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daily word - homeless Jesus

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that foxes had holes and birds had nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head. This was my way of saying that I was homeless, not having even the same degree of secure shelter that the animals had. Do you see anything in the Bible that attaches me to a fixed address? I wandered without property, being a guest in other people’s homes, and went from a manger to a borrowed grave. What is your view of those with no means today? Do you see them as being rich in faith? Do you encourage them to rejoice because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs?

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daily word - instruments

Dale Cresap's picture

You have perceptions of reality. Do you trust them? Are they always reliable? Have you ever found that you are mistaken about something you thought to be true? Student pilots are taught to believe their instruments. This lesson is emphasized because there are situations that lead to false perceptions when the instruments are correct. Have you faced similar situations in life? Pilots are fortunate to have instruments to keep them from becoming disoriented. What do you have that may conflict with your perceptions that you nonetheless accept as a reliable indicator of reality?

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daily word - holy air?

Dale Cresap's picture

Some churches use holy water in their practices. What about holy air? Air and water are both common elements and readily available, but water is more easily contained and controlled. I described the operation of the Holy Spirit by saying the wind blows where it will. The Holy Spirit is available to you but you cannot contain it. In like manner you depend on the constant availability of air to live and breathe, but you have no control over the supply. Do you recall that I animated the human race by breathing life into Adam? Do you look at breathing as a spiritual practice?

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daily word - wheat and chaff

Dale Cresap's picture

Radio broadcast engineers make a distinction between signal and noise and define a signal to noise ratio. I talk about the separation of wheat and chaff. Can you see the parallels here? Wheat and chaff are metaphors you can and do apply to what people say. Do you find that some people are prone to speak insightful, profound truth consistently and other people speak mostly chaff? Yet if you make the effort you can find something worthwhile in the statements of most people. So this puts the burden back on you. Can you distinguish between signal and noise?

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daily word - functional atheists?

Dale Cresap's picture

You meet professed atheists who reject my existence. Have you ever met any functional atheists? These may not deny my existence, but they go through life claiming that they take care of all their own provision, and that they are responsible for all of their developments and transitions. You do not accept this position, but how can you refute it? I claim that I send the sun and rain on the just and on the unjust. This would include those who acknowledge my provision and those who do not.

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daily word - disciples

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you take the Great Commission seriously? Are you aware that it is about making disciples rather than converts? Yet the process begins with making converts, so this is implied rather than stated explicitly. Have you ever made a convert and been pleased with yourself for doing so? There is rejoicing in heaven for every lost sheep brought into the fold. But this is the beginning rather than the completion of your work. You wouldn’t abandon a newborn infant to the elements or to their own devices. The same arguments apply for those who respond to the gospel message. Feed my sheep.

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daily word - Holy Water

Dale Cresap's picture

There are some denominations that have practices involving holy water. Ordinary water is blessed and used for sacramental purposes. Other denominations do not follow these practices. Do you? Could all water be holy water? When I created the world I said that it was good. This is a blanket statement, but don’t overlook or diminish it for this reason. Water in particular is essential for life, and you are fortunate if you have an adequate supply of clean water.

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daily word - sacred nature?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to spend time in nature? People are drawn to hike in the woods, to seek out parks and lakes and streams and mountains, and this is true even if they can’t articulate the reasons that they are attracted to do this. Is this a spiritual experience for you? Consider how many of the founders of the faith had their encounter with God in the wilderness, including me. It is possible to be drawn to outdoor sanctuaries without understanding why. When you do it is it with deliberate intent to seek me? If you seek you will find and if you walk in the woods I will meet you there.

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daily word - anger

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you often angry? My word tells you to be angry and sin not, implying that anger comes in more than one version. You have already seen the sinful version that includes hatred, and bitterness, and judgment. Have you ever seen true righteous anger that is free of these contaminants? It is easier to claim righteous indignation than it is to practice it. Anger can be a motivation to address and correct an injustice, but the same passage above says it is best dealt with quickly, before the day is over. Anger has a short shelf life for spoilage. What version of anger do you practice?

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daily word - sales pitch

Dale Cresap's picture

If you were making a sales pitch for the gospel message, what would be your selling points? The forgiveness of sins? Are your friends in despair longing for this? An effective sales pitch must relate to a felt need on the part of the customer. If they don’t realize the need for what you are selling; they won’t buy. Is there another approach? What if you presented the message as a means for dealing with their alienation, isolation, and loneliness? Would this capture their attention and be more likely to get a response?

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