daily word - 1 or 2 way?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that communication can be one-way or two-way? For the flow of information in one direction counts as communication, and anything that is broadcast or printed is an example of this. You are a passive receiver with no opportunity to interact with the author. This is a successful means for the dissemination of information, and one-way communication can occur even in person, but don’t you find interactive communication to be more satisfying? In this case you can both hear and be heard, and experience a give and take exchange.

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daily word - help from whom?

Dale Cresap's picture

When you need help do you prefer to get it from those of your own community by the principle that ‘we take care of our own’? Do you find it hard to accept help from those outside of your group? Is there anyone from whom you would refuse help? Have you ever considered the story of the Good Samaritan from the perspective of the man who was hurt? How do you think he felt about getting help from a Samaritan? Have you ever been in such dire need that you would accept help from anyone who offered it, no matter how alien from your own familiar group?

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daily word - Elijah now

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Do you consider truth to be eternal and unchanging? You are right. But every generation needs a voice to remind them of it. Elijah lived long before me, but those in my generation correctly understood that God would send Elijah before the coming of the Messiah. I declared that this had taken place, and that John the Baptist was serving as Elijah to prepare the way for me. Do you also understand that God will send Elijah before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord? Whose voice will declare eternal truth to this generation? Don’t think of this as limited to an individual?

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daily word - value of freedom

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Do you enjoy your freedom? Do you appreciate the luxury of unlimited possibilities? Even my word tells you to stand fast in the liberty in which I have made you free. But freedom doesn’t exist as an end in itself. It is an open door to find the future that is right for you. Of what value is your freedom if you don’t spend it to commit to your own destiny? In like manner, of what value is money if you don’t have anything to spend it on? Have you observed the loneliness and isolation of those who can’t relinquish their freedom to make a commitment?

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daily word - counterweight

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Are you familiar with the concept of a counterweight? Elevators typically have a large mass about the same weight as the car that moves in opposition and serves to balance it, reducing the power requirements. This is standard engineering practice. Is there a human equivalent? You live in a world of commerce. This is not an evil thing, but it does have its own system of values it wants you to adopt. You also live in a spiritual world with a  different system of values.

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daily word - universal faith?

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Do you think of faith only in terms of doctrines and creeds? This puts you in conflict with others who have other doctrines and creeds. Yet faith is a universally admired virtue along with courage and generosity. But to come into agreement on this you need a large version of faith that applies universally. If you commit yourself to a worthwhile cause or task that is much larger than you, and apply your efforts to it, do you know what the outcome will be? Do you know if you, even working with others, will change the world? You do not.

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daily word - Spirit led?

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Are you led by the Spirit? Is this something you are conscious and aware of in the moment? Can you explain how it works? If you don’t have a regular approach to receiving guidance in the moment here is something to try. When you encounter a situation in which you need to make a decision or that seems like an opportunity to speak for me, pose the question in your mind, What can I do right now to further your redemptive purpose in this situation? Do this with intention and expect a response. If an answer comes to you then consider that it may be the leading of the Spirit.

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daily word - character and money

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Do you spend a lifetime acquiring knowledge and character? Do you also spend a lifetime acquiring money? Which do you think is more valuable? Even those who are not believers will rank character and education ahead of money. Yet these things depart with you when you leave this mortal life, while your money stays behind. Those who receive your money will be glad to get it. If character is still more valuable, how will you spend it now to obtain the benefit of this greater value while you are still alive?

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daily word - desired

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Are you desired? Is there anything more validating for a  person than to be wanted by others? Conversely, is there anything worse than being rejected by others, to be ignored and considered undesirable? Have you noticed that your culture enforces a rigid hierarchy of attractiveness, in intelligence, social standing, financial worth, and particularly physical appearance? Even if this code is unspoken it is real, and everyone knows where they fall on the spectrum. Most of these qualities are assigned at birth rather than earned, so what do you do if you didn’t win the lottery?

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daily word - inside or out?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as an insider or an outsider with regard to your faith? How do you see me? I went to church up until the time of a dramatic departure and never went back. Yet I never renounced my Jewish faith of origin. I spoke of new wine and new wineskins, and this is an enduring principle. I raise up prophets in times when change is necessary. They cannot be outsiders who have no credibility in the organization. Neither can they be insiders who are too firmly attached to the status quo to challenge it. The most effective change agents stand on the perimeter.

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