daily word - The News

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you watch the news? Have you ever been away or out of your normal routine so that you had to get caught up when you returned? Did you find that you had missed very much, or not very much? When you do watch the news, how much of it is repetitive, shallow, superficial, sensational, and transitory? How much of it is directly applicable to your life, let alone deep and profound and permanently enduring? On this basis would you benefit by more exposure to the news, or less? If anything important happens you will find out. Would you benefit with fewer distractions and fleeting images?

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daily word - in favor

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you more sure of what you are opposed to or what you are in favor of? I compared the generation I encountered to children playing in the market. We piped and you wouldn’t dance, we played a dirge and you wouldn’t mourn. I was referring to people who thought that John was too ascetic, and I was not enough. There is no pleasing some people. It is easier to tear down than it is to build, but what do you have to show for your effort? Resist the temptation to appear sophisticated and worldly wise by disdaining everything. Commit yourself to something positive and pursue it and build. 

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daily word - literal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you take the Bible literally? Does this work in every case? I told my followers that unless they ate the flesh and drank the blood of the Son of Man they would have no life in themselves. Later I told them that this was my body broken for you. Do you take these passages literally? If not, then are you able to affirm the reality and substance of symbolic language? If so, you can find greater depth there than in the literal meaning, which is normally the narrowest and least insightful approach?

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daily word - deceived?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been deceived? Are you now? How would you know? For inherent in the concept of deception is that you hold a false view without being aware of it. Can you identify and eliminate deception from your life on your own? It would seem that you need other people, but if you are serious about doing so then you should seek out encounters with those outside of a small circle of like-minded people for they are probably subject to the same deceptions that you are. How large a circle are you willing to draw? The other essential thing is a willingness to revisit long-held beliefs.

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daily word - passage

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever taken part in a rite of passage? There are milestones of passage such as getting a driver’s license, being able to drink and to vote, but these are more related to ages rather than rituals. Ancient cultures understood the importance of these transitions but they have been virtually abandoned in your consumer culture. Is this a gain or a loss? You have an educational system. Does it teach people what to value and guide them through the transitions of life to maturity? Have parents, and the culture as a whole, abdicated this responsibility?

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daily word - The future

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Do you know the future? I have given you some indications of long range outcomes in scripture, so you can be confident that the story as a whole has a happy ending. Can you see the path from here to there? There are many prophets of doom who see nothing but decline and despair as a current condition and going forward. Others project extensions of their own ideological positions into the future. Both of these should be suspect. Since you don’t know the future whose guidance should you respect and how should you approach it?

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daily word - future and hope

Dale Cresap's picture

A promise from back in the Old Testament is that I have a plan for you and that my thoughts toward you are full of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. Do you find comfort in this? Do you know what your future is? It is an act of faith to believe this future exists even if you don’t know what it is. What conclusions can you draw from the trajectory of your life to date? Are you in control of the direction of your life? Have you already seen it unfold in directions that you didn’t anticipate, that were beneficial for you? I still have a future and a hope for you.

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daily word - money

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Is the subject of money ever mentioned in your church? Is it ever mentioned in a context other than encouraging donations? It is appropriate to talk about money in church, because I had a lot to say about money, but did I ever ask for donations? I said that wherever someone’s treasure was there would be their heart also. So your whole approach to money, which is visible and concrete and real, is a reliable indicator of your innermost values.

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daily word - perfection

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a perfectionist? This term is not normally intended as a compliment, but I told you to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. So it sounds like being a perfectionist is the only acceptable goal. But it is not that simple. I criticized the Pharisees for the way the split hairs over the finest points of the law, but ignored the more important issues of compassion, justice, and generosity. So even within the context of perfection there are priorities and ranked values. Do you think that I have unfairly placed an impossible burden upon you?

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daily word - silent prayer

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your view of prayer? Do you see it as communication with me? Do you fill the entire time with your requests and expressions of gratitude? I do not reject this, but would it be better to treat prayer as a two-way exchange, much in the same way you dialogue with your friends? Remember that I am your friend. If you offer me the chance to speak, what do you expect to hear? Do you want answers to your questions? Do you think the exercise is a failure if you only encounter silence?

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