daily word - honor

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in honor? Is honor worth dying for? Does it sound noble minded to say, death before dishonor? Could this be an expression of pride masquerading as honor? Consider my apostles. If they are regarded as the highest office in the church, should they be given the most honor? Yet consider the description of them in the Bible: a spectacle unto God, angels, and men. Being cursed they bless, being reviled they entreat. As far as human dignity they are considered the off-scouring of humanity. Is it possible that this world and my Kingdom have different definitions of honor?

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daily word - spending

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What do you spend your money on? Most people spend most of their money on themselves. This is normal because you have bills and living expenses, so you support yourself with the money available to you. You are fortunate if you have enough to be generous and thoughtful with gifts and donations to others. The more important question is what do you spend yourself on? For your life will pass whether you make a contribution to humanity or not. There is a parallel between spending money and spending yourself. You can spend money on yourself or be generous, and the same is true of you.

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daily word - make connections

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Have you had people approach you with suggestions that they claimed were good for you, but you suspected the presentation was because it was good for them? Sales pitches are easy to recognize. But some things are good for both. Do you connect people together, forming a bond between those who also have a bond with you? A good friendship benefits all who are involved. I commend unity between brothers. How does this come about? It doesn’t happen without a connection, and someone has to make the bond. Blessed are those who bring about the unity of brothers. This can be you.

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daily word - war and peace

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Do you refer to me as the Prince of Peace? This is one of my titles, and my life bore this out. I asked my Father to forgive those who killed me, for they knew not what they did. Have you noticed your fellow believers with a bias toward marital metaphors, battles and warfare and enemies, and weapons and tactics? Do you see a problem here? My word says that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal. The spiritual conflict you are in does not compare closely with the military conflicts you are familiar with.

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daily word - fear not

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Have you heard the expression that you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, and it is all small stuff? This is a glib and trite expression of a spiritual truth. It is not all small stuff. Having said that, I did tell those who would follow me they should not worry about tomorrow, or what to wear or eat or drink, because the body was more than raiment, and their Father in heaven knew they had need of these things and would provide them. Even with my simple illustrations I was always pointing my audience to the transcendent Kingdom of God.

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daily word - questions

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Do you have questions? Do you insist on answers for your questions? Unanswered questions do create tension, but being too eager to resolve these questions prematurely can lead you to accept wrong answers. It is better to live with an unanswered question than a wrong answer. Some questions do not lend themselves to simple answers and you may have to live your way into the answer rather than having one provided for you. Therefore do not resent those who leave you with questions for they are providing you an opportunity.

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daily word - sin?

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Do you divide activities between those that are sinful and those that are not? How do you make the distinction? Is this something that can be reduced to a list? Perhaps that is too strict and too simple at the same time. Is this what you refer to as legalism? Perhaps a better approach would be to evaluate activities by criteria. Does some activity make you more caring and considerate of others, more active and engaged in your own pursuits, and more aware of the Kingdom of God within and around you? You should do more of this. Does it have the opposite effect? You should do less.

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daily word - who are you?

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What is your identity? Do you know? You may have some documents you can present for identification to satisfy official requirements, but this is not the same thing as understanding who you really are. Don’t assume that this is something you know automatically. It makes more sense to assume that it will take a lifetime to find out. Do you identify with your possessions, career, family, hobbies, and appearance, or other demographic markers? But these things are not you, and you should not settle for these lower levels of understanding yourself.

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daily word - family?

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Do you think of family as central to the practice of your faith? How large is your family? What did I have to say about family? When I was informed that my family was at hand, I said that my family were those who did the will of God. This is hardly an affirmation of blood relations. Throughout history family ties have been a strong distinction for acceptance, and by implication, rejection of those who are without. This is the original basis of tribalism that has served to create divisions among people.

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daily word - best gift

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What do you think is an appropriate gift for another person? Most of these are measured in monetary terms, even if thoughtfulness counts. You can only give away what you have. Do you have a sense of confidence regarding the future? Even in difficult times, do you see the universe unfolding according to a master plan? Do you know that you have a part in it, and so does everyone else? Do you know that there is a benevolent supreme being giving you a future and a destiny for good? Blessed are those who know this, but not everyone does.

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