opportunities for growth, but most people don’t go there voluntarily, because it is outside their comfort zone. This is where the status quo breaks down, but this must happen if it is to be replaced with anything new. Have you ever felt this tension in yourself? Part of you wants to move on and another part of you can’t let go. These times will come to you even if you do not seek them.

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daily word - opportunity

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Have you ever been aware of encountering an opportunity that I arranged? When the door is open to move in redemptive purpose, especially in unlikely circumstances that you did not arrange, do you realize that I made this appointment? What do you do if it comes at an inopportune time? Does this put you in a dilemma? I didn’t promise to open doors for you only when it is convenient for you. I told my disciples that my time had not yet come, but that theirs was always ready. So the concept of opportunity cost applies even in the Kingdom of God.

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daily word - new friends?

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Do you have lifelong friends? Have you ever felt a divine unction to change the direction in your life and move into something new? Did your friends approve of the change? If not, then this puts you in a dilemma. One resolution would be to follow my direction for you and make new friends. There is value in a multitude of counsel, but in some more than others. As the direction of your journey changes, it is normal and appropriate to acquire new travelling companions. You don’t have to break contact with those you have long known, but you don’t need to let them set your course.

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daily word - dogma2?

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Do you belong to the one true church? Most Christians know better than to claim that their denomination is the one and only, and yet who doesn’t think that their own church is better than others? Are you biased toward your own tribe? Yet have you ever found truth outside of your tradition? If you haven’t you aren’t looking very hard. Some are not open to the possibility of this and that is a mistake. Even if your church has valid aspects of the truth it doesn’t have all truth.

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daily word - dogma?

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Are you dogmatic? Do you know people who are? Have you found that people who are dogmatic over theology or ideology or politics tend to be angry and depressed? If it is important to you to defend the faith in this way then then that is the price to pay, but is it necessary? Consider the example of my own life. Would you say that I was dogmatic? Think of healing on the Sabbath, keeping company with sinners, accepting outsiders. Didn’t I put people ahead of doctrine, and accept those who acted in faith and love even if I could have emphasized errors in their beliefs?

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daily word - tribe?

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Do you belong to a tribe? This term has a connotation of primitive simplicity, but the basic human need for belonging to a group has always existed and is just as strong today. Don’t you seek out the regular company of those who are like-minded to you? Church is one version of this. How many congregations cut across the lines of income, cultural background, and political ideology? What was my tribe? Didn’t I depart from the structure in which I was raised and speak directly to the common people? Can you see that I put a special emphasis on the outsider, the weak and powerless?

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daily word - time

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How do you perceive the passage of time? Have you heard that time flies when you are having fun? Have you found this to be true? Have you found that a lack of engagement causes time to drag on? Time is the most precious gift you have because it is the stuff life is made of and you want to use it wisely rather than having it be a burden to you. Don’t kill time, put it to good use. When you do so it will seem to disappear quickly, but this just means you have fully spent it well.

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